Hunting His Kind

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**An Hour Later**:

 Dean stood in the trees beside the house he had once called home and checked for movement inside with his binoculars. Dean knew that Dante would have handed Roman and Seth off to Keeper. So, his brothers would be at the Exchange, the only problem was he didn't know where the Exchange was! He had been to it once, years ago when it first started, but Keeper has changed its location at least three times since then and that was only the times he knew about.

 His original plan had been to follow Keeper to the Exchange, but after arriving at the house a half hour ago and ambushing another Vamp, he had learned that Keeper, the Elders and Vassago weren't at the nest, but Dante was! He killed the Vamp and had been watching the nest waiting for Dante to leave. He wasn't stupid, he knew why Dante had agreed to kidnap Roman and Seth, it was his way of trying to prove himself to Vassago. He also knew that Dante doesn't have the brains to come up with a plan like this, but Keeper did! The whole thing was a trap and the mastermind behind it all wasn't Keeper, it was Vassago!

 Dean was getting impatient waiting for Dante to leave, he was tempted to burst into the nest and kill everyone inside; including Dante! He didn't though, knowing that until he knew where his brothers were he couldn't kill anyone! Just when Dean's patience was almost gone, Dante came out of the house with Xavier, neither knew he was there; he had disguised his scent before he got to the nest. Seeing Dante, it took all of Dean's willpower to keep from ripping his throat out! After a few minutes Xavier returned to the house and Dante got into his car and drove away, passing Dean as he left. Dean got onto his bike and followed him, making sure to stay unnoticed.


 Roman paced their small cell, while Seth talked to the young woman in the cell beside theirs again. Since waking, both men had spent time talking to the other prisoners, learning of their lives and how they had been captured. They knew that some way they were going to free every single one of them and reunite them with their families; even if they died doing it!

 Since waking, they've also had to watch helplessly, as some of the other humans were traded to Vamps by Keeper. Both felt so guilty knowing they had a way out through Dean, but the others had no one to save them. 10 minutes ago Keeper had cleared all the Vamps out of the Exchange and both men knew that the time had come for them to be taken to wherever Keeper planned on hiding them. Roman had come up a plan, he was going to find out from Keeper where they were going, then have their new friend and fellow human in the next cell tell Dean when he arrived; knowing Dean would want proof it was the truth, Roman would give their ally a special word only the three of them would understand.

 "Alright, it's almost time for us to leave!" Keeper announced, as he came to their cell.

 "Where exactly are you taking us?" Roman demanded angrily.

 "Now why would I tell you and ruin the surprise?" Keeper asked smiling.

 "Why not? It's not like we can tell Dean where we are!" Seth added.

 "True, but I think I'll keep it a secret!"

 "What's the matter? Vassago not tell his little lap dog where we're going?" Seth taunted smiling. "You not important enough to know?"

 "You disgusting, worthless insect!" Keeper yelled angrily, as he raised his hand and made a fist, causing Seth to fall to his knees coughing, as he was choked by an invisible force.

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