Mentoring Shourtney together 2

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Y/n pov:
Damien walked out of the room just 5 minutes after waiting. I didnt want him to but the solitude was better than silence, the awkward silence that the room was in in spite of is being there.
I sat down on my chair immediately and started working on the video i had to edit today.
Some 10 minutes into editting and Shayne comes running inside the room.
"DAMIEN, DAMIEN. Y/n, where's Damien? Never mind i will find him myself." And saying this he ran away, even before i could open my mouth to ask him what had happened. His excitement gave me a vague hint, but then in this case, i had to focus more towards Courtney than Shayne. So i immediately got up and started looking for her.

I found her in the editors room, sitting on my chair.
"Courtney, i was looking for you."i said.
Before I could do anything else, she ran towards me, grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the restroom. Of course she did, it was something you would talk to your friend about.
It was tedious, walking that long, keeping up with her pace and not receiving any answer to my questions.

Finally, when we entered the restroom, the first thing she did was to check other stalls for anybody else. Smart girl.
Luckily the women's restroom is never used, so it was empty.
"Will you just tell me what the hell is going on Courtney? You are scaring me." I let the impatience take the better of me. Although I knew what this hustle was about, i wanted to pretend.

"Shayne asked me for a date." she forcefully whispered. I tried to extract her answer from her expression, but all i could see was shock. Good or bad, unclear.
"Oh my God. Really? What did you say?" I kept up my act. Damn it is difficult.
On my question, I saw a slow smile descend on her face. THAT, is a good sign.
"Of course I said, yes." she said through the smile.
My jaw dropped, eyes widened and i think i popped a vein or two from the excitement.
"Yeeees. That is why he was so excited." I said. Uh oh.
"Wait, you met him before meeting me?"
Quick, cover up dummy.
"No, just saw him pass by me, uh, towards the games office. You know, probably to tell damien." I made it up.
If she gets to know that i knew it beforehand that he was going to ask her, she would kill me.
"Yeah. Do you think he will tell Damien?" she asked.
"Of course, you are telling me." I said.

Until now I didn't even notice that we were squeezing each other's hands.
I freed my hand and gave her a tight hug. I felt she needed that. She started jumping up and down while in my hug.
" Wait." I freed her. "You said yes because you wanted to right?" I asked. It was important that both of them know what arena they are entering. I don't want something this big to start for a silly reason.
"Yeah, i have been waiting for so long for him to ask me."


And i think this was the very expression on my face too, cause she had an apologetic face.
"Anyways. Wait, so you like him too?" I asked.
Her face blushed at that question. Oh God, I am soo happy.
"Court! You are blushing." I said, my hands cupping my mouth.
She just blushed harder and hid her face.
I could hear my heart beat faster. I had get that excitement out of me.
I hugged her back, and this time, I was jumping.
"When is it?" I asked her once i let her go.
"3days later." she said with excitement.
Oh wow. So Shayne has got 3 days to plan a perfect date for the most quirky person.
"Saturday huh. Nice." I said with a smirk. In response i got a punch on my right arm.
"Ow. I am just stating a possibility. Do you need any help with your outfit or anything?" I asked.
"Actually, not with the outfit, but i do need a little help." she said.
"What." I asked.
"We have decided that we will tell Ian about it. I was wondering if you...will..."
"Why me?" I asked.
I don't have a problem telling him, but i am afraid how will he take it, especially since Courtney is like a sister to him.
"Please please please. Just this once." she pleaded.
"Ok, I'll try. " I agreed.
"Thank youuuu. You're the best." she said and we left for the office.

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