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~Brian's Point of View~

Life can be unexpected. People endure the good and bad that it can offer. For me, life has been a blessing. Accomplishing the dream of becoming a great musician was something that I determined from a young age with the rest of the band, who were also my best friends.

Making it big in the music world had its ups and downs, but we made it. Losing Jimmy was one of the painful things we had to endure, but knowing that he still lived in our hearts kept us going. I became stronger.

Meeting Lilian was indeed what it was supposed to happen for me to be complete. She was everything to me. Making her my wife was not only a smart decision, but also the best one at that.

Watching her beautiful curvy figure made me smile at the happiness she radiated. Her laugh captivated my every thought, making me forget where I was. I stood up from the chair I sat, and I walked over to my wife.

Placing my right hand in her round belly and embracing her around her neck with my left, I whispered in her ear, "How are you two feeling?"

She giggled and pressed her head against my chest.

"We are doing great, daddy," she replied, putting both of her hands on top of mine.

"You should not be on your feet too much. The doctor said you can go into labor any time now," I reminded her, turning her around slowly.

"I am fine. I will know if I am in labor," Lillian joked, making me give her a soft kiss on the lips.

"Daddy! Daddy!" the voice of my little girl shouted, making Lilian and I look towards her direction. She was followed by both of her cousins River and Angelica. Matt's son was so grown up that I couldn't believe he was the same little boy who stole our hearts the day he was born. Matt and Anna's daughter Angelica was the spitting image of her mother. She was beautiful, but her attitude belonged to Matt Sanders himself.

"Yes, baby girl?" I said, holding my four-year-old daughter in my arms.

"I told Aunty Anna that I wanted to eat some cake now," she said in her little demanding voice that always melted my heart.

"What did Aunty Anna say?" I asked her, looking at her pouty lips.

"She said that we need to sing happy birthday to Angie first," she replied, bowing her head down.

"In that case, we need to follow your auntie's rules. You will have some cake soon, princess," Lilian responded, caressing Emily's chubby cheeks.

Five years ago, Lilian and I got married. Four years ago, we had our daughter, Emily. I would do anything for my girls, and I couldn't be happier. My lovely wife was expecting our second child. I was having a boy, and I couldn't wait to hold him in my arms.

I was finally complete. I had a fantastic family, great friends and a successful career. Lilian managed to open the restaurant she always dreamed about. She was her own boss, and it was a complete hit. Lillian's Restaurant became one of the best-known diners at the Huntington Pier, where Lilian and I had our first date.

"Angie, it's time to sing Happy Birthday, princess!" Matt shouted, snapping me from my thoughts. We were celebrating her five-year-old birthday, and I could see the happiness that everyone shared.

"Yes! Finally, I am going to have some cake!" Emily yelled, making me put her back on her feet. She ran towards the table, and I grabbed Lilian's hand. Together we followed the rest of our friends and family.

We sang happy birthday to Angela. When Anna was serving the pieces of cake, I noticed that Lilian held her stomach in a sudden movement.

"Baby?" I called, walking towards her.

"Brian," she responded with a worried expression on her face.

"I think it is time," she said hissing. I could see in her facial expression that she was both excited and in pain.

"Seriously? Now? Oh, God! Alright, don't panic. We have this," I said nervously. Everyone in the room started to walk towards Lilian while I freaked out for the birth of my second child.

"Syn! Get the car, and we'll take her outside," Matt ordered, snapping me from my nervous actions.

"Emily?" I asked.

"She's going to be fine. I will call Lil's mom, and Emily can stay with us. Go! Your wife needs to go to the hospital!" Anna stated, making me nod in acceptance.

"Everything will be alright, princess. Be good for your aunt and uncle," I said. I gave her a kiss on her cheeks and walked away.

"I love you! Just go, daddy! Hurry!" Emily shouted, smiling. She was incredibly happy to know that her baby brother was finally going to be born.

I hurried to my SUV. The guys helped Lilian go outside, and soon I was driving to the hospital.

Hours had passed, and my wife was still in labor. She was almost nine centimeters, and the doctor said that any moment he was going to make her push.

I couldn't explain how excited and happy I was. Many years ago, I realized that I wanted everything with Lilian. I enjoyed the house, the pets and the children, and I finally had it all.

"Alright, Mrs. Haner, let's get ready to push. Ready to meet your son?" the doctor asked as soon as he entered the room. I held her right hand and gave her a kiss on top of her head. It was time to finally have Robbie James in our arms.

"I love you, baby. I love you so much!" I whispered in her ears, making her smile.

"I love you too, Brian. Thank you for the amazing family," she responded before she started to push.

Love is a decision and not a feeling. Feelings are not forever. Love is a decision because people decide who to love. Dating, marrying and loving Lilian has been the best decision of my life. Love is eternal, and forever our relationship was going to last. 

Thank you for reading! I hope you liked this story. Follow me for two upcoming Avenged Sevenfold FanFiction Ft. Matt Sanders. They will be uploaded soon. 

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