A New Problem Appears

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 Dean went outside to the backyard of the monastery and after looking around the large yard for a few seconds he finally found Roman pacing angrily in a far corner by some trees. He sighed, as he walked over to him, once there he stood watching him in silence for a few seconds, before he spoke.


 "Don't!" Roman said angrily, as he continued pacing.

 "We're going to talk about this whether you like it or not, baby boy." Dean stated sighing again, as he crossed his arms.

 "No, no, we're not!" Roman refused, as he turned and began walking away in the other direction.

 "Seriously, Ro?" Dean said frustrated, as he hung his head.

 Roman ignored him and kept walking away from him, he couldn't believe that not only did Seth hit Dean with a damn rock, but everyone was defending him for it. He was so lost in his anger that he never realized that Dean had used his Vamp speed and was now standing in front of him, arms still crossed. Not seeing him he ran right into Dean, causing them both to stumble, but not fall.

 "Dammit, Dean." Roman said, annoyed that his boyfriend was so damn stubborn.

 "I won't stop until you finally tell me what the hell is going on in that head of yours."

 "For shit's sake, Dean!" Roman said angrily. "He hit you in the damn head with a freaking rock!"

 "Yeah, and he had his reasons, Rome! He didn't do it to hurt me, dammit!"

 "He could have killed you, Dean!" Roman stated upset.

 "Maybe if I was mortal he could have, but I'm a Vampire remember?"

 "Quit making jokes out of everything, dammit, why can't you be serious for once?" Roman said frustrated.

 "I thought I was." Dean replied smiling. "Roman, look, I love you, but you're blowing this way out of proportion."

 "He hit you, Dean, how can you just let that go?"

 "Oh, my fucking shit!" Dean said completely over this crap. "Yeah, Seth hit me with a damn rock on my head, but he did it to protect me! He panicked, Roman, he had seconds to think of something to explain why I was on the ground unconscious. Put yourself in his place, what would you have done? Maybe you wouldn't have done that, but maybe you would have, none of us know that. He feels guilty enough about it, he doesn't need you beating him up over it too, dammit." Dean said angrily.

 "I'm so tired of this!" Roman said, as he sat on a rock.

 "Then let it go and apologize, we have enough fighting to deal with outside the family, we don't need it in the family too."

 "Dean, I..."

 "No, you know I'm right, Roman, you need to fix things with Seth so we can focus on our battle with Vassago."

 "Dean, I'm scared." Roman said quietly, staring at the ground.

 "Why? He'll forgive you, we're..."

 "Not about that, about everything." Roman said sighing.

 "Oh." Dean said quietly, as he sat beside him.

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