Chapter 19: Week 11

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Another busy week passes the two boys by and with so much going Yoongi hadn't had time to process what the younger had told him about the woman who left a sour staple on Hoseok's life. Yoongi decided that it's best to wait until things die down to tell the other that his feeling about the other was somewhat true.Throughout the week the whole crew has been rushing around figuring out how to start up the company, and its been going well so far. Namjoon and Jin know other people with talents so they were going out to talk to them and persuade them to help us start up. Hoseok was going to visit his girlfriend who he hasn't seen due to the sheer amount of work they have all been doing. This meant that the two had the entire day to themselves, which they have already taken advantage of by sleeping in.

It's around noon when Jimin starts to wake up but not leaving the warmth of the other. He opens his eyes to look up at Yoongi, who is still sleeping, he takes the opportunity to full appreciate his sleeping cat. The way his mouth is slightly parted releasing soft snores, the way his eyelashes graze the top of his cheeks and the way his hair is so mess but still so perfect. Jimin places a soft kiss to his chest and nuzzles closer inhaling the scent that keeps him grounded.

Yoongi begins stirring in his sleep while holding the younger tighter, eventually he wakes up and kisses the younger's forehead.

"Good Morning kitten, how long you been up?" The raspy voice only loud enough for the two to hear in their own little bubble

"Not long"

Jimin sits up and stretches with his shirt lifting up a bit, he then moves to the other's lap straddling it which forces Yoongi to sit up and lean back on the headboard.

"Kitten, you wanna go on a date today? We have the whole day and we haven't exactly been on an actual date."

Jimin's eyes light up and he nods vigorously while pulling the others neck closing the space between the two of them. Yoongi responded kissing the younger while moving his hands to Jimin's waist pulling him closer while the youngers hands start carding through the olders jet black hair gripping it tight occasionally to hear the moan a bit. Oh how Jimin loves that sound.

Yoongi pulls back which confuses the younger

"We have to go now if we want to have a date, its already the afternoon and I don't want to be out too late"

Jimin pouted crossing his arms and the older chuckled

"Come on kitten we can continue this later but for now I want to know what it's like to be out with you ok?"

The pink haired male nods and they kiss one more time before getting out of the bed and start getting ready for their date.

Once ready they head out looking like the ultimate power couple, with Yoongi in a black turtle neck, black jeans, a black leather jacket and a black hat and Jimin in black ripped jeans with a white shirt tucked in to it, a denim-colored jean jacket and a white hat. The two got into the older's car and it just occurred to Jimin that he had no clue where Yoongi was taking him.

"Yoonie where are we going?"

"I'm not sure yet, I was thinking we could down to a dog park and then get some food, maybe catch a movie or go shopping?"

Jimin squealed he hasn't been this happy in a while and so far it seemed like it was going to last. Even the shittiest days weren't as bad because he knew he could lay next to the older and be held, cuddled and showered with kisses all night long. His insides are so warm right now thinking about the older. The rest of the ride was quiet but in a comfortable way because the .

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