Past Lies Uncovered

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 Dean sighed, as he sat alone on the roof staring at the night sky; his Raven like usual, sat perched silently on the roof beside him keeping watch. It had been a long damn day, the visions were driving him fucking crazy, they appeared out of nowhere, with no damn warning and he had to fight to keep control of himself every time they happened. The visions were so damn real feeling to him and he could actually feel himself doing whatever horrible thing he saw in them. He was just grateful that he had Keeper with him to keep him from doing or saying, that was something he thought he'd never ever say about that asshole! It was exhausting trying to keep his Vamp side buried and he spent more time doing that, then he did concentrating on the battle with Vassago.

 It bothered, it worried the hell out of him that Vassago has been as quiet and inactive as he has. The bastard has never gone this long without some kind of communication or attack, so where the hell was he and what was he planning? Dean knew the only way to find anything out would be to try and mindlink with Vassago. For some reason though, Dean still didn't want Keeper to know that he could mindlink and since he was always with Dean there was no way for him to do it. He sighed frustrated and ran his hands over his face, before the thought hit him, Keeper wasn't with him now. He could mindlink with Vassago, check on him and no one would ever know.

 Deciding to risk it, he closed his eyes taking a deep breath and cleared his mind completely; he hoped that it would finally work for him. He remembered everything he could about how to do it; he was worried though since it had been a long damn time since he's tried to do it himself. He had no idea how long he had been sitting there trying; lost in the process, but nothing was happening. He was getting pissed that he still couldn't, after all, this time make a damn mindlink work. Suddenly, just as he was about to give up it finally started to work, he could hear Vassago's voice; it was quiet at first, almost like a whisper. As he concentrated harder though, he began to hear him a little louder, and eventually, he began to see images too; they were blurry at first, almost clear. Suddenly, he was thrown into Vassago's body instead of being an outsider and he could see and hear everything perfectly. At the exact same time that happened though, his Raven cried out breaking the connection between him and Vassago. He was thrown back into his own body; his eyes flew open, as he took a deep breath, before he began coughing trying to calm down. A few seconds later, he was back to normal and about to kill his damn Raven, but stopped when he heard Keeper calling out to him and he realized what his Raven had done, he had warned him about Keeper.

 "You're lucky; you feathered pain in my ass." Dean said bitterly to the now silent bird, as he ran his hands over his face. "I'm out here, Keeper." He called out.

 "Here you are, Dean." Keeper said annoyed, as he joined him on the roof and stood in front of him. "What are you doing out here alone?"

 "Thinking and I'm not alone, my Raven's with me." Dean answered sighing, as he motioned with his head towards his Raven.

 "You're Raven, huh?" Keeper said smiling. "I see you've come to your senses and given up on trying to name it."

 "Nope." Dean replied. "Still thinking of the perfect name."

 "As much as I'd like to lecture you on how foolish that is, that's not why I'm out here."

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