The Battle Draws Closer

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 After going upstairs, they separated and went after their targets, Dean focused only on his plan, pushing everything else from his mind. He crept through the quiet hallway, keeping to the shadows as he neared the room where his first target was. As he got closer, he suddenly, heard loud, angry voices coming from inside the room, he recognized them both as his targets; which meant that while they had been talking to Bastian, his targets had moved from their positions and he was a little concerned that the others had moved too. He wasn't worried though, he could kill both Vamps without breaking a sweat, but it did make things a little more challenging.

 His whole body was once again tense and ready for action, he wanted to fight...he needed to fight to stop his seemingly insatiable desire to shed blood. He was so close to ending Vassago that he was even contemplating just barging into the room, but he didn't, not wanting to alert the other Vamps upstairs. How the hell was he supposed to get into the room? He was getting pissed off, he was the Chosen One, dammit, and no one was going to stand in his way of ending Vassago. Sighing, he began trying to figure out a way inside the room, when suddenly, the door slammed open, as the arguing continued. He had heard the door opening and hid before either Vamp saw him, he watched from the shadows smiling, as one of the Vamps came into the hallway alone. He waited until the door was shut again, before he left the shadows and crept up behind the Vamp and cut their head off from behind. He then quickly went back to the room and noticed that the door wasn't shut all the way, so he peeked into it to see where the other Vamp was, but couldn't see them anywhere.

 Knowing that the Vamp was probably hiding, waiting to sneak up on him, he went into the room and silently looked around. Not seeing anyone, he put his machetes away, as he stood in the center of the room, his back to the door. He stayed where he was, knowing that eventually, the Vamp would come to him. Seconds later, just like he knew they would, the Vamp came out of its hiding place and snuck up behind him with their own machete out and ready to cut off Dean's head. He waited until the very last second, before he turned around and grabbed the Vamp's hand stopping them, Dean smiled.

 "Ooh, so close." Dean taunted.

 "Nice trick, Ambrose." The Vamp said smiling. "I have one of my own."

 The Vamp then still smiling, swung his other hand that held a machete up towards Dean's neck, but Dean without looking away from the other Vamp's face, reached his other hand up and grabbed that hand too stopping him.

 "So, brother, what now?" Dean asked smiling.

 Before the Vamp could say or do anything, Dean still smiling, began squeezing the Vamp's wrists, the Vamp's face twisted from a smile into one of pain, as the sound of bones cracking was heard. He didn't let go, as the Vamp fell to his knees in front of him. Still holding onto the Vamp, he brought his foot up and kicked him in the face three times, before he let the Vamp go.

 "You know, Zane, I was expecting more from you, brother." Dean said sighing, as he crouched beside the Vamp's head. "I guess none of you remembered any of your training, huh? I overestimated all of you and the only real challenge waiting for me is our sorry excuse for a King."

 "Fight...fight me and I'll show you how much of a...a challenge I really am, dammit!" Zane said angrily.

 "Zane, Zane, Zane." Dean said sighing again, as he patted Zane's cheek. "I think you've had your chance to show me what you're capable of."

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