Tonks Family

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Andy's POV

I'm packed for my weekend with my godmother and her family. Though I packed a few potion books as my family believe I am going to stay with Professor Snape. Coco is coming with me. I shoulder my bag and grab the cat carrier. That Coco is sleeping inside of, thanks to a little catnip.

I go downstairs to see Snape has already arrived. I hug mum and Draco goodbye. But shake my fathers hand as Snape sends my things away. I then go to his place first. He then apperates us to a small village.

"Where are we?" I ask him confused.

"Cornwall" he says simply as he walks away and I follow him. We go to a two story house by a lake. He knocks on the door and a young woman who looks like she only just completed Hogwarts. She has short bubblegum pink hair and dark brown eyes.

"Professor Snape, what are you doing here?" she asks confused.

"Is your mother home Nymphadora?" he asks her.

"Don't call me Nymphadora" she snarls as her hair turns red.

"You're a metamorphmagus!" I exclaim excitedly. "I've never meet one before" I state stepping forward as her hair returns to a bubblegum pink. "I have so many questions" I tell her smiling. Just then a woman with brown hair and gray-blue eyes, like my mothers.

"Narcissa" she says shocked looking at me.

"Guess again auntie" I tell her smiling. "Or should I call you godmother?" I ask.

"Mrs Tonks, allow me to introduced Andromeda Malfoy. Daughter of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy, your goddaughter. Her parents believe she is with me for the weekend. But she will be with you" Snape states before disappearing.

"Sorry about him" I mumble. "I just never knew you existed until this year and was dying to meet you. But father would never approve and mum would never go against him" I explain.

"It's quite alright dear, why don't you come in out of the cold?" she asks letting me in.

"Oh and one more thing, call me Andy please" I tell them.

"Call me Dora or Tonks" Nymphadora tells me.

"Sure thing cuz, when did you complete Hogwarts?" I ask her curious.

"This year, I start training in the new year as an auror. Once I pass a few tests" she states.

"Awesome" I say smiling. "I fancy myself as a healer in future" I tell her.

"My husband and I are taking a course in healing, with our daughter's future career. We believed it'd come in handy if we had to stabilize her or nurse her back to health" Aunt Andromeda explains.

"Could you teach me a few healing spells?" I ask hopeful.

"Maybe, I take it your bag and cat carrier are the ones in the spare bedroom?" she asks. I nod my head. "Nymphadora, go help your cousin unpack" she tells Dora. Who grumbles about her name but has me follow her.

"So how come you don't like your name?" I ask her.

"Before Hogwarts, people called me a Nymph and I hated it. And it's to long" she explains.

"I agree, that's why I have friends call me Andy" I tell her. "I call my best friend Mione, she's muggle-born" I add. She looks at me surprised.

"Of course my parents and brother don't know about our friendship. They'd disown me for being friends with Gryffindors in general. If they knew my best was muggle-born, I hate to think about what they'd do" I whimper.

"Hey, it's ok" she says wrapping an arm around me. "No judgement here" she assures me.

"I always thought they were my only family you know and now I know about your family. It seems nicer then mine" I mumble as we enter a room. I unpack as she pats Coco.

"You know if you ever wanted a different home, you'd be welcomed here. After-all you are my mother's goddaughter and family. We would never judge you for being friends with muggle-borns or being in a different house to Slytherin. I myself was in Hufflepuff, like my dad" she explains.

"Wow, I never heard of anyone from the Black family being in Hufflepuff. Gryffindor, yes. But not Hufflepuff" I tell her shocked. "I wonder what house I would of been placed in, if I let the hat choose" I muse.

"You're like my mum, she to asked to be placed in Slytherin so that she could stay with her family. She had secret friends in other houses, her sister knew nothing about. You both are very similar" she states. I smile proudly and we're called downstairs.

Once there we're greeted by her father. "So you're the young witch Dromeda was talking about. I'm Ted Tonks, but call me Ted" he says holding a hand out and I shake it.

"Andy" I state.

"Well come on, Dromeda made us all lunch" he states and we go to the living room. I was surprised we'd be allowed to eat on the couch and not forced to ate in the dining room.

"We only use the dining room on special occasions" Dora says seeing my expression and I nod my head. Food was served by Dromeda and we all get to know each other better. Dora was right, Aunt Dromeda and I have a lot in common. But she is nowhere near as much as a bookworm as I am. I told them about my friends and classes.

"You are always welcome here Andy dear" Aunt Dromeda tells me.

"Yeah, it'd be great to have a little sister around" Dora says in agreement.

"At least I'll have one male companion" Ted chuckles patting Coco.

"Thank you all and I hope we can stay in contact" I tell them smiling.

"So you're here for the weekend right?" Dora asks me.

"Yes, Snape is suppose to pick me up Monday morning" I state.

"Great, lets go have a snowball fight. Then tomorrow I can introduce you to some of my friends" she states.

"Sounds great" I say smiling. We finish eating and run off to play. She won of course and Aunt Dromeda had drawn me a warm bath. She had also laid out dry clothes and sent Dora to the other bathroom to shower. I bathed and put on the warm dry clothes.

I returned to the living room and Ted gives me a mug of butterbeer. Which warmed me up immediately. The rest of the weekend flew by and I was sad when I had to say goodbye. But we all promised to stay in contact. Snape took my back to the manor and left straight after. Draco then dragged me to go throw the quaffle around.


Pictures above of Ted, Andromeda and Nymphadora Tonks. Picture on the external link of Andy's outfit.

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