Family Reunion

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 Dean walked towards the bedroom where he knew the others were waiting for him. He now had a new plan, a plan to bring both his families together to end Vassago; once he was finally gone then he'd reveal his decision. He walked into the room slowly and carefully, knowing that the Vamps would be on guard. As he stepped into the middle of the room he reached his hand out and grabbed Kira's wrist stopping her from cutting his head off.

 "Easy, Kitten, it's only me." Dean said smiling, as he let her go.

 "Our targets have been..."

 "Yeah, yeah, they've been taken out." Dean said annoyed, cutting her off rolling his eyes.

 "Alright, now we can move on to the next part of your plan." Keeper said smiling.

 "Not yet, Keeper." Dean said smiling.

 "What do you mean, not yet?" Bastian asked confused.

 "I have a new plan and it's not up for debate or discussion." Dean said still smiling. "Come with me for the first part of my plan." He said, as he left the room followed by the others who were very confused.

 Arriving at the room, he went inside and held a hand up to Carter to keep him from saying or doing anything yet. The others came into the room and at first, none of them noticed Carter. Smiling, Dean sat on the chair that Carter had used; this time it faced the door, while Carter stood behind him silently.

 "Dean, move Carter's..."

 "Behind me?" Dean said smiling, cutting Bastian off.

 "Let me guess, he's another Vamp added to the family?" Kira said annoyed, as she rolled her eyes and put her machete away. "Why do we need another Vamp? Our team was just fine as it was, dammit."

 "Would you quit your damn whining, Kira." Dean sighed frustrated. "I told all of you that this wasn't up for debate or discussion."

 "Dammit, Dean, you can't trust everyone." Kira said bitterly.

 "I'm trusting you, aren't I?" Dean pointed out.

 "How can you trust him?" Kira demanded.

 "Let me remind you again, since you seem to be having a hard damn time remembering it. I don't have to explain a damn thing I do or say to any of you."

 "Kira, if you're done being a petty pain in the ass, Dean has more important stuff to tell us, so will you please shut up and let him finish." Keeper said angrily.

 "What's the matter Captain Kiss-Ass, don't like someone questioning Ambrose?" Kira taunted.

 "Enough, dammit." Dean said frustrated.

 "So, what is the second part of your plan, Dean?" Bastian asked changing the subject.

 "That's a very good question, Bastian, thank you for asking." Dean said smiling, as he patted Bastian on the back. "As I told each of you, my family would be showing up and they're here."

 "Wait; hold on, that's your big news?" Kira asked sarcastically.

 "You know, Kitten, for a disposable little Vamp, you like to talk a lot of crap, don't you?" Dean replied bitterly, as he gripped the arms of the chair so tight his knuckles were white.

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