Talk with Snape

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Andromeda's POV

"Professor, Draco will be worried about me" I tell him.

"You will see him, once you tell me the real reason you were in that bathroom" he tells me.

"Hermione told you, she..." I start to say.

"So it's Hermione?" he asks me and I curse myself. "I think it's best we don't lie to each other Andromeda" he tells me as he sits down. "Now why don't you start form the beginning and explain your relationship to Hermione" he suggests.

"She's my best friend" I relent avoiding his eyes. "I meet her at Madame Malkin's, we were getting our robes fitted for school. She told me straight away she was muggle-born. But when I looked at her, I didn't see someone below me. She's gifted witch, I don't understand why my family think muggle borns are dirty. We've been best friends all year in secret" I explain.

"Why keep it a secret?" he asks me.

"I'd be disowned if my family found out" I whimper.

"Andromeda, what happened this evening?" he asks me gently.

"During the uproar I snuck away, I knew Hermione wasn't somewhere safe and she didn't know about the troll. I went to warn her, I thought I could get her to teacher and we'd be safe. But the troll appeared I managed to protect her until the boys arrived. Then with team work we knocked the troll out. You and the other professors arrived as we went to find a teacher" I explain.

"Did you know your father wasn't always my closest friend?" he asks me and I look at him surprise. "Her name was Lilly Evans, she was in Gryffindor and muggle born" he tells. "We were best friends for nearly six years, we lived close together in the muggle world and saw each other before school started. We were each others only friends in the muggle world" he explains.

"What happened to you guys?" I ask him.

"I made on stupid mistake, fell in with a bad crowd. I'd just been bullied and she saved me. But I took my anger out of her, I called her a mudblood. She never forgave me, fell in love with my bully. Married him and had a child" he explains.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that" I tell him. "But it prove one thing" I add smiling weakly.

"What's that Andromeda?" he asks me.

"That you're braver then I am, you never cared about what others thought of you being friends with her. I hide my friendship with Hermione, like a coward" I state.

"That maybe true, but you have a special friendship with Hermione. I lost mine, I won't let you lose your friend" he tells me.

"So you won't tell my family?" I ask him.

"No, but you shouldn't live in fear Andromeda" he tells me

"But I can't lose my family, they are all I have that's not in Azkaban" I tell him.

"Really? What of your godmother?" he asks me.

"Never meet her, mum won't tell me who she is. Apparently Dad would be furious if he knew" I say shrugging.

"Did you know that your mother has another sister?" he asks me.

"Aside from Aunt Bellatrix?" I ask confused. He nods his head. "Really? Who?" I ask him.

"Her name is Andromeda Tonks" he states.

"Andromeda, but that's my..." I start to say.

"Name, Narcissa misses her thought she acts like Andromeda doesn't exist" he states.

"But why?" I ask him confused.

"Because Andromeda married a muggle born" he states. "She too was in Slytherin, like you. But she always had a soft spot for Edward Tonks. So after school they eloped, her family disowned her after that. They made sure her sisters married respectable purebloods. Of course, your mother loves Lucius. But she misses Andromeda" he explains.

"So she named me after her and made her my godmother, that's why my father would be furious?" I ask. He nods his head. "Whoa, that's a lot to take in" I say as I sit down.

"How would you like to meet her?" he asks me.

"How?" I ask. "Father would never approve, mum would never go against him" I state.

"Leave the details to me" he tells me. "Now return to the common room, I'm sure Draco is very worried about you" he adds. I get up and go over to the door. "Oh and one more thing tells me" he states. "Twenty points to Slytherin for honesty" he says and I smile.

As soon as I enter the common room I'm pulled into a bone crushing hug. "Where have you been?" Draco demands when he pulls away.

"I was in the girls bathroom, now I'm tired" I tell him. I head over to the girls dorms and Coco jumps onto my shoulders. I smile patting him under the chin.

"We'll discuss this tomorrow, Andromeda" Draco tells me. I said 'whatever' and go upstairs. I go into my dorm that I share with four other girls. I got ready for bed as Coco made himself at home on his spot on the bed. I soon join him and curl up beside him falling asleep.


Picture above of Professor Severus Snape's office.

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