Keith: Oh...

Just the timing of Keith's oh was so odd and his voice so weird for that word that it made us all laugh.

"What is thiiiiis?" I shook the paper in my hand.
"You haven't even completed yet." Courtney shouted.
"There's more of this?" I asked. I know it hasn't been very long since we started, but the story is just getting weirder by second.
"Yeah. So this is a part of a very long collection of chapters." Courtney said.
"A novel?" Olivia interrupted her.
"Online fanfic. Uh Olivia, don't interrupt me. So where was i? Yes, this story was so long that I had to pick out any two chapters. So this was one, and the next chapter is from middle of the novel. I have added a short summary of story in between."

"So we continue reading?" I asked her, just to be sure she doesn't want to do it herself. Courtney has been so involved in this that I wouldn't be surprised if she snatches both of our scripts and does the entire thing on her own.

Y/n: Summary of the story in between. Damien finds y/n yet again and this time their meeting went on for hours. They met day after day and in spite of y/n trying her best not to, she falls in love with the handsome blue knight. The knight too isn't able to control his heart from loving her more day by day.
Setting, the duo is sitting on a hill top,. watching the full moon in its heavenly glory.
Damien: Y/n, I have to tell you something.
Y/n: Yes Damien, go on.
Damien: Tomorrow I leave for a war.
Y/n: There was a sudden silence that filed the air. Damien shifted his gaze to y/n and was shocked to see her looking at him with teared up eyes.
Which war, she asked.
Damien: King Ian has picked up a fight from the neighboring kingdom. He is very determined to win this war and he wants every hand in war. He even called some worthy squires just to increase his army numbers.
Y/n: Is the enemy strong?
Damien was still looking at her sad eyes and knew that she wouldn't like the answer.
Damien: yes. And the way King Ian leads us in war, death is almost certain.

"King Ian." Noah said with a tone on disappointed and it just broke the momentum of the story.
"Yeah, who the hell appointed this guy as the king?" we heard Matt's voice from behind the camera. People started laughing to this even harder.
"Guuuys, let them read." Courtney went back to her only statement in the entire video.

Y/n: Then why are you going? You should just stay.
Damien: I want to stay here too y/n, but that is my duty. Moreover, I don't see an actual reason for my stay.
Y/n: Am I not enough for the reason?

Suddenly mutters from behind the camera stopped.
In every fanfiction, there comes one point in the story where you want to know what comes next with utmost desperacy. And then there comes a dialogue which does the same.
This may not be that point of the story, but this was that dialogue.
This is a very important monologue and I have to do it the necessary justice.

The next section of the story was a monologue.
Actually, the monologue is the last thing here. Good, atleast it will get over without any complications.
I kept my script down and paid my attention to y/n. She looked worried. She must be. We have done voice overs and yes this is not much different, but in a video facial expressions can't remain hidden. You have to give your best shot at maintaining a neutral expression.

"Am I not enough Damien? We both know that we have a certain romantic spot for each other in our hearts.
Well, i can't say for you, but I fell for you. I fell for you the moment I saw you for the first time on that busy day."

My mind immediately traveled back to that fortunate day when I saw her for the first time. When she bumped into me in Evan's office.

"I fell for you when you pulled me in and saved me from dangers every time it was necessary."

Fighting that dude for her, having her over to my house, being there for her when she needed me.

"I fell for you every time you came to meet me and my family."

Playing with Pebbles at her place.

"I fell for you every time we did something together."

Bringing Shayne and Courtney together, playing for Smosh games together, facing the fall down together, editing together, eating together, laughing together.

"I fell for you every night..."

Thinking about her in my bed and living a situation that can only exist in imagination. Trying to imagine her naked but only in vain.

"...and every day that we were together."

Voice overs, malls, meetings, office, home, café, get-togethers.

"I love you more than myself and I hate it because it is a fantasy that will never be real."

By now I was physically there, but my mind was somewhere else. My heart was somewhere else. My everything was with her.

"I wanted to, I want to believe that it was US all along, but it seems it was just me. So I think it would be good if we separate. It would be good for both of us."

Saying this she stood up on her spot and walked away from the camera view.

I love her.

I love her.

I love her and I love her.

"Oh no." Keith said and it brought me back to reality.
She stood there waiting for a reaction from everyone.
She stood there all pretty and innocent, unaware of what she had done to me.
She unknowingly awakened a desire I didn't know existed. She awakened lust and love for herself. She awakened a need to hear 'I love you' from her every day.

"Wooooooo. That was sooo good." Courtney yelled.
And immediately the whole room was filled with applause.
Y/n came back and sat on her stool.
"No wonder you two are rocking the voice overs." She added.

"Y/n you did it. Welcome to Smosh. Officially welcome to Smosh." Shayne said and hugged her.

Do something you have been sitting here for too long now.

"Yes, welcome to the mad house y/n." I said and hugged both Shayne and her.

The shooting ended soon and y/n immediately took the tape for editing. I have to see the video before it gets out, just to see if I gave myself away.
The day ended soon, but now that we both were back to normal, it was difficult to hold it all back.
I have to talk to someone about it.

Hi people, sorry this one is so fuckin long. I got really engaged in writing this and forgot about the word count.
Once again, stay safe.

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