29. Impulsive Liar

Start from the beginning

"You're telling me, this woman is capable of killing people?" I said, wondering how she hid it so well. "I knew there was something off about her, the stalking..the threats..do you realize how much information she knows about me?"

"Michael where did you say you meet this woman?" He asked, pulling out a couple of papers from his desk.

I shrugged, "I gave her a lift, from a shop where my wife used to work at."

"Have you seen her around town beforehand?"


"I was afraid you'd say that, here take a look." He placed two papers in front of me. He pointed at the top of the paper, where Veronica's full name was imprinted. Below her name is a photo copy of her ID and license. Underneath that, is her address which wasn't place under her name. Her car and credit card also was under someone else's name. She currently moved from 5 states, New York, Ohio, Florida, Georgia, and Washington. A listing of relatives weren't mentioned, accept for her brother Andy, whose full legal name was Armondo Herendez. No other information about her education, date of birth, and age was mentioned on the paper. "There isn't anything under her name accept for her photo ID and license. She hasn't signed off anything and she doesn't pay credit towards anything as well."

"It wouldn't be a surprise if she's been living under her brother's money," I said confusingly, not quite grasping where he was going with this.

"Her brother hasn't had a job in two years, don't you find it odd for someone to move around this much and not have a single bank or credit account open under their name? It's almost as if—"

"She doesn't exist." I finished his sentence, now understanding the point he was making. Veronica has moved around a lot and I found it odd how she never even mentioned this to me in the beginning. If my memory serves me right, the only thing she told me about her personal life was living an hour away and being a caterer as her last job. She didn't even bother to mention anything about relationships or family. It was weird that she was holding so much back, but then yet again maybe she had a perfectly good reason to do so. She didn't even tell me she had a brother until he showed up in person to introduce himself that night at our house. She doesn't value the thought of being independent, she's hiding her identity. Well at least it seems like it according to the records.

"Anyone who's off the radar like this are either hiding from something or they're running from someone. There's no type of records or evidence of her being in these states either. No signs of violence, criminal records, or any medical records. She has a completely clean record. Now what does that tell you about her?" He said, raising his eyebrow high up. I took a moment to think and then the answer was clear.

"She doesn't want anything traced back to her, pinning evidence on her would be like trying to crack a cement wall with your bare hands, nearly impossible."

"Bingo!" The officer tapped his hand on the table. "We're dealing with someone more than just a woman in heels. Now the only question is, who exactly is Veronica?"

Veronica's POV:

I raised the champagne glass in the air and we clinked our glasses. He drank his first and I took a small sip of mine. Once his glass was down, he looked at me briefly, examining how well I was dressed. My tight fitted red dress, along with my dangling hoop earrings, and bright red lipstick.

"You never told me where you were from?" He said in his deep voice. The sound of a classical piano filled the air along with other people's chatter. Setting up a date in a busy crowded public area really isn't my preference, I prefer to handle things privately. I couldn't complain about it all though, after all I am receiving a free meal in return. I did what I did best when I'm with any other men that found me somewhat appealing and for some reason interesting, I sat there and laughed along to their dry humorous jokes.

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