Chapter 10: Week 5

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This one is a bit shorter because it's a filler but needed for the next part!

Yoongi would be a lying son of bitch if he said he wasn't extremely nervous about this interview. He was pacing around in Jimin's office while the other was trying to get him to calm down.

"Yoongi, please sit down you're making me dizzy!"

The younger has never seen him like this, frantic and nervous. His hands shaking from the large amount of anxiety he had about today. Usually Yoongi was calm and smooth but now? He was a wreck and the interview hadn't even started

"Jimin do I look alright? I was debating on wearing the blue shirt but I went with white. But what if the white is too bright and I blind all the fans who watch the interview?! Fuck!! I knew I should've went with the darker shirt! I'm so stupid!"

Jimin stood up and grabbed Yoongi's shaky hands in his tiny ones

"Please relax Yoongs it's gonna be alright either way"

The youngers tone was soothing to the other he needed that, it was usually his dad that would calm his anxiety when he was nervous. When he died it was Namjoon, but he was getting things with Jin for when they moved in together. Yoongi let out a deep breath and looked up at Jimin

"Thanks Jimin..."

The younger gave the raven-haired a soft reassuring smile. Over the past week the two had been texting often and learned new things about each other, Yoongi learned that Jimin liked to dance a lot and would have went to a dance school in America if it wasn't for his father. It was nice to have another person that he could talk to outside of Namjoon, it was refreshing.

Jimin was refreshing.

The older pulled the tiny hands and hugged the pink-haired, wrapping his hands around the youngers waist while Jimin wrapped his arms around the older neck. They stayed like that for a while— that is until the door was being pushed open. Jimin literally jumped away from Yoongi. A wave of relief washed over him when he realized it was just Jinyoung. His cousin and the reporter for the interview.

"Hey little cousin" The boy smirked at the pink-haired

"Jinyoung." Jimin stated coldly clearly annoyed.

Jinyoung sat his brief case down and the rest of his tech crew came in and began setting things up.

"So you must be Agust D?" Jinyoung smiled while his eyes admired all of the older's features. Damn. He thought internally

"Yea that's me but call me Yoongi for the sake of the interview"

"Ok Yoongi~" the younger smirked

The older gulped at the way he said his name and Jimin noticed this and immediately got defensive

"So how's Jackson" the pink-haired asked his cousin while moving closer Yoongi

"He's great just started working on another album" He happily stated

"Who's Jackson?" Yoongi asked still very uncomfortable with the atmosphere that was practically suffocating them since Jinyoung walked in.

"He's my boyfriend" Jinyoung smiled thinking of his partner

Jimin scoffed and mumbled something under his breath that no one could make out

"Oh- well do you two wanna keep making things awkward or are we going to start this thing?" Yoongi asked now sick of this and ready to get it over with so that he can stop stressing it.

The two cousins nodded and everyone took there proper seats. Yoongi was in the chair facing the camera, Jinyoung was behind it and Jimin was a bit further back but still in the raven-haired line of sight.

The bright lights turned on and suddenly Yoongi became even more nervous than he was before. He looked at Jimin, who could see the slight panic in his eyes but he just smiled and gave him a thumbs-up. That small gesture of positivity gave the older a bit more confidence. He felt like no matter what happened in this interview Jimin would be by his side. That's all he needed.

A/N: I appreciate whoever is reading. The interview will be a turning point for their relationship. I'm excited!!


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