Chapter Six

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The lake wasn't far from the Regency Hyatt Resort. Matt chose to be the driver, so Anna and I could go to the lake with Brian and him. I wasn't comfortable with my body whenever I was going to visit the beach, a pool or other places that require a bathing suit as an outfit, so I wore a simple one-piece swimwear that had leopard prints on it. It covered my figure, but it made the curves in my body fit well. To cover the bathing suit, I wore a long and fitting cover top. Holding my bag tight, I felt the air whoosh in my face as Matt drove at a fast speed. It was a nice day out, so he decided that it was going to be alright to drive with the windows down.

I was nervous, and I didn't even know why. "Wow, this place is beautiful," Anna said as soon as Matt parked his SUV next to other cars. We all got out, holding our things. Brian and Matt brought a cooler with beer and water. They each grabbed one of the handles in the corner and together we walked down the lake area. We put our things in an empty spot. There were some rocks around, so it was easy to leave our things nearby, if we wanted to get inside the water. I looked around and saw familiar and unfamiliar faces. Some people that I went to high school with were around. as well as tourists and locals, enjoying the location. "Hey guys!" a voice greeted. I turned around and smiled when I saw who it was. The now handsome Jeff sat in one of the rocks that were available. "Hey man," Matt said, shaking his hand. Brian did the same. "Would you like one?" Brian asked, holding a beer. Jeff nodded his head and thanked him when Brian gave him a can. "I didn't think it was going to be this full," Jeff said, opening the lid of the beer can. "We didn't see you this morning, you missed some good brunch," Anna said. "I don't do mornings," Jeff joked. "Nah, I had some calls to make. It's even a miracle I managed to come by the lake for a bit. I have an early flight to catch, I won't be staying long," he explained. "I'll be back next week though. I am closing a deal in the area, so I'll be able to hang around. It will be cool to keep in touch and get together," he added, looking at everyone. We all nodded our heads.

I liked the idea of seeing Jeff again, so I hoped we could keep in touch. I wanted to be able to have more friends other than Anna. I loved her like a sister, but my works was basically all I had. Since the reunion, I realized I have been missing a lot of fun hanging and having a great time with other people. She had always told me that I needed to relax more. I needed to get out more, and I knew that it was time to think about me instead of thinking only about work. I needed to get out of my shell. I wanted to.

"That looks like fun," Jeff said, standing up. We all looked at the direction he stared and saw a big rope attached to one of the trees. People were hanging in it and swinging themselves onto the water. When it came to a high point, they were jumping onto the lake. "Wow, now that's something I would like to do," Anna said, standing up. She took off her top and shorts, showing off her two pieces of attire. She took off her sandals and placed them near her duffel bag. She walked to the area where the rope was. I smiled and shook my head. It was good to see her happy.

"Excuse me," Matt said, smirking. He put his beer can on top of the cooler. He took off his aviator and remove his shirt, revealing a well-defined tattooed chest full of colors. It wasn't even a doubt that Matt was very attractive. Not being used to it, I looked away, blushing. It wouldn't be right to stare, seeing that he was my best friend's ex. Matt grabbed his beer back from the top of the cooler and followed my friend. "Go get her bro!" Brian shouted, laughing. I looked at him and smiled. "These two are going to end up together again," he said, looking at Matt and Anna. "You think so?" I asked, looking at him. He gave a small nod. He took a sip of his beer. "He is divorced. He has been for almost a year now. She is single and it is obvious they still have that chemistry they had in high school," Brian added.

"Hopefully it goes well. They deserve happiness," I replied. "Agree," Brian said. "So, what do you say if we try it too?" he asked. I looked at him confused for a moment. What was he talking about?"The rope thing," he said, standing up. "Right," I responded, feeling my face redden. I was embarrassed. "I don't know," I added, hesitating to stand up.

Brian took off his shirt. If I thought that Matt was very attractive, I didn't know what Brian was. He had many tattoos all over his body like Matt did, but he had the perfect skin color, and bone structured face to go with it. He put his sunglasses away and looked at me. "Come on. It will be fun," he insisted, extending his hand to help me stand up. I looked at him for a second and after debating whether to go or not, I gave in. I grabbed his hand. He helped me stand and let go of my hand carefully. I put took off my sandals and put them aside. I took off the long cover top and placed it on top of the rock I sat previously. "Ready?" Brian asked, smiling and I nodded my head. He walked to the area where Anna and Matt were as I followed.

I never agree to do it, but I wanted to check it out up close. There was a small line of people, waiting their turn to jump in the lake with the use of the swinging rope. I bit my bottom lip, when I saw Jeff swing in the rope and jump in the water. It did look like fun, but was the rope even going to hold my weight?

I didn't want to embarrass myself, but I didn't want to look like the party pooper either. I still have a few people's turn to think about doing it or not. Matt's turn was now, and for some reason Anna and he decided to actually swing and jump together. "Are you insane?" Brian asked, laughing. Anna held tight and embraced Matt in a hug as he held both of their weights and grabbed the rope. He swung and not a second later, they both felt onto the lake without having to jump. Thankfully, the rope didn't break. Everyone was laughing, including Matt and Anna. "These two are crazy, I am telling you," Brian said, looking at me and I agreed. I haven't laughed so much in my life. It felt good to do so.

It was Brian's turn. "Wish me luck!" he smirked. "Good luck!" I replied, looking at him. He grabbed the rope and swung himself to the middle of the lake. When he was ready, he jumped. They were all swimming around the lake, waiting for my turn.

"Come on Lil," I heard Anna shout. I bit my lip. I was nervous, but I wanted to do it. I walked closer to where the rope was. I stopped and held the rope tight. I gave a little jump to swing and when I felt the wind against my body, I felt free. I jumped in the water when I saw that I was in the right place. Hearing the big splash, I looked at the rope. I didn't break it. I sighted, reliving the burden I didn't have to endure. "Yes!" Anna shouted, swimming towards me. "Wasn't that fun?" she asked, smiling. I nodded my head. We both swam close to where Brian and Matt were. For the rest of the afternoon, we talked, joked, laughed and had a lot of fun together. At times, Brian and I went to the rock spot to drink and talk, so Matt and Anna had their alone time. Jeff had to go early, but he managed to have a good time as well. Before he left, he exchanged phone numbers with everyone, including myself. I was happy that I had made the right decision to come to the reunion, and somehow, I felt sad that it was soon going to be over. I didn't want the visit to end, because it felt good being the fun and somewhat brave person, I thought never existed in me.

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