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Seoyoung's POV 

"You- How-?" Daniel was at a loss for words, but then a sinister grin slowly spread across his face. He didn't even look like Daniel anymore. "You took Eunah's offer, didn't you?" At this, Taehyung laughs, a deep but amused laugh that rumbled through the dark room. Taehyung was also different. His whole gang leader persona was coming out, and it was satisfying to see when you're not on the receiving end. It made me feel braver than I was, because someone so powerful was on my side, and it was true. Taehyung was powerful, and he was going to be by my side for a very long time. 

"You really think any of us would subject me to such a fate?" Taehyung questioned, staring Daniel dead in the eyes with a glint of victory, but more clouded with wrath and resentment. Not a morsel of fear was in his body, and I admired him greatly for that. 

"Then how are you alive? There's no way you could have survived what I gave you." Taehyung scoffed, then steps aside to reveal me. As soon as Daniel meets my eyes, my heart skittered with alarm. Daniel's whole aura was so threatening, I wanted to just shrink into the wall and never be seen again. Why am I such a coward? A sudden squeeze was felt on my shoulder from Jungkook, almost saying be strong. He was right. I'm Taehyung's wife. I stand beside one of the greatest and strong men alive, surely I could follow his footsteps? Gathering all my courage, I forced myself to stare back at Daniel, but he could clearly see the trepidation in my eyes. 

"We found a cure. We saved him," was all I could say being sure my voice wouldn't crack. 

At my words, Daniel's mouth curls into a sneer as his spits, "It's always you, isn't it? Everything goes wrong because of you!" 

"No, everything went wrong because of you," I suddenly shout. It seemed like all the stress and pent up frustrations had finally come out. I continued to yell, "It's all your fault for getting yourself in this mess! It was you who manipulated me, who betrayed me! Haven't you heard? Snitches get fucking stitches and it looks like you got more than just a few! Don't you see? All your evil will only eventually land back on you, yourself! There is no one to blame! Yes, Eunah may be an absolute tramp from hell, but ultimately, all your actions, you are accountable for! So don't you dare blame this on me!" I had never had an outburst quite like this, ever, and it seemed to get to Daniel. His eyes drooped as tears filled his eyes. 

"What- What happened to you, Seoyoung? What happened to my dear sweet and soft Seoyoung? The Seoyoung I knew would never curse, especially not at the person who was by her side for almost her whole life!"

"Her whole life was a lie! That person was a liar!" I was already on the brink of tears and this seemed to hit home when I was reminded of how we used to be. Best friends that trusted and did everything together. Best friends who would've fought the world together. Now that I knew I was played, the affliction of losing that friend overcame me. Taehyung seemed to understand that I wasn't going to say more and decided to take control. 

"Tell us, how did you do it?" Taehyung asked sharply. Daniel merely laughs, a cackle, and shakes his head.

"What makes you think I'll tell you?" It was true. As far as I knew, we had no leverage against him, and my thoughts were correct as Taehyung chuckles and stands up. 

"Well, it looks like we have no need for you anymore so," Taehyung looks up at Jimin, "Do away with him." With a deranged grin, Jimin stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. I had never quite understood why Jimin was so mad for blood, but I felt that it wasn't my place to know. After all, we weren't that close. We just weren't each others' arch-nemesis anymore. Without a backward glance, Taehyung turns, takes my hand and slowly leads me out the dungeon. 

"No, NO! Seoyoung! Let me talk to Seoyoung!" I heard Daniel yell after us. I pretended not to hear. I was done with him, ultimately. Never did I know anyone named Daniel. "Seoyoung! Please! Seoyoung!" Daniel's voice ends in a crescendo as I presumed Jimin inflicted his first wound. His voice then increased to a much louder forte as Jimin continued to torture him, under the supervision of Yoongi, probably to make sure he doesn't go further than they intend. "Peter!" he suddenly yelled, "It was Peter," Daniel said again, panting. Taehyung stopped in his tracks, looking triumphant. 

"Oh? What did Peter do?" Peter, why does that name sound so familiar? 

"He was the one who hid the syringe in my food. He's also the one who gave me the knife from the kitchens." Oh. That's right! Peter was one of the chefs! "I was only supposed to get plastic knives, but Peter insisted that I needed it, for the meat was overcooked and hard. Then, I killed the guards and Peter handed in their letters of resignation, making it look like they had left. There would be around a one day gap before they could find replacements and that was the perfect time when you came to see me. It all worked out. When I had poisoned you, it was easy to escape without the guards, but I ran into a few... Obstacles," he said, glaring at Jimin. That's when it hit me. Taehyung did have leverage. I was the leverage. That's why he brought me with him. He knew Daniel would want closure with me and would trade anything to have just a bit of time with me. 

"Good, that's very good. Just needed a little push, eh?" Taehyung said, eyeing the bleeding gash on his forearm. "Well, we'll be going now, good day." Then, Taehyung turned back around, leading me out of the dungeon. 

"Wait! You have to let me talk with Seoyoung now! I gave you what you wanted!" But it was no use. There was no negotiation. I wasn't going to talk to him. I would never give him his cessation. He was going to die in the dark.  

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