Time for a Twist; Revealing Hope

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"Since you suggested this challenge, you may go first." Hokuto said, smiling arrogantly.
"Okay, but you will probably regret it." I said as I drew my beginning hand. "I'll start off by setting two cards, then I summon Gagaga Gardna. Your move, Star Boy." I say as I start searching for an action card, which makes the kids laugh.
"Laugh all you want. I'll be having the last laugh. Draw!" He looks at his hand starts to chuckle, making me worried.
"I'll start by summoning Constellar Algiedi! When successfully summoned, I can special summon a level 4 Constellar from my hand, and I choose Kaus!" The two monsters appear, and I knew what was coming next.
"Now, Kaus' effect! Twice a turn, I can increase one monsters level by 1! I'll use his ability twice, once on Algiedi and the other time on Kaus himself! Now I control two level 5 monsters. You know what's next?" Hokuto smirks, but I answer bluntly.
"Oh no! Synchro summon!?" I then sigh. "I know you intend to Xyz Summon, so get it going."
Hokuto looks annoyed, then continues his turn.
"I overlay my two level 5 Constellar monsters and build the overlay network! Xyz Summon! Appear, Rank 5, Constellar Pleadias!"
As the monster rose up, I got on top of one of the buildings.
"I activate Pleadias' effect! By detaching an overlay unit, I return one card on your field to your hand! I return your Gardna!"
Just as Pleadias absorbed an overlay unit, I start laughing.
"I was hoping you'd do that! I activate my trap, Heraldry Record!" As the card rose, Pleadias is struck by a bolt from the sky and is destroyed.
"Wha-!? How!?" Hokuto was speechless.
"Heraldry Record can only activate when an Xyz monster activates its effect by detaching an overlay unit. The effect is negated and the monster is instantly destroyed, just like your hopes of taking this school." I explained, and Hokuto suddenly gets furious.
"You may have saved your Gardna, but I'll get you next turn!" Yells Hokuto as he sets two cards on the field, then runs for an action card.
"Then it's my turn. Draw!" As I drew, I felt like a new power was welling up inside of me. I looked at the card I drew, seeing it to be one of the new pendulum cards that I got ony arrival in standard.
"Guess it's time to reveal a little surprise." Suddenly, the field goes dark, and spotlights shine on me.
"Attention everyone! Boys and girls of all ages! Prepare to see a performance you may be use to by now!" I then pull two cards from my hand as the children look on, confused.
"A performance we are use to?" Inquire Ayu, Tatsuya and Futoshi.
"I, using the scale 3 Numeron Decoder and scale 9 Numeral Dog, set the pendulum scale!" I yell out. Everyone gasp at my declaration. As I set the cards, a man who wore a coat that looked like it was made from code and a dog with a hashtag on its collar rise up.
"Pendulum!?" Everyone yelled.
"But... How?" Gap Yuya. I knew this would affect him, but I planned to tell him sometime after LDS left.
"Swing, mighty pendulum! Carve an arc across the sky to reveal a new hope! Pendulum summon!" Two comets shot down, both being purple in color. "Come forth, level 4 Gagaga magician! And level 8 Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon!" As my monsters appeared, the children looked in awe at my dragon.
"So bright." Exclaimed Tatsuya.
"And pretty!" Says Ayu.
Futoshi jumps up twisting. "It's giving me the shivers!"
I hear Galaxy Eyes give a little chuckle, then look at Hokuto. I jump onto Galaxy Eyes back, and we take to the sky.
"I hope you are all ready! First, Gagaga Gardna attacks Hokuto directly."
Hokuto starts running, then jumps up grabbing an action card.
"Action magic: Avoid! Your attack is negated!"
"That's fine, because Gagaga Magician can finish where Gardna started. Gagaga Rush!" At the attack declaration, my magician charges at Hokuto, punching him.
Hokuto: 4000-1500=2500
"Now to finish. Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon, attack with Photon Stream of Destruction!" Hokuto grabs another action card, which was next to him when my magician hit him.
"Action magic: Miracle! I target a monster and halve the damage I receive." He yells out as he's thrown back by the blast.
Hokuto: 2500-1500=1000
"Good move at surviving, Hokuto. I end my turn with a face down."
Hokuto got up, looking very angry.
"I DRAW!" he yells. He looks at his card, and smiles.
"I activate Constellar Rebirth! I send the top two cards from my deck to the graveyard, then bring back that many Constellar monsters. Arise Algiedi and Kaus! I then use Kaus' effect to increase both his and Algiedi's level by one. I overlay them once more! Xyz Summon! Appear, rank 5, Constellar Pleadias! I then activate his effect twice, sending both your Galaxy Eyes and Magician back to your hand!"
"I don't think so. I activate my trap, Wonder Xyz! I can Xyz summon on your turn if I have the right material. I overlay my Magician and Gardna! Warrior of the sun, descend and reveal your power of everlasting hope. Xyz summon! Appear, rank 4! Number 39: Utopia!" I look over and see that Sora wasn't watching anymore, but I didn't care. Defending the school was all on my mind. As Utopia appeared, Hokuto starts backing up.
"Y-you can Xyz summon!? H-how!?"
"I would tell you, but you threatened this school, so you are facing my ace monster."
Hokuto then looks annoyed. "Well, I can still destroy it. I overlay Pleadias and Xyz summon Rank 6 Constellar Ptolemy M7! Attack his Utopia, Ptolemy!"
"I don't think so. I activate Utopia's ability! By detaching an overlay unit, I negate your attack! Light Wing Shield!"
As Ptolemy M7 shot its blast, Utopia's wing extends infront of him, blocking the attack.
"Grrr. I end my turn."
As Hokuto ended his turn, I turn my attention to the viewers.
"Attention all who are watching! I am about to work some magic! Instead of conducting my regular draw phase, I can add one random special card from my deck to my hand due to Numeron Decoder's pendulum ability. So let's go, Rank Up Coding!" Numeron Decoder extends his hand, swiping the air as a screen appears in front of him. After a brief moment, he taps the screen and a card ejects from my deck. I take it and look at it, smiling.
"Okay everybody, now time to see some extreme Xyz magic! I activate Rank Up Magic: Numeron Force!"
"Rank Up?" Says Ayu and Futoshi confused.
"I choose my only Xyz monster on my field, Number 39: Utopia, and evolve him into a Chaos Number while increasing his rank by one. Warrior of the sun, take in the code that shapes the future and create a bright tomorrow. Chaos Xyz Evolution! Appear, Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory!"
As the Xyz portal exploded, Utopia Ray Victory flew out. The children looked on in awe, while Hokuto looked baffled.
"Chaos Xyz evolution? I've never heard of such a thing! Especially of a Rank Up Magic!"
"Well, they are common where I'm from. Anyway, I'll have Utopia Ray Victory attack your Ptolemy M7!"
"I'll still have life points!" Exclaims Hokuto, but then I chuckle.
"Not if I use an effect." Hokuto's face pales as I continue.
"I detach an overlay unit from Utopia Ray Victory to activate his effect. Victory Charge!" Utopia Ray Victory jumps into the air, and two arms grow under his original set, grabbing his two waist swords and his upper arms grabbing the two swords on his back.
Utopia Ray Victory: 2800+2700=5500
"Wha-what happened!?"
"When this effect activates, I add the opposing monster's attack to Utopia Ray's until the end of the battle." I look at Utopia, who nods back. "Okay Utopia Ray Victory, attack Ptolemy M7 with Rising Sun Double Victory Slash!"
"I activate an action magic: Avoid!" Yells Hokuto, but an error appeared on his Duel disk. "Huh?"
"When Utopia Ray Victory attacks, you cannot activate spells or traps until after the battle."
Hokuto falls to his knees, realizing he lost when his Constellar dragon was slashed at, creating two V's out of the slashes.
Hokuto: 1000>0
"And that's how you Hi-Five the Sky." I do a Jaden pose.

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