"Well, I'm extremely sorry, Zhan. I just said Zhuocheng that you were here in Yibo's office and he ran all the way here to see you. We didn't know that you two were.... " Haikuan trailed off.

"We weren't yet, ge. " Yibo said in a stern voice.

"Wang Yibo! Do you realise that this is a office and not your room? We just kissed the other day and you stormed at us. Now look at you, fucking around with him all day long. Change your dialogue from " Everyday is Everyday " to "Every second is Every second" That suits you more. " Zhuocheng yelled.

"We weren't fucking, Zhuocheng. " Zhan said.

"Well, you would have if I hadn't interrupted. " Zhuocheng said.

"Good that you realized your mistake. " Yibo said and Zhuocheng rolled his eyes.

"Okay... Okay... Stop it now... We were going to have lunch. Would you guys join? " Haikuan asked.

"His lunch is right in front of him. " Zhuocheng said eyeing the two men.

"Let's go, ge. " Zhan said ignoring Zhuocheng as he dragged Yibo outside.


Yibo came back to office as Zhan had said he'll return home with Zhuocheng. Yibo busied himself with work, he totally failed to notice Sara's glare directed towards him.

Zhan on the other hand was about to drive back home with Zhuocheng when he realized that he has left his wallet at Yibo's office. So, he ran in to collect it. But he was stopped midway by the familiar female figure.

"What do you want? " Zhan asked her.

"Leave Yibo. " Sara said.

"Don't even dream about it. " Even though Zhan knew about Sara's condition, he can never tolerate things when it comes to Yibo.

"You bastard, how dare you seduce our Director? What ulterior motive do you have? Are you trying to trap him in some criminal case? " Sara yelled at Zhan which caught every employees attention. They all started gossiping which lead to a choas out there.

"It would be better if you mind your business. I'm not used to arguing with stupid people. " Zhan scoffed.

"I'll kill you. " Sara yelled.

"I don't care. " Zhan glared at her.
"Yibo will never be yours, even if I die. "

"You--- " Sara raised her hand to slap Zhan, but it was stopped midway as someone held her wrist tight, pulling her away from Zhan.

"How dare you? " Yibo yelled at Sara, which caught everyone's attention.

"I'm s-sorry. " Sara stuttered. She was embarrassed now as people kept staring at her.

"To hell with your sorry. You are fired. " Yibo shouted.
"I won't spare you, even if your little finger brushes against my Zhan. "

Zhan was shocked and elated at the same time. His Yibo was defending and protecting him in front of all the other employees.

"Are you defending him? " Sara asked.

"What else did you expect? It's quite obvious that I defend my boyfriend. " Yibo said.

"Yibo... It's fine.. Let's go.. " Zhan tried pulling Yibo away.

"It's not fine, Zhan. I won't spare anyone who speak ill about you or who try to hurt you. " Yibo said.

"Wang Yibo! I love you. " Sara shouted.

"Stop it! I never loved you, neither will I ever. I guess you forgot where you belong. You're just an employee and nothing else. Wait! No I'm wrong. You're no more an employee here. Pack your bags and leave. Now! " Yibo said in a stern voice.

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