The interview (Week 6)

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A/N: I might have made a lot of typos I wrote this then tried to edit as best as possible so please don't be mean lol

Jinyoung cleared his throat and drank a bit more water before they officially started the interview. Yoongi was still nervous but was keeping himself composed. The bright heated lights making his whole body heat up and his hands were clammy so he wiped them on his pants. Jimin was watching the older with intensity, he was nervous for the other because he knew how ruthless his relatives interviews are. He wouldn't resist getting a good story even at the expense of someone's sanity. Jinyoung noticed that the two were tense so he reached over to Yoongi and placed his hand on his knee.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine" He winked and rubbed his knee with his thumb

Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes whilst crossing his arms.

"Thanks" Yoongi brushed the others hand off his knee and looked at Jimin with a look that spoke a thousand words. He looked at him in a way that made the pink-haired feel like he was the only one in the room, and Jimin dropped all of his insecurities about the older being attracted to his cousin. He knew that he shouldn't even be jealous because that would mean that he is attracted to Yoongi, his father's client. Right his father. Jimin was snapped out of the black hole that was his thoughts when the director counted down and said that the live interview was starting. After that Jinyoung began to talk.

"Today with me I have new up and coming rapper Min Yoongi also known as Agust D. How are you today Yoongi?"

"I-I'm great and you?" Yoongi cursed at himself internally for being so nervous to the point of stuttering

"Let's get into the questions huh?" Jinyoung chuckled realizing just how anxious the other was

Yoongi nodded

"So I feel like in every interview you've done the same questions are being asked. 'Who inspired you?' 'Are you dating?' 'When did you realize you wanted to be a rapper?' all those basic interview questions that you probably get tired of answering, right?"

"Yeah I guess they are pretty repetitive"

"Let's ask some new and refreshing questions that you really don't get the chance to answer hm?"

Jimin had a knot in his stomach he didn't like the tone in his cousins voice and knew nothing good could come from it.

"So Yoongi, let's build up yeah? What was your childhood like?"

"It was pretty average I mean nothing to special, I didn't finish high school as you probably know, because I had to get a full-time job to support me and my dad-."

"Right, it was just you and your dad. Where was your mom? You never talk about her."

Yoongi and Jimin shifted in their seats simultaneously, becoming suspicious of the tone in his voice

"She wasn't around"

"I see and why is that?"

Jinyoung knew he what he had in his back pocket for Yoongi but he wanted to drag it out to get the other worked up.

"I don't know she just wasn't my dad said she left the hospital in the middle of the night and he hadn't seen her since."

"Ah ok let's take a break from that for now huh? It seems a little heavy to start so let's talk about your best friend Kim Namjoon"

Yoongi sighed briefly he did not want to talk about that woman anymore

"Ok what about him?"

"There are some allegations that you and him steal others music and pass it off as your own, care to speak on that?"

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