Uncovering Secrets

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**The Next Day**:

 Roman rolled over in his bed onto his back, trying and failing miserably to go back to sleep; even though he was exhausted from work. Sighing he gave up and decided to go for a shower and start his day. He was grateful today was his day off, he planned on doing nothing, but relaxing at home all day.

 He got up and grabbed his clothes, before he headed for the bathroom. After he was finished, he put his stuff in his room, before he headed to the kitchen for a coffee. As he entered the kitchen, he saw Seth was already up making them breakfast.

 "Morning Two-Tones." Roman greeted him, as he headed for the coffee pot.

 "Morning big man! Sleep well Ro?" Seth asked smiling.

 "Uh, not really. Good thing we have the day off today, I'm exhausted!" Roman replied, as he leaned against the counter taking a drink of his coffee. "You sleep okay?"

 "Oh yeah." Seth answered smiling, as he put the food on plates. "I can't wait for tonight Ro!" He added, as they sat down at the table to eat.

 "Why? What's tonight?" Roman asked.

 "Are you serious dude?" Seth asked, Roman nodded. "We're going to that new bar tonight remember?"

 "We are?" Roman replied.

 "Ro, I told you about it last night at work!" Seth reminded him.

 "Right, I remember now! The place Max told you about?"


 "Sorry dude, can't go." Roman said.

 "What? No way, you told me you'd go! Dude, you made a deal with me!" Seth said, acting like a child.

 "Fine, alright stop! I'll go, if you stop acting like a damn baby!"

 "Awesome!" Seth replied smiling. "We're going to have so much fun!"

 "Calm down dude, now you sound like a teenage girl!" Roman stated smiling.

 "Shut it Reigns and eat your damn breakfast!" Seth replied smiling, as they both laughed.


 Dean stood in front of his mirror, as he finished getting ready to go out. He was going out again, he did every night; he spent as much time away from this hell-hole as he could! Dean hated that he couldn't leave yet, he still needed to figure out where he could go first, but once he did he'd leave and never come back.

 He finished getting ready and left his room, he went downstairs and was about to leave, until he spotted The Keeper. He was quickly making his way down the hall towards the basement door. Seeing the way he was mumbling to himself, as he carried an ancient looking book, made Dean very curious. He decided to follow Keeper and find out why he was so freaked out. He quickly and quietly went to the basement door, he saw Keeper open the door and go inside; in his rush he forgot to close the door all the way. Dean waited a few seconds, making sure Keeper would be down the stairs, before he looked around to see if anyone was watching. Seeing no one, Dean smiled, as he went inside the room and stood on the stairs quietly listening.

 Hearing nothing, but mumbled voices, he knew the Elders and The Keeper were in their private chambers. So, he crept down the stairs quietly, once at the bottom he quickly made his way to the door and listened to their conversation.

 "This can't be right! We must have translated it wrong!" One of the Elders said upset.

 "We're never wrong! The prophecy is our future!" Another Elder replied.

 "Gentlemen, please calm yourselves!" Vassago spoke calmly.

 "Calm down? Vassago, need I remind you this is your future as well!"

 "I understand your surprise gentlemen, but..."

 "Surprise? More like fear Vassago!" The Elder spoke, cutting him off. "This prophecy talks about all of us being destroyed!"

 "It speaks of a vamp strong enough to kill all of us; including you Vassago! One vamp, who the prophecy calls the Chosen One!" Another Elder spoke.

 "Yes, I'm aware of what it says gentlemen. It doesn't however speak of who this vamp is or why they would do it!" Vassago pointed out.

 "Does that matter?"

 "Of course it does! If we don't know who it is, then that means they don't know either!" Vassago pointed out smiling. "We just need to discover their identity first!"

 "Until we do, we keep this between us!" An Elder replied.

 "Agreed! We do more digging, until we discover..."

 Vassago was cut off by the sound of his pet; a larger than normal, pure black Raven, known to everyone as the Raven Of Mourning, letting out a cry of warning from it's perch by the door. The Keeper went to the door and opened it to find...no one there! Knowing the Raven is never wrong, he began to look around the room, still finding nothing he returned to the Elders and Vassago.

 Meanwhile, after hearing the Raven's warning, Dean knew he had been caught. He quickly raced to the stairs and waited until he heard Keeper return to the others. He then quietly left the basement, shutting the door behind him. After making sure no one saw him, he quickly headed for the front door and left. He headed for a new bar he had heard about, he didn't know what this whole Chosen One prophecy meant, but hell he'll drink to celebrate this vamp; who will get rid of the Elders and that bastard Vassago for him anyway! He found the bar and went inside, looking around he made his way to the bar counter and still smiling he ordered a beer. As he sat on the bar stool he sighed happily, there was something different about tonight, but he wasn't sure what it was and he honestly didn't care, tonight he was celebrating!

 Meanwhile, Roman sighed, as he finished getting dressed. He really didn't want to go out, but he promised Seth he would. After finishing he went into the living room to find Seth waiting for him.

 "Ready?" Seth asked smiling, as he put his shoes and jacket on.

 "Yep." Roman replied, as he put his shoes on too.

 "Don't pout Rome, you'll thank me later for dragging you out with me!" Seth said smiling.

 "Thank you? Why would I do that?" Roman asked confused.

 "After you meet Mr. Right tonight, you'll thank me for dragging your stubborn ass to the bar with me!" Seth answered smiling, as he patted Roman on the back.

 "Yeah, yeah. Can we just go now please?" Roman asked smiling.

 A half hour later, their taxi arrived at the bar and Seth paid, before they got out. Roman starred at the bar and sighed regretting letting Seth talk him into this.

 "Let's go inside and start having fun!" Seth said smiling, as he patted Roman on the back.

 "Oh yeah, this is going to be so much fun!" Roman said sarcastically, as he followed Seth inside, wishing he was anywhere, but here!


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