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"Damn it," I muttered as I looked at three members of my old team.

Three girls I really could do without ever seeing again. Ever. Ever again.

"Oh my god. It is her," Rose Colt let out a laugh, Lily Colt watching me with an amused expression and Sofia Davidson just staring at me like I was some kind of alien.

"Ew. I didn't know they let the garbage walk in," I forced the sweetest smile I could muster onto my face, "I thought this hotel was actually pretty high standard. Guess not."

"Wow. You've got guts," Lily rolled her eyes.

"For a person who ran away at a minor inconvenience, she has a lot of guts," Sofia agreed.

"I didn't run away," I glared slightly, "my dad was relocated so we had to go with. I would've totally loved to stick around and make you regret but I think this might actually be the best way to get back at you for everything you did to me. After all, it's been what, three years?"

Rose walked over, she'd grown taller in those three years too. I had to look up slightly just to make myself not look intimidated by her height. I mean-- she wasn't really all that intimidating, if anything, she looked slightly constipated but that's a comment for another stand off.

"When are you racing, little mouse?" she asked.

"Little mouse?" I repeated, "the fuck is that? Creepy."

"You're tiny. I feel like I could crush you under my boot like a mouse," was the answer I go.

First off, I'm like a few inches, maybe a foot, smaller than you. Second off, why are you crushing mice under your feet?

Were these girls really always this weird or did I really have to leave just to realise it?

It's kinda sad, actually.

"When are you racing?" Rose repeated her question.

"I'm guessing you're asking for my frees?" I asked, she nodded, "I'm racing tomorrow afternoon. 100m and 200m. Will I be seeing you?"

"In the 200m. Which heat?" she asked.

"Second," I answered, she grinned.

"I'm so going to beat your ass," she said a bit too confidently.

"But-" I put my hand up in a pausing motion and pushed it up towards her causing her to step back a few paces and out of my space, "- if I recall, you have never once beaten me in any kind of race before. Even the butterfly, which I suck at. So... how're you going to beat my ass?"

Her confident smile fell and a frown crossed her face.

"You're so lucky you've got people with you or I'd be reminding you of what happens when you piss off the team," Rose told me.

"Sorry. Did you forget? I'm not on your team," I stepped up to her, "try something, and I'm not just going to take it. Bitch."

Her eyes widened as I pushed past her and shot a glare to Lily and Sofia.

"See you in the pool, losers," I stated as I walked to the entrance, the rest of the team plus others followed me, looking back to the three Australians.

"Oi!" Rose shouted, I didn't stop, "what school do you go to."

"Nekoma, bitch! Remember that when I totally beat your ass in the 200m," I shouted back.

Two captains are better than one | Kuroo x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora