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English - italics
Japanese - normal

Hours later_

I took a moment outside the airport while everyone were loading the stuff onto the bus. I couldn't help but smile as I looked around.

Back in Australia.

"Y/n!" Mako called me, I looked over to see they'd finished packing the stuff away and now were beginning to climb on the bus themselves, "are you coming or you going to stay here at the airport?"

"No. No, I'm coming," I walked over, "just felt weird being back here."

"Well get nostalgic later, let's go," she grabbed my hand and dragged me onto the bus, clearly excited, "it's my first time in Australia. I can't wait to see where you grew up!"

We both took a seat and Tenchi stumbled over his words as he tried to confirm we were ready to leave.

He sighed.

"Go," he just gave up.

"What he means is we're ready to leave now, sir," I quickly leaned forward before leaning back again and looking to my coach, "didn't you say you say you were fluent in English, French and Italian?"

"I may have exaggerated," he shrugged.

"Miss Nakamura, how's your English?" I asked, looking to the maths teacher.

"My English is fine," she smiled, "I did very well on my exams. I can't quite remember why I didn't become an English teacher... Hm."

I looked to Tenchi who let out a weird noise.

"Fine. I skipped my English exams in school," he shrugged, "make an excuse that I was swimming and got away with it. But I can speak French very well, and Italian... to an extent."

Well he did live in France for a while earlier in his swimming career so I get that. But I'm surprised to know that he skipped an exam with a lie. Actually... Yeah. No not really.

I noticed the bus driver giving us a strange look.

"Sorry, it's been a while since any of us had to speak English," I quickly apologised before looking to the road, "please take us to the hotel."

"Sure..." the driver glanced around us before turning back and looking forward. He began driving and we headed to our hotel.

It didn't take all that long, or at least it didn't feel all that long with all the talking we were doing.

When we got to the hotel, we were split up into our rooms. Me and Mako shared a room, Rayla and Ino shared a room and then Kyoka and Haru shared one. Then Miss Nakamura had her own room and Tenchi his own as well.

Since it was 1am by the time we had settled into our rooms we all just decided we'd go straight to sleep and then deal with whatever we needed to in the morning.

Good thing too because the next morning, I was faced with a girl I never wanted to see again even if it meant never returning to Sydney in the future.

"Amelia," I greeted my former captain with an irritated expression.

Why the heck is she in the hotel when she lives here?

"Y/n, gutsy of you to return after running away with your tail in between your legs," Amelia glared down at me, "you still swimming? Brave."

"Why're you in this hotel. You live here," I rolled my eyes and turned the conversation away from me.

"I don't live here anymore. Moved out to Perth," she replied, "I'm here because of the race. My adorable younger sisters are racing."

"Rose and Lily?" I asked.

"Of course. Who else?" she confirmed.

Of course.

Those two bitches. I mean--

"Y/n?" Mako was also with me but until now she'd been awkwardly stood next to me in silence, "What's going on?"

"Mako, meet Amelia Colt. My former captain," I gestured to her.

"Ah. The mean girl," Mako nodded, understanding the situation, "this is awkward, huh?"

"Yes," I nodded.

"Hello? Not everyone speaks Japanese, y/n," Amelia cut in.

"Well not everyone can speak good English either, Amelia," I glared at her, pushing past and walking towards where the rest of the group were.

Mako jogged after me and quickly caught up.

"You're both not very nice to each other," Mako commented.

"She's a walking bitch," I replied, "always has been, always will be. But this time, I'm not going to just sit by and take it. I've changed."

"Well, actually. Maybe you haven't changed?" Mako suggested, "maybe you just... I don't know, gained a bit of confidence since you literally turned our swim club upside down."

"Upside down?" I repeated, "no way. I was pretty chill in first year."

"Tell that to our captain back then," she hummed before waving when she noticed Rayla was waving to us, "anyway, have you spoken to Kuroo since we got here?"

"We've not even been in Australia for a day yet and no," I shook my head, "we both need to focus on training right now. His tournament starts on the same day that the first day of the first heat so we're both going to be busy preparing."

"That's unfortunate," she sighed, "though you should try call him at least once today. After today, we won't get many breaks."

"Actually," we reached the group and I noticed Tenchi holding a clip board, "I think yesterday was our last day with breaks."

"You're right," Tenchi nodded, "Where's this pool?"

Ten minute walk later_
L/n private indoor pool_

"Welcome to our pool," I announced as we walked through the hall and into the pool section of the building, "two 50m pools back to back and a gym in the next room over."

I then turned and pointed.

"Changing rooms are through that door," I then turned to the opposite direction to where two doors were, "through those doors are pool supplies, then we have our trusty lifeguard. His name is Rowan. He's just here because of safety and all, other than that he'll just sit and read his book as always. I called him because its a mandatory thing."

"Hey, y/n. Welcome back to Australia," Rowan waved.

"Thanks. Good to see you again. Thank you for coming on such short notice," I waved back.

"No problem, mate. You're paying me crazy amounts by the hour so what kind of fool would I be to decline, huh?" he asked.

"Fair enough," I nodded before looking to the others, "so? Anything else I need to cover?"

"Yeah. Why do you have two pools laid out like this?" Rayla asked, "it's weird."

"Can't answer that," I shrugged, "guess dad wanted more than four lanes but hated the idea of one huge ass pool."

I genuinely don't know why it's like this but it is and it made the room longer than it is wide so it's kind of weird.

Not complaining though. At least we have a pool.

"Never mind that. Go get changed, girls," Tenchi clapped his hands together before he spoke and then looked to Miss Nakamura, "you should go take a seat over there, Miss Nakamura. You'll just be uncomfortable standing around over here."

"Of course," Miss Nakamura nodded before walking over to where Rowan was. He noticed her approaching and hopped down off his lifeguard station and disappeared out the room before coming back with a fold up chair for the maths teacher.

"Didn't you hear me?" Tenchi asked, "go get changed! We don't have all day!"

Technically we do since we're not renting the pool for a period of time.

"If you're not out here in five minutes, you're doing laps," Tenchi stated.

OK. Let's go.

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