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And the 200m butterfly began.

Âme and Mako were the first ones to pull ahead of the group.

"Come on, Mako!" Rayla shouted, cupping her hands around her mouth to attempt to make herself louder, "go, Mako!"

Everyone around us were cheering for her as Âme started to pull ahead of Mako.

"No. No, no! Come on, Mako, push yourself!" both me and Rayla exclaimed.

Âme reached the rotation and pushed off, her speed increased as she did.

"Come on, Mako senpai! Use that rotation!" Haruka shouted, she was basically falling over the railing. Tenchi grabbed her shirt and pulled her back before she really did fall over the rails.

Mako reached the rotation and pushed off, using the push to speed up as well.

We all watched in suspense as Mako pushed herself forward, speeding up and cutting through the water like it wasn't even there.

She flew forward, reaching just behind Âme as they sped down the lane and reached the next rotation.

Come on, Mako, you've got this.

They both pushed off again, Mako just a couple seconds after Âme. Within moments after slowing after the push off, Mako reached head to head with Âme.

They remained in that state down the lane until they reached the rotation and somehow Mako managed to push off faster than Âme, quickly using Âme's obvious surprise, from the falter in her stroke, to her advantage she continued forward, pulling herself into first place and quickly making her way back down the lane.

"Go! Go, Mako!" we all basically screamed at the top of our lungs as she pushed her way down the last of the lane, Âme had managed to recover from her surprise and was quickly gaining on Mako.

"Go, Mako!"

"Keep swimming!"

"Go, faster! Come on, Mako senpai!"

And then-

Lane 2 - Mako Natsuya - rank: 1 - 00:50:32
Lane 1 - Âme Ristu - rank: 2 - 00:51:02

"Mako won!" Rayla exclaimed, hugging me and shaking me in her excitement as everyone cheered for our friend who was staring at the board and grinning. I smiled as I watched Mako throw her hands up in celebration.

She must be pretty happy since she was really annoyed that she lost to Âme at the beginning of the year.

All her training has paid off.

I'm happy for her.

After that, the rest of the week went by in a blur. We did race after race during the day and then passed out as soon as our heads hit the pillows in the evening until finally we were back on the bus and heading back home.

Unfortunately only six of us managed to qualify for Australia. That was me, Mako, Rayla, Kyoka Heiro (the only other third year), a second year I didn't expect, Sam Fukuoka, and Haruka.

I was qualified for my free 100, 200, 800, 1500, and 200m backstroke. Oh we also won the 400m medley relay so I guess I'm also qualified for that.

Rayla was qualified for breast stroke 200m, the medley relay 400m and the 200m individual relay.

Mako was qualified for butterfly 100 and 200m, breast stroke 100m, the 400m medley relay.

Kyoka was qualified for free 50m, 100m, backstroke 100m and 200m and individual relay 200m.

Sam was qualified for individual medley, 200m and 400m.

Haruka was only qualified for the 400m medley relay. She was pretty disappointed when she didn't get into the top three for any of the solo races she was up for.

"I'm petty excited," Kyoka said as us four third years were walking home together, "I've never been to Australia before."

"Yeah, neither have I," Rayla said.

"I have," Mako pointed to herself, "oh and obviously y/n was born and raised there."

"I miss Australia," I hummed, "I don't miss my old team. But I do miss Australia."

"Are you still moving to Australia for college?" Mako asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, "Rin is also going back so we're going to the college we planned to attend together ever since we were kids."

"You guys must be excited then, huh?" Rayla asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I nodded.

"But what about Kuroo?" Kyoka asked, "What're you going to do about your relationship?"

Oh fuck. I forgot about that part.

"Oh.. I... Uh--" I looked away awkwardly, "we've... We've never actually talked about the future so I've totally forgotten all about that."

The girls all took in sharp breaths as if they were in pain.

"That's not good, y/n," Mako said awkwardly.

"You should probably tell him about this," Rayla added on.

"Yeah. Imagine if we graduate and then you suddenly just tell him you're going to Australia without talking with him about it," Kyoka awkwardly laughed, "it might end up really bad."

I sighed.

"I'll tell him," I nodded, "but... After we come back from Australia and his games. I don't want him to get distracted while getting ready to go to nationals."

"You sure he'll even get past regionals?" Mako teased.

"Of course he will," I elbowed her in the side, "even if they get matched up with Fukurodani, I'm confident they'll still go to nationals."

"Oh wow~" Rayla whistled in a teasing way, "such confidence~ or is this what you call love~"

"I'm out of here," I quickly turned and walked to the forking street.

"She's in love~" Mako and Rayla both cooed from behind as I walked away.

How'd the conversation even get to that point?!

So annoying!

Two captains are better than one | Kuroo x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن