Appearance of the Lying Legend

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Fusion Dimension
Academia throne room
"Your first failure proved to actually help us, Panik." A man on a throne says monotonously. Panik was on one knee, head bowed.
"H-how so, Professor?"
The man, now revealed to be the Professor, looks to his left. Panik followed his gaze. There, between two pillars, was figure wearing a golden Egyptian mask.
"I believe you summoned me, Professor?" The figure asked.
"Yes I did.... Abidos the Third."

Standard dimension
Yuya's house
I was just waking up, trying to figure out where I was. I then remembered I was at Yuya's house, sleeping in the spare bedroom. What I didn't expect was a little corgi laying on my lap. I also noticed a cat laying next to my head.
"En! Core! Where are you two? It's breakfast time." Yuya's voice yelled outside the closed door to the spare bedroom. The two pets open their eyes instantly and start calling out, heading to the door. The door opens and both pets tackle Yuya as he comes in. I laugh as they nuzzle and lick Yuya's face.
After a few minutes, they stop and head downstairs to eat. I was still laughing, wiping away a few tears from laughing so hard.
"Guess they like you, John." Yuya gets off the ground, dusting himself off.
"Yeah." I finally get control over myself. Suddenly, I hear someone.
"I sense someone not from here." Says the voice, being a deep male. I look over to my right and see Utopia. I try to not look shocked, but must have failed when Yuya looks at me concerned.
"You okay John? You look like you seen a ghost."
I shake my head, putting on a smile.
"I'm okay, Yuya. Go on ahead. I'll be down in a few minutes."
He simply shrugs and left my room, clearly concerned. After I was certain he was gone, I look at Utopia.
"What do you mean, Utopia? Someone dimension jump?" He simply nods, making me wonder who was here.
Just outside the Sakaki residents, in the trees....
"I hope you are ready, Utopic Peacekeeper." A figure wearing a robe stands, then jumps and disappears halfway down.
That afternoon....
I was walking to YouShow, accompanied by Tatsuya.
"So, you feel ready for the Miami championship, John?"
I simply smile, feeling his giddiness.
"I feel like I might do good. After all, I have a good feeling that...." I stop, sensing a presence. I suddenly turn around, shocking Tatsuya.
"Whoever's there, show yourself!" I yell. After a few seconds, we both hear chuckling.
"I shouldn't expect less from you, Utopic Peacekeeper." Says a young man's voice. I simply frown, knowing it was a Academia duelist. Tatsuya looks at me, confused. A shimmer appears, and in front of us materializes a man wearing royal Egyptian garments and a golden mask. I suddenly remembered who he was.
"I am Abidos the Third, and I have come to vanquish you."
"We'll see, Lying Legend." My remark seems to anger him.
"I am no longer that! You will fall to me, then I'll take your card to the Professor!" I sigh as he yells, then look at a frightened Tatsuya.
"Go to the Duel school. I'll be fine." He nods, but then gets blocked by zombie guards.
"Neither of you are leaving until the end of the duel." Chuckles Abidos.
"I will have to use my full power, then." I pull out a deck and insert it into my Duel disk, activating it along with Abidos activating his. Tatsuya shakes, clearly frightened.
"Duel!" We both shout.
"I'll start." Declares Abidos.
"I'll start by playing the spell, The First Sarcophagus. Then, I'll set a monster. End turn."
"It's my go, then. I draw." I look at my hand, and see an opportunity.
"I'll start by playing Goblindberg, then activate his effect to summon Utopic Guard. I chain Goblindberg's summon with the effect of Kagetokage." Just as Goblindberg appeared, carrying a large crate, a shadow lizard crawls out of the shadow of it. The crate drops next to the lizard and goblin pilot, revealing a man in golden armor, carrying a half of a shield in both hands.
"Three level 4 monsters? Can he....?" Tatsuya looks on in surprise.
"I now build the overlay network with my Guard and Goblindberg! Great warrior of the sun, descend and rid the world of darkness. Come, rank 4, Number 39: Utopia!" As the Xyz portal explodes, Utopia's crest form appears, transforming into his true form. Tatsuya looks at Utopia, shocked.
"Direct attack, Utopia! Rising Sun Slash!"
As Utopia's blade about hit, Abidos starts to laugh.
"I activate from my hand Fusion Zombie's effect. When I am attacked directly, I can perform a fusion summon before damage calculations. I fuse my Zombie with my Spirit of the Pharoh! Spirit of the deceased king, merge with the dark mummy and receive a new power. Fusion Summon! Appear, level 12, Dark Deity Set!"
"What!?" As Utopia stopped attacking, a very decayed mummy whose bandages were practically falling apart appeared, along with the Spirit of the Pharoh. As the fusion portal absorbed the two monsters, the earth shook, and I realized this wasn't the same Abidos from the GX era. Suddenly, the ground started to crack, and a black hand grabbed the edge. A figure rose up, its head looking like an anteater's, covered in rotten bandages and a rippling aura surrounding it. It continues to rise, going taller than my Gravekeeper's Deity Anubis.
"Oh boy."

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