Returning To Them

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**Four Days Later**:

 Dean groaned, as he groggily opened his eyes and looked around the room trying to bring everything into focus. He groaned again from the dull ache in his side, he still felt like crap, but he did feel better than before. He turned his head to the right and looked out the window and saw the sun was starting to rise. He closed his eyes again, as he thought about what happened to him. After talking to Seth, he must have passed out, he had no idea how long he had been out, he could only remember that he had been in and out of consciousness for awhile. When he was awake he had had no energy to move or even open his eyes and worst of all, at times he had been so delirious that he imagined Roman had been there with him and Seth.He opened his eyes again and looked at the ceiling, as he thought about Roman. He missed Roman so much and hated the fact that it was because of him that Seth and Roman fought, ending their friendship. He knew how much they both loved each other and vowed he'd do whatever it took to get them back together.

 "You're awake!" A voice he'd know anywhere spoke from the doorway.

 "Ro!" Dean said smiling, as he quickly sat up, but the sharp pain his side forced him to lay back down. "Shit, that hurt!" He said grabbing his side, as he breathed through the pain.

 "Lay still babe, you're not 100 percent yet." Roman said gently, as he sat on the bed and kissed him.

 "How? I thought..."

 "Seth took care of you, he called me to come over, so I did. We talked and he apologized, I forgave him and he forgave me." Roman explained smiling, cutting him off.

 "He did?"

 "Yeah, I did!" Seth said coming into the room smiling. "How you feeling D? You look a little better."

 "I feel like crap, but I'll live thanks to you." Dean answered, as he sat up with Roman's help and leaned against the headboard.

 "You don't need to thank me, I was just helping out a friend, I didn't do anything special." Seth replied smiling. "You hungry?"

 "Uh, yeah...but not..."

 "For food, I know!" Seth said smiling, cutting him off, as he held up a large  cup. "Perks of having a friend and boyfriend who work at a hospital!" He added, as he came to the bed and gave the cup to Dean. "I'm going to go so you two can catch up, just remember Ambrose, you're not 100 percent yet got it?" He said smiling, before he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

 "I missed you so damn much baby boy!" Dean said, before he kissed Roman.

 "I missed you too Dean!" Roman replied.

 Dean drank some of the blood Seth gave him, before he put the cup on the nightstand. Roman got onto the bed beside him; on his uninjured side, and cuddled into him.

 "When Seth told me what happened, I...I was so scared I'd lose you. My heart physically hurt when I saw you laying there." Roman said, as he cried silently.

 "Don't cry baby boy, you know I hate it when you do." Dean said, as he held him tighter.

 "Dean, when is this going to end? I...I can't lose you!" Roman asked, as he sat up and looked at him.

 "You won't lose me, I promise! This will end Ro, I just need time to figure out a plan okay?" Dean replied, as he put a hand on Roman's cheek, rubbing it softly with his thumb.

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