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The boys returned with a group of others.

Guess that's Karasuno. I should probably go over and introduce myself.

Then again... I probably won't talk with them much s--

"Y/n! Come here!" Lev shouted loudly.

That annoying lanky bean!

I stood up, closing my book and leaving it on the bench before walking over to the other group.

"This is y/n, she's helping us out during this trip," Tetsuro put his hands on my shoulders and pushed my forward slightly like a father presenting his son to god knows who proudly.

"I...hope we work well together," I nodded to them, not really knowing what I should say.

"She's...adorable!" two of their team mates shouted.


"Stop that," a beautiful girl with black hair and glasses hit the two on their heads and walked over to me, "I'm Kiyoko. The manager of Karasuno and this is Yachi, she's going to become the manager next year."

"Nice to meet you both," I nodded to them.

I noticed Yachi was giving me a weird look and smiled at her.

"Something wrong?" I asked, she shook her head and stepped out from behind Kiyoko.

"You're f/n l/n, right?" she asked, "the swimmer?"

"Oh... You know me?" I asked, she suddenly grinned and jumped forward.

"How couldn't I know you?!" she shouted, I looked at her awkwardly as she seemed to gain a lot more energy than I expected such a small person to have, "you totally rocked the last swimming competition! I watched! I was awesome!"

"I-- er-- thanks?" I replied. This is... I'm not used to this.

"I'd like to see you swim again!" she grinned, "You're like a dolphin."

How many times do I have to hear that?

"I'll be cheering for you at nationals," she threw her fist up in the air energetically before realising what she'd been saying and suddenly became really embarrassed and bowed, "I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine," I laughed awkwardly at her.

"I'm really really sorry!" she exclaimed.

"No... Seriously, it's fine... Please stop bowing, it's embarrassing," I looked away as people stared at our interaction, "please.."

"Aw is our dear y/n embarrassed?" Tetsuro teased, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"No I'm not!" I exclaimed, "it's just awkward. I am a third year, people younger than me bowing to me makes me feel like I bullied them!"

"I mean-- it does kind of look like that," Kenma commented, "she looks like she's freaking out about something."

"Don't worry, Yachi," a boy chuckled before walking over, "I'm Daichi, the captain."

"Nice to meet you," I sighed, "man... I'm going back over there where I can't make a fool of myself."

"You're so cute flustered, y/n," Tetsuro laughed as I slipped from under his hold and walked away, I could feel my ears burning like crazy.

I am not cute.


Practices began and I took notes on the performance of the players per coach Naoi's and Nekomata's scrutinisation. I recorded the scores for each round and learned that Tetsuro likes to annoy Bokuto by blocking all his spikes. It's quite amusing to watch, though I can tell they've got a really good friendship.

Two captains are better than one | Kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now