One Step Closer To The End

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 After giving them their instructions, the three Vamps got ready to go, preparing themselves for the battle. Smiling, Dean held his arm that had his Raven on it out in front of him and pet the silent bird, before he spoke.

 "Take to the sky and observe. Keep watch over the Vamps and alert me of any danger, they move an inch in any direction I want to know." Dean ordered, as his Raven cried out and flew into the sky, once it was gone, he turned back to look at the other Vamps. "You both know what to do and where to go, don't screw this up, dammit!" He added, as the two Vamps nodded smiling.

 The three Vamps then separated, moving into position, but still staying in each other's sight. Dean signaled for them both to stop, before he closed his eyes and mindlinked with his Raven to check where their prey was. Seconds later, he was seeing through his Raven's eyes, looking around he saw that there was still only the same Vamps he had seen earlier, in the same spots waiting to ambush the three of them. He noticed their positions and shook his head smiling; it was obvious that none of them remembered anything that they had been taught in their army training. The closest Vamps were just a few feet in front of them, hidden amongst the tall, thick grass. If they timed it right and were quick and silent, they could dispose of the trio before the others knew what happened.

 Once he had what he needed, he broke the connection and smiling with his eyes still closed, he mindlinked with Keeper first and then Kira, sending them an image of what he had seen. He then opened his eyes and looked at them, they both nodded silently to let him know they had gotten it. They each knew what to do, so they got into position and quickly closed in on the unsuspecting Vamps. Once they were where they needed to be, they stalked their prey silently for a few minutes, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Dean was tense, as he crouched in the grass completely hidden; his hands squeezed his machetes so tight his knuckles were white. His skin prickled with anticipation, as he flexed his fingers around the handles of his machetes, he was getting impatient, the Vamps stood in front of them completely oblivious to them, but refusing to co-operate.

 "Come on, come on, dammit." Dean whispered through clenched teeth, as he began to lose what little patience he had.

 Just when he was about to forget his plan and attack unable to wait any damn longer for the Vamps to do what he wanted them to, they finally decided to turn their backs on them. Wasting no time, the trio crept up behind them and before they knew what was happening, they cut off their heads at the same time, catching their bodies before they could fall to the ground and alert the others. Once they were dead and on the ground, Dean mindlinked with his Raven again to find out where the other Vamp guards were and if they had been discovered. As he looked through his Raven's eyes, he couldn't believe how easy the Vamps were making this for them. Not only did none of them hear or see anything, but none of them had moved from their positions.

 After getting the positions of the next group, he broke the connection with his Raven and sent the image to Keeper and Kira. All of the guards were new blood, each having been recently turned and weren't as smart or trained as well as the older members of the family. The older family were all positioned inside the nest as a last defense before Vassago, while all of the new members were put outside; each one a disposable pawn in Vassago's war. They were easy kills for the trio, no challenge at all, the real challenge awaited them inside and Dean was looking forward to it, killing these Vamps was too damn easy and he was looking forward to an actual fight. In less than 20 minutes, all of the Vamp guards outside were dead, killed quickly, silently, and without alerting anyone. Once they were dead, the three Vamps hid in the tall grass outside the front doors of the nest. Dean mindlinked with his Raven and ordered it to go into the nest and silently observe where the Vamps were positioned.

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