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^Play the song^

Seoyoung's POV 

Beeeeeeeeep. The machine continued its treacherous call. Hoseok was still hovering over Taehyung, doing compressions on his chest, trying to bring him back. Hoseok hasn't given up yet, so you can't either. Pulling together the last few pieces of my coherent mind, I thought back to everything. All the medical lessons, all the lectures and all the exams. Alveoli stay apart because of... What? Because of what? Think! They stay apart because of...

"Surfactant!" I suddenly shouted, causing everyone to jump. 


"Yoongi! Get me 2 millilitres of surfactant, now!" I rushed over to Taehyung's lifeless body, shoving Hoseok off. 

"It's no use, his pulse has already been gone for too long-" I glared at Jin, shutting him up. 

"We will try everything," I said, then went back to make a scan. As expected, Taehyung's alveoli were all bunched together in a ball, but I couldn't help lingering on Jin's words. He was right. Taehyung had lost his pulse for over two minutes now, was there even a chance this would work?

"I got it!" Yoongi yells, barging back into the room and handing me a syringe. With no time to spare, I plunged it into his chest and injected all the liquid into his bloodstream.

"Get the ventilators back on!" I ordered as soon as the contents emptied. Jungkook immediately goes and places the ventilators back into Taehyung's nostrils. All of us waited, but nothing happened. Feeling desperate, I started crying. "No, Tae... No, please," I pleaded and begged, but his heart still remained motionless. With a cry of anguish, I hit him hard on the chest, then again, then again. Over and over, I hammered his chest, letting out all my rage and grief. 

Beep. Beep. 

At first, I didn't hear it over the clamour of voices, but Jungkook shaking my shoulders made me lookup. 

The line wasn't flat. 

Taehyung was alive.

With bated breath, we all watched as Taehyung miraculously regained consciousness. One eye, then the other fluttered open in confusion as he stared at all of us staring back at him.  


"Sh sh, it's okay Tae, it's okay now," I whispered, caressing his face as tears of relief slid down my face.

"Beauty, don't cry. Why are you crying?" he whispered, raising his hand weakly to brush away my tears. I smiled and held his hand firmly. 

"I'm sorry. I thought I lost you, I was so scared," but Taehyung merely smiles as he brings my hand to his lips, kissing the back. 

"I would never leave you behind." I nod, then give him a gentle kiss on the lips. When I pull away, he spots the others around him. "Hey," he says, giving them a cheeky smile. His health seemed to be returning steadily as he managed to prop himself up. "Does someone want to explain why I'm laying in the OR?" 


"And that's how you almost died," Yoongi finished. Taehyung was quiet as he took it all in. After Hoseok double-checked Taehyung and his vitals, he confirmed that most of the poison left would be taken care of by his own body and it no longer posed a threat. We then transferred him (even though he could walk, Hoseok still made him sit in a wheelchair) to the penthouse, where we were all sitting on the couch in the living room. 

"Wow..." he said, then looked up at me with a big smile and grateful eyes." I really do have a guardian angel." Yoongi gags as Jimin and Jungkook mock us, leaving the rest to roll their eyes. 

"Get a fucking room," Yoongi says, but with a grin on his face. Honestly, all of us were just glad that Taehyung was alive. However, there was still a situation that needed to be taken care of. 

"So, what now?" I asked tenderly, not really sure what was supposed to happen next. I mean, I had always seen Taehyung in control. This was definitely a new turn of events. 

"I think, we should pay Daniel a visit," Taehyung said, eyeing Yoongi, Jimin, and lastly, me. 

Despite the complaints from everyone else, insisting they should come too, only the four of us made our way down the steps to the dungeon. I decided that I was going to brave the halls for once. I couldn't possibly keep blinding and deafening myself every time I come down here. With the support of Taehyung's hand in mine, we descended the stairs and through the halls. It wasn't actually as bad as I had imagined. The doors were made out of solid metal, only a small barred square of the door was exposed, and it only revealed the greyness of the other adjacent wall. The moans and groans could still be heard, but I just looked straight ahead, remembering why we're here and turned that fear into anger. Daniel almost killed him, and that was something I could not forgive him for. Finally, we made it to another of those identical steel doors, except this one was different from the other one Daniel used to be in. He must've been moved to a less 'pleasant' section of the dungeons.

I had always admired Taehyung's bravery, and it didn't fail to amaze me again when he opened the door and confidently stepped across the threshold. I was shaking, and it was pretty obvious. If I was stabbed with a needle and nearly died, I wouldn't be too keen on meeting my attacker. Sticking close to Taehyung's side, the four of us stepped into the much smaller cement room with no light, but Jimin pulls out a large flashlight and sets it on the ground, casting an eerie shadow across the floor to illuminate the figure on the floor. It was Daniel, but he looked much worse than how we left him. He had been stripped of all his clothes, except for a pair of baggy shorts. Bruises and small cuts were scattered across his skin, but they didn't look too painful. Frankly, they resembled those scars I would get when tripping or falling down the stairs. I then assumed they were acquired during his mad attempt at escape. Taehyung steps forward, letting go of my hand only for Jungkook's hand to go to my shoulder, assuring me comfort. Daniel looks up, and his face is clearly outraged to see the very man he had tried to rid of standing in front of him. Taehyung smiles and squats down next to him, cocking his head to the side. 

"Hm, miss me?"

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