Going Hunting

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 Dean sighed, as he paced, Roman, Seth and Paige sat on the couch together waiting for him to explain what happened.

 "What you guys saw wasn't anything that will hurt me in any way...actually it could be extremely useful!" Dean began, as he stopped pacing and sat across from them in a chair. "It's called mindlinking; by touching someone I can see things from either the person's past or present. I see, hear and feel everything they do or have, it's like I become them, seeing everything through their eyes without them even knowing it." He explained.

 "So, you mindlinked with me at the church?" Paige asked, not sure how to feel about him doing it with her, or even what he saw.

 "Yes, I relived your past." Dean answered, not going into any details about what he saw.

 "Besides with Paige, have you ever done it before?" Roman asked.

 "Yeah once, at the Exchange before I killed Dante." Dean replied sighing.

 "You've never done it before that?" Seth questioned, Dean shook his head no. "Then how do
you know that's what happened?"

 "A few years ago I overheard Keeper talking to Cass about it. I was curious about it, so I listened to their conversation. No one in the family is strong enough to do it; that included me, except for the Elders and Vassago. Even they had never done it before though, which of course made everyone in the family believe that it couldn't be done. I wanted to learn more about it and thankfully Cass did too, so I was able to find out everything. It had never happened to me before, until the episode with Dante; that's how I knew the security code to get into the Exchange. Honestly it freaked the Hell out of me when it happened!"

 "Then it happened again when we shook hands at the church." Paige added, Dean nodded his head.

 "If it only happens when you touch someone, then how the hell did you just mindlink with whoever it..."

 "Vassago! I mindlinked with Vassago." Dean admitted sighing, cutting Roman off.

 "What?" All three said together shocked.

 "I'm as shocked and confused as you three are!" Dean said, as he got up and began pacing again. "When it happened I knew what it was, but it felt...different this time, more intense; it felt like nothing that's happened before. I saw, felt and heard everything Vassago did; including his anger over your escape. Then...then it was over as quickly as it happened."

 "How is that even possible?" Paige asked.

 "I don't know!" Dean answered frustrated.

 "I thought you had to touch someone first?" Seth questioned.

 "I do!"

 "Can you control it?" Roman asked.

 "No." Dean replied sighing, as he sat down again. "At least not yet."

 "Wait, you can learn to control it?" Seth asked.

 "Yeah, but first we need to figure out what the damn prophecy says!"

 "Well, now that Seth and I are here we can help too!" Roman said smiling, before he got up, went to Dean, sat on his lap and kissed him.

 "Wait, none of you are mad that I'm still going after Vassago? You...you aren't going to try and talk me out of it?" Dean asked shocked.

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