Plans Coming Together

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 Dean sat alone at the table in the middle of the basement staring at the Raven. Every-damn-thing seemed to revolve around the feathered pain in the ass, it was the damn key to ending Vassago and they had no freaking idea how to use it. He was beyond frustrated and he wasn't sure he could handle any more bullshit. He leaned back in his chair and ran his hands over his face sighing, he knew that this was his last chance at figuring everything out. If this failed then he knew the battle was lost. Still leaning back in his chair, he looked at the Raven, it remained as silent as it's been the entire time since he brought it to the monastery and for some reason; even Dean didn't understand, the silence only made him angrier.

 He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, thinking of his loved ones to calm down feeling his powers flowing through him, he squeezed his hands into fists, opening and closing them again and again. He wanted to calm himself down before he ended up doing something he'd regret. He had no idea if the tomes Keeper was giving them would help, but they were a hell of a lot better than what they had right now...which was nothing. Of course, after seeing Keeper's reaction to the information about the Raven, Dean really didn't have much hope that they'd find anything. He had to keep reminding himself though, that like Keeper had told him, there were certain things that he didn't know.

 Then there was the fact that even if the tomes did have the information they needed, who's to say that any of them could actually translate the texts? It took days for Grant to translate the prophecy; even he couldn't get it completely right either, and he's dead! Not to mention they might not have that kind of time. He stood up and feeling anxious, he began to pace the basement, he suddenly felt like the walls of the basement were closing in on him and he felt claustrophobic; something he's never ever felt before, and the urge to run as far away as he could get was all he wanted to do.

 "Deep, cleansing breaths, brother." Zander's gentle voice spoke from behind him, causing Dean to stop pacing and turn to face him.

 "I'm trying, Zander, I really fucking am, but my whole body is vibrating, I...I can't sit still all of a sudden, I feel like the walls are closing in on me and all I want to fucking do is run away, dammit!" Dean replied upset. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

 "Nothing, Dean, I promise." Zander said, as he walked towards him and put his hand on his shoulder squeezing it gently. "What you're feeling is perfectly normal for the Chosen One."

 "Normal? Nothing about this feels normal!" Dean stated frustrated.

 "Dean, you need to calm down, remember your powers are tied to your emotions."

 "I know that, dammit, I don't need everyone reminding me about it!"

 "Of course, you're right, you don't need to be reminded of things you already know, I'm sorry."

 "No, brother, I'm the one who's sorry." Dean said sighing. "This is so frustrating, dammit! I just wish that for once I knew what to freaking do."

 "Dean, you don't give yourself enough credit, you know more than you think. Look at all you've done and overcame, you just need to listen to yourself and trust your instincts."

 "How the hell do I do that when I can't focus?" Dean said frustrated, as he ran his hands over his face.

 "You'll figure it out, Dean, you always do. Just remember to keep your focus on love."

My ImmortalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora