Shiro's Battle; The Might of HERO's

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It was unexpected to everyone (except myself) that Yuya apparently fell into a coma. While this was going on, I spoke with my ace as something was causing me to worry.

"Did you notice anything off when we defeated Fluffstein, Utopia? Like someone has been watching us from afar." I ask, glancing out the window of my room I was given by Mrs. Sakaki. While I couldn't see anything, I knew someone was watching me.

"Yes, yet it felt familiar in a way. I fear it could be a rogue Number, taking form once again..." As Utopia says this, a knock is heard at the door.

"Come in!" I say, dismissing Utopia back to the Spirit World for now. The door opens to reveal Yuzu, a bit nervous it seemed.

"Hey John? I know this might be an odd question, but have you happened to see someone who looked similar to Yuya lately? I can't help but feel like I'm seeing things..."

I look to her, unsure if I should say anything. But after some thought, I decided to take a gamble and half lie.

"You know Yuzu, maybe you seen someone that was like Yuya's double. I have heard sometimes, somewhere in the world, there is always a double of us born as well. As for if I have seen anyone who was similar, I would be lying if I said no."

Hearing this, Yuzu seemed to nod, still not satisfied, but accepted my answer. I get up and head to the door, preparing to head to the stadium.

"Where are you off to?" Yuzu asked. I smile back at her, taking her hand.

"I think we should watch some duels to get your mind out of the stress train it's on."

And with that, I lead/drag her to the stadium, unaware that today was Shiro's turn to duel.


"Welcome duelists to the next day of the tournament! I am yout MC, Nico Smiley, and I am happy to announce we have another newcomer to LDS and Miamai City competing today! She is said to use Fusion, and today, we will see what her cards are capable of! Please welcome Shiro Yuki!"

Stepping onto the duel field, Shiro waves gently, unsure if she should have gone this far or just hide. However, she sees Shun from the sidelines, and a smile creeps across her face as she remembers the night before. Their promise to help each other would stand, and she would show him what she's got.

"Now, her opponent! From outside of Maiami City, she has raised her rank in just a month to be able to enter this tournament. Please welcome Alice!"

At the announcement of her opponents name, Shiro looked across to see a young girl in black hair wearing a black dress you'd probably see on a doll, wearing biker boots and a headband.

Alice looked across to Shiro, and a sly smile like a Cheshire cat crossed her face.

"Let's have a fun duel, shall we?" Asked Alice, her voice hiding something.

Nico Smiley then announces for the action field to activate.
The randomizer for field selection soon lands on what seemed like a cityscape.

"Action Field: Metropolis of Heros!"

Shiro would smile, as she had home field advantage in a way now.

"Duelists locked in battle!" starts Shiro.

"Kicking the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!" continued Alice.
"They storm through this field!" Shouts the audience.
"Behold! This is the newest and greatest evolution of Dueling!" Exclaims Nico.
"ACTION," I shout from the bleachers.
"DUEL!" Declare both Shiro and Alice

"I'll start this off," declares Shiro, looking at her hand and smiling, "by summoning Neo Spacian Air Hummingbird!"
As she placed the card on her duel disk supplied by Reji, the Neo Spacian appeared in a flurry of feathers before taking a heroic pose.

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