Chapter 27 My Child

Start from the beginning

"Maybe it's the wrong address, Boss" Shahan had commented.

"I did the background check, it's not a coincidence that this house belongs to her friend and is located less than 3 km from the store she swiped her card" Siddharth had declared. 

When finally the door opened he saw a sleepy Raiza. The first thing he noticed was her protruding stomach and the weight gain. The shock of seeing his wife pregnant the joy of knowing he was going to be a father and the pain of being abandoned had hit him all at once. His anger got the better of him. She had been shocked and stared but he didn't care. She had abandoned him and she will have to pay. 

He paced inside the living room while his trusted private detective stayed outside not wanting to interfere. Raiza stood frozen near the door. He studied her "She isn't remorseful, nor scared, she is shocked."  as soon as the thought crossed his mind he wanted to shake her up and tell her to look at him and realize what her running away had done to him. He hadn't slept in the nights being angry and worried. A lot of scenarios kept running in his mind, her body lying in a ditch hit by some drunken truck driver, or being raped by some asshole on the street, he had not eaten nor had he been peaceful for four months and here she was standing and staring in shock. 

"Are you shocked I found you?" he questioned trying to control his anger. 

She looked at him and slowly recovered from her shock. "No" she replied to his questions.

"Oh you knew I was coming and you were waiting for me here is it?" he questioned. 

"I swiped my credit card by mistake and realized it only last night. I knew you would be tracking me and I was planning on leaving this place as soon as possible" she declared her face demonstrating hatred. 

"Running away again" he added.

"Yes running from you and your abuse" she retorted as she moved away from him. 

It was not new to him she called him names but he didn't realize when her fear of him had transformed into courage. He moved closer grabbing her wrist. "You abandoned me and decided to take my child with you?" he thundered. 

"Your shadow will not pollute my child's life" she screened.

The hurt of those words cut deep into his mind. "Polluting her life am I and abusing her, well so be it,"  He thought.

"He twisted her wrist and pinned her to his body. You will never escape me, no matter how far you run and where you hide I will always find you" Feeling disgusted at himself and angry at her he pushed her away from him. She fell forward but his instinct kicked in and he caught her before she could actually fall and hurt herself and their child. 

"Don't touch me" she screened. "I'm not your toy anymore, I'm not going to let you abuse me ever again," she yelled withdrawing from him. 

He walked up to her placed his hand on her belly and stared down into her eyes with all the intention of inciting fear he declared "My child will stay with me. If you try to take him or her away from me I will fuck you up. You will not leave me nor my child ever" he declared.

"Don't try to threaten me. I'm done with you and your bullshit. You will get the divorce papers soon, live with it." she threatened him back. 

He started laughing "You think the court and the law will save you from me? Have you forgotten already what I did to your father? Remember he tried to take you away from me and ended up losing you forever." her face contorted from the memory. 

"I was weak and couldn't protect my father from you but I will not let that happen to my child" she yelled. 

"Protect her father?" he wondered "She was the one who caused his trouble, how was she going to protect him"

He noticed her breathing, she was struggling for it and clutching her back. He crossed the space between them and reached her forgetting their fight he held her shoulder "Sit down" he stated but sounded like he had just issued an order.

She moved out of his hold "Don't tell me what to do" 

"You don't look good Raiza" he declared observing her struggle to breathe. "Here sit down" he ordered again.

"Let go of me" she whimpered "I'm fine"

"Shut up and sit down, if anything happened to my child I will not let you live peacefully" he threatened. 

She hadn't heard him as she lost her balance and had fallen into his arm unconscious. Siddharth lifted her limp body and ran to his car. 

"Shahan, start the car we need to go to a hospital" he screened. 

They had driven down 3 km to reach a doctor. The only doctor in the remote part of the little town. His heart had been in his mouth thinking she was going to die or she goes into labour. The doctor completed his check-up and pronounced her all right. 

"She is under stress, don't let her get worked up too much. It is a difficult pregnancy for her. I have told her before she needs to be careful. The baby is fine, she is a little weak and needs to be careful with her stress levels." he added. 

Siddharth nodded to the doctor "Can I take her home now?" he asked.

"Yes, sure I have given her a sedative to keep her calm, she had woken up during the check-up and was looking worried and stressed" he explained. 

"I will look after her doctor thank you" Siddhart declared before leaving. 

That night he had brought her back to his home praying that their child will change things between them.

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