Chapter 23: Week 14 pt. 2

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*unedited and short*

~Continuation of Flashback~

It was silent

Completely silent

After So-rim told her husband that she had been unfaithful to him with a female he didn't do anything, he was just standing over her

So-rim looked up at her husband waiting for him to do something

Hit her

Yell at her

Anything but he didn't

He was just standing there

So-rim got to her feet hesitantly and grabbed her husband's face gently

"Minjun, please please believe me I-I love you s-so much! It was a mistake!"

"Get out."

Minjun snatches his face away from his teary-eyed wife and looks at her with darkest look

She didn't even recognize him anymore

"Minjun please! I can't leave Jimin here he needs his mother!"

"I SAID LEAVE! YOU DISGUST ME!" He pushes her forcefully onto the ground and punches her making her wail out in pain

Jimin's crying was increasing from the nursery only fueling the anger inside of Minjun

"You have five minutes to get your shit and GET THE FUCK OUT!"

So-rim was still on the floor she couldn't see straight from how hard her husband had hit her

Minjun picks her up harshly and drags her to the door making the pain worse. He throws her out the door making her fully collapse on the solid concrete

"Run back to your whore if you need a place to stay."

Minjun slams the door and grips his hair tightly thinking of ways to deal with this

He walks over to the nursery where his sister has been soothing his son during the fight

"Minjun where is she?" Jihyo's small voice so fragile almost as if she was afraid of her brother

He doesn't answer her question he just looks at his son

His son that looks so much like his cheating wife

"Stay here with Jimin I have to handle something"


He shoots her a death glare and she gets the message to not ask about what her brother was planning to do

He walks out the room making sure to close and lock the door, he couldn't have anything messing up the plan he had in mind

He got a jacket and left the house

Not returning until the morning to let Jihyo go from the nursery.

~End of Flashback~

"Wait, so you don't know what happened when he left?" Hobi asks wanting more answers from her

"No I don't, I tried to ask him what had happened that night but he would just get really defensive and close himself up"

Jimin was sitting there stunned

Why would his father lie about his mothers death?

Where did he go that night?

Is this why he hated Jimin being gay?

Could his father really murder his mother?

Yoongi saw all the panic in his boyfriends eyes and grabbed his tiny hand rubbing circles over his knuckles with his thumb

"You ok?"

Jimin nods but Yoongi knows that's a lie so he excuses the both of them from the table and takes the younger to their room

They position themselves on the bed with Jimin laying on his side facing his boyfriend's chocolate brown eyes while the other was looking right back at him with all the love and concern in the world. This is how they wish it could be all the time, just them two in love plain and simple

"Tell me what you're thinking Chim, I know this isn't easy for you"

Jimin let's out a long sigh

"I just...I don't know how to feel, it's all confusing. I have believed my whole life that my father is a terrible man but is he actually capable of murder?"

"I can't give you those answers baby I wish I could, but think about the story would your aunt really make that up?"

"I don't think she made it up but I also don't want to jump to conclusions and say that my father is a murder, what if he just went to get a drink or something. Maybe he went out to have sex with another woman, I mean we don't really know"

Jimin was panicking a bit he really didn't want to think the worst

"Jimin I know you don't want to believe that your father could murder someone but with his track history, he could have. I mean he almost killed you, it was so bad when I saw you Jimin so imagine the headspace he was in when he found out about your mom? He was probably furious and lost his sense, but like you said we don't know so try not to worry your pretty little head about it ok?"

Yoongi kissed the younger's head and pulled him closer to close the gap between their lips

Jimin relaxed into the kiss and couldn't help the swelling of warmth in his chest

Yoongi has become such a huge part of his life and he doesn't know how he would make it without him.

A/N: I love writing soft chapters especially towards the end, it gives me hope lol. Well school is almost over so there should be more updates soon. I missed writing so much!! Also I might start doing bigger time jumps so there might be a two week jump for the next update so it would be week 16 instead of 15, just to help the story move a bit. Thank you for being patient love you all and stay safe!


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