Chapter 4: Week 2 pt. 2

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"Well I grew up pretty rough and in order to escape the unfortunate reality I live in, I started writing poems about the things I was going through while I was at work"

He paused.

"Then one day I showed my poems to my best friend- no scratch that, my brother Namjoon and he was familiar with music and pushed me to go for it(?). Some other fucked up things happened while I was trying to get my career off the ground and I lost motivation."

Yoongi's voice cracked and he shifted in his seat, cleared his throat and started talking again

"I was in a very dark place. I lost someone very close to me...and it was the hardest thing I have ever been through, I didn't write that whole year. I felt so numb and empty. Namjoon was there to help me and he kept pushing me to write again. He said that even if it was utter shit just write something and that something ended up being the song that got me recognized."

Jimin gave Yoongi his complete attention, eyes never leaving the older's face. When his voice started cracking the younger felt a pang in his chest, he wanted to hug him and give him sweet kisses to make him feel better but he resisted those urges and focused back on Yoongi.

"And that song is 'The Last' right?" Jimin asked leaned forward in his chair so far that his knees were now tangled up with the others

"You know it?" Yoongi asked now sitting up to face Jimin head on

"U-um y-yea I've listened to it a couple of times" a pink tint made its way across his face

"Aww Park you a fan of mine?"

"I-I've listened to some of your songs"

"Oh yeah? What's your favorite song?" The older asked with a now low voice and moving his chair closer to the younger so now they are basically locked in between the chairs, faces a couple of inches apart

"U-uh I l-like 'Give it to me' a lot" the pink on his face going to red

At this point the air in the room was so hot and thick it was like a blanket over the boys and neither one of them wanted to break that.

"Mmm. You like listening to me rap Park?" Yoongi's voice got so low that it almost sounded like a growl

"Y-yeah I like t-the w-way you rap it's very e-emotional and-"

Jimin gasped mid-sentence once he felt the older's hand on his thigh slowly massaging it

"God Park I think it's so fucking hot that you listen to my songs"

His hand slowly making it's way up the younger's thigh towards the now slightly pitched tent in his pants

"Y-Yoongi" Jimin accidentally moaned out as the older's hand brushed up against his dick

"Fuck." Yoongi groaned after hearing Jimin moan his name

Jimin looked at the older with eyes filled with lust. He wanted him. He needed him. Yoongi was about to lean in and kiss and the pink-haired boy but they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Jimin scrambled and pushed his chair away from the other and fixed himself up.

"W-who is it?"

"It's your father Jimin, is Mr. Min still in there with you?" Mr. Park's voice boomed through the door as Jimin opened it

"Yes, he is father"

Mr.Park made his way over to Yoongi who immediately stood up and bowed towards the older

"Nice to see you again Mr. Min"

"Same to you sir"

The two briefly chatted about the collaborations that Mr.Park was trying to get for Yoongi while Jimin tried to process what had happened not 5 minutes ago. Mr. Park took his leave and exited the room, the younger was so lost in thought that he didn't notice. Yoongi walked up to the other and grabbed his small waist, pulling him in so close that their breaths were intertwined with one another. The older leaned in close the others ear and spoke

"I love the way you moaned my name earlier Park. But honestly..."

He kissed the younger's jaw

"I want to hear you scream my name."

He nibbled on Jimin's ear making him moan out

"Mmm Y-Yoongi w-we sh-should stop~"

Yoongi pulled back to see a bright red Jimin, eyes shut and mouth slightly parted. It took everything he had in him to not take him right there in the office.

"Don't worry Park I'm very patient" He smirked and made his way out of the room

And once again Jimin was left with his thoughts and a problem in his pants that he would have to fix, possibly thinking of what he wants the older to do to him. 



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