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"y/n! Dinners ready!" Sosuke shouted, I dropped my notebook on my desk and then began walking downstairs.

"Haru," I noticed my younger brother was home now, he was tying his hair up and looked to me curiously, "how was your day?"

"Same old, same old," he replied with a shrug as he finished tying the bobble(/hair tie or whatever people call it) securely in his hair, "I heard something interesting. The boys volleyball team is doing a joint endurance training with the swim team?"

"Ah yeah," I nodded as we walked into the dining room where Dad was sat with a stack of paper beside him and Sosuke was finishing serving dinner, "I have a plan to make them never want to return."

"Sounds evil, y/n," Sosuke shook his head as we all took our seats at the table. I just stuck my tongue out at him and then turned to dad.

"So...a new client?" I asked, gesturing to the pile of paper.

"Yeah," my dad nodded, "it's a big corporation the Ootori branch. They're a big business and quite the famous Japanese family as well."

"You go dad," Haru grinned before we all turned our attention to the food.

"Thanks for the food," we all said in unison before digging into our dinner.


"Alright, ladies!" I projected my voice to all of the girls swim team and the boys volleyball team, "today we're doing something a little different.. Something a bit more intense. You're going to work every muscle in your body today and if you don't work hard then penalty laps... Let's say... Fifteen."

The girls all groaned.

"We'll work hard!" Kyoka Heiro, one of the only other third years spoke for the team.

"And we will too," rooster head nodded. Damn. I forgot his name... Kuno? No... Kono? No... Kiki? Definitely not.

"You know, Kuroo, I was quite surprised when you asked to join us for the early start," I overheard Mako talking to rooster. Kuroo! That's his name!

"He what?!" mohawk dude shouted, "you mean we didn't need to be here."

"No," I approached them, "you only needed to be here from lunch to after school."

"Kuroo!" the whole volleyball team shouted at him annoyed.

"What are we doing today?" Kuroo asked, changing the subject and averting everyone's attention from him to me.

"I'm glad you asked," I nodded before walking to the back of the room and pulling the whiteboard forward. I began writing down all the planning I'd come up with last night.

"Y-y/n," I turned around once I was finished to see Mako looking like someone just killed her, "why so painful?"

"Don't worry, that's for the volleyball team, I want Kyoka to advise them," I replied, the boys all allowed their jaws to drop a mile away from their face.


"You came for endurance training, right?" I asked, "You're here. Kuroo isn't your captain while you're here, I am. You're in my world now so you best adjust to it quick or you're going to fail this training miserably. Now what do you say?"

"Yes, l/n," they all grumbled, Mako coughed and they all suddenly perked up, "Yes, captain!"

"That's more like it," I nodded, "Kyoka do yourself 100m in... Butterfly then you can start watching these dumbasses who decided to work with us. Everyone else, follow your usual training schedules I gave you at the beginning of the year, unless you're first years then come to me. I finally have yours ready. Mako, Rayla, and Haruka, we have a relay to prep for so I want you guys to focus on that. Haruka, come get your training schedule first though."

"Yes, captain!" the girls all nodded before going off to do their separate things, Kyoka turned to the boys and told them to stretch before she dove into the water and began doing the butterfly. I turned to the first years and grabbed the five sheets of paper I'd brought out with me and started handing them out.

Haruka took hers to a chair where her jacket was and then joined Mako and Rayla in lane 1. Once I was finished handing everything out, I shrugged my own jacket off and placed it on a chair before going to Lane 1.

"Alright, let's start then," I nodded to Mako. She dropped down into the water.

"Ready," I called, she pulled herself up into the starting diving position, "go!"

She arched her back backwards and dove into the water, she stayed under the surface for a few seconds before resurfacing. Her strokes were firm and her form was perfect. Within a couple seconds, she was on her way back and Haruka was on the diving board ready to do the exchange. As soon as Mako's hand hit the wall of the pool, Haruka was flying through the air, her fingers entered the water first, then her head followed by her feet. Just as Mako, she stayed under the water for a couple seconds as she kept moving before she resurfaced and began doing the breaststroke. Somehow the water gave her the appearance of her arms being stretched out as she pushed them forward.

"Her form is lacking a tiny bit," Mako pointed out, "her legs are working half the time that her arms are working."

I looked closely and nodded.

"Yeah," I agreed, "once we're done with this we'll get her to work on her leg movements more."

Rayla took her place on the diving board as Haruka got closer to where we were waiting. Her hand hit the wall and Rayla went diving into the water.

"It's weird," Haruka commented as she pulled herself out of the pool, "Rayla actually looks like she should be a butterfly, I mean-- look at how graceful she is!"

"That's true," I nodded, "that's why she's always the go-to butterfly swimmer."

I stepped up to the diving board and pulled my goggles down onto my face, making sure they didn't fall off before focusing on Rayla. She was getting closer...closer...closer...just a little bit further... Now!

I pushed myself off the diving block, diving forward, as soon as I felt my fingers meet the water I smiled and began soaring through the water. Pushing myself as I moved. Resurfacing, I begin doing the front crawl. That's my preferred swimming stroke for freestyle.

I could do whatever I wanted, but I've always preferred swimming this way.

Kuroo's PoV

I looked up just in time to watch as y/n dove into the water and began swimming.

"She looks like a--" Yaku began.

"A dolphin?" Mako looked at us, "She's our graceful dolphin!"

She's beautiful, it's like she is supposed to be in the water. I'm not totally convinced she was born in the right being.

"Hey-!" a clap caught my attention, it was y/n she was finished, I didn't even notice, "not working? Pe-na-l-ty!"

"Oh shiet," I stared in awkwardness before sighing and starting the penalty laps.

Two captains are better than one | Kuroo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now