Chapter 24: Week 16

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It's the day before the showcase, the couple and their team have been working extra hard to make sure that everything goes off without a hitch. Right now they're having one last meeting before the big day tomorrow and honestly the people in this room are making the air so thick with all the nervousness that is radiating off of them.

"Guys. We've worked so hard, you all are going to do great things I just know it." Jimin was smiling ear to ear with his eyes forming crescents

He was so proud of everyone

Yoongi looks at his boyfriend and plants a kiss on his forehead, he loves seeing him happy. These last two weeks have not been easy for him. After finding out that his father could have possibly killed his mother Jimin became obsessed with finding the truth, he would stay up all night reading articles on crimes of passion and murders. Yoongi tried to stop him by bringing him to the bed that they share and holding him until he drifted off, but the older couldn't stop the nightmare that manifested themselves into Jimin's dreams.

Yoongi was still going to counseling and it honestly was helping him, he started sleeping a bit better and had began to think about visit his father's grave with Jimin by his side.

"So we know what's happening tomorrow lets all wind down with a little party tonight at our place! To celebrate all our hard work!" Hobi shouted whilst waving his hands in the air almost hitting Namjoon who was sitting right beside him

Everyone laughed and cheered in agreement

"Ok, ok before we all go our separate ways I wanted to say something"

Yoongi stands up and faces everyone at the table

"I appreciate you all for trusting in us and sticking with us even though we are such a small company. It means a lot to me, I hope you all know that and continue to be with us in the future"

"I heard that Minjun was going to be at the showcase, doesn't that make you nervous? I mean he is the head of one of the biggest music company's. It's honestly freaking us all out." Chungha said while everyone agreed to her statement

"I'm not nervous at all, I know that we're ready. Fuck Minjun, he isn't someone who should knock us off our game. We'll do great"

Everyone hummed with a bit of uncertainty about how things were going to happen and stood up to finish off the meeting by giving each other words of encouragement for tomorrow.

"Ok so everyone be at our place by six, bring drinks we got the food."

And with that the last meeting was done with Jimin and Yoongi making their way to the store to pick up some things for the party.

The drive was so soothing with the windows down letting the cool air brace the two males and their hands interlocked with one another, the feeling was so serene and fragile. When Yoongi parked in the parking lot of the store he turned-off the car but waited to get out still holding the other's hand.


The younger looks at his boyfriend with a quirked eye-brow

"What's up Yoonie"

He took a deep breath and looks into those brown eyes that make him fall for the other every time. He can't but feel emotional, Jimin has been such an important person in his life of the last couple of months and he's just nervous about scaring him away

"Hey, you ok? What's going on"

Jimin releases his hand from the others and cups his face gently

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