Chapter Ten

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Cooking was not only one of my passions but also part of my life. Since I was a child, I knew I was going to be a chef. My mother taught me everything she knew about cooking when I was growing up. After I learned new receipts and cooking ideas, the student became the teacher. At least, those were the words my mother used.

Pulling my car through the Haner's driveway, I observed how big and beautiful their house looked from the outside. I imagined how it would be from the inside.

It was an honor to be invited by Brian's parents to cook for them. They needed a chef for their anniversary party, and I was nervous to show them what I had to offer.

I parked my car and stepped outside. I grabbed my things and walked to the front of the house. After ringing the bell, the door was instantly opened by Brian Sr. himself.

"Good morning, Lilian. I hope the directions I gave you were easy to understand," he greeted and explained with a smile on his face. I nodded my head. I knew all about Huntington. This was my birthplace and it was not hard to follow directions from this part of California.

"I was very familiar with the street, so it wasn't hard," I responded.

"Let me help you and please come in," he said, grabbing some of the bags from my hands and stepping aside, so I could enter his home. I walked inside and gasped in owe by how beautiful their house was. It was evident that Mrs. Haner was incredibly good with decorations because it had that sensitive female touch any humble home receives.

Brian Sr. gave me a tour after putting the things that I had brought with me in the kitchen. It was indeed a beautiful two-story house with a huge patio and pool area. His wife and daughter greeted me. After a few moments of talking, she had ordered me to stop calling her Mrs. Haner. Suzy was a brilliant and wonderful woman, wife, and mother by the way she described her family.

When I work on catering, I usually hire the help of some of my employees from the club. This was only a somewhat cooking interview, so I was able to manage to cook and serve for them by myself.

The Haners were around the house, while I was in the kitchen preparing the meals. I felt comfortable and at ease. These were amazing people and I felt as if I was at home, cooking for the family.

An hour or so had passed. Suzy kept appearing in the kitchen offering to help. I let her know that she only needed to rest because I had it all covered. She was exceptionally good to me the whole time I was there. They all were.

Walking from the stove to the counter, I heard the sound of someone approaching the kitchen. I smiled, thinking that it was Suzy again.

"It smells like heaven in here!" the voice of no other than Brian Jr. traveled through the kitchen.

"Hello, Brian. How do you know what heaven smells like?" I greeted with a smile.

He walked over to me and we greeted each other with a kiss on the cheek. I could not deny the small hint of shyness that ran through my veins as I saw how handsome he looked.

"I don't. But I sure think this smells good, so it must be like heaven or better than heaven," he joked, cocking a grin that only made me giggle a bit.

"What are you cooking?" Brian asked, sounding like a child wanting to have ice cream or candy. I shook my head and gave a little laugh, remembering that his father had done the same a few minutes ago.

"You sound like your father," I responded, and he laughed. He looked around the kitchen. I was almost done. I had made the entrees that the Haners already tasted. They loved it.

"Do you need any help?" Brian asked.

"Now, you sound like your mother," I replied, and he laughed.

"It's OK. I am almost done. You can have those if you want. Those are the entrees. I am just finishing both plates. I wanted to do two different types, so they can have something to compare it to," I explained, pointing towards a plate full of shrimp and garlic chicken on a stick with the side of garlic bread. Brian nodded his head. He walked over to where the plate was and started to eat.

He moaned and nodded his head as his mouth kept on receiving the food that was in front of him which made me conclude that he liked it.

When he was done, he had a huge smile on his face.

"I wasn't kidding. It smelled like heaven and tastes even better. This is amazing," he said. I smiled and felt happy that he liked it like his family did.

"Thank you."

"I'm done here. Can you tell your family I am ready to serve and present?" I asked and he nodded his head. He walked away from the kitchen and I waited for them to be set.

When everyone was around the table, I started to bring the plates to the dining table.

"This is the steamed salmon with coriander, dill cream sauce. This is the Chervil Parisian Potato that goes perfectly with the snow peas and carrots," I said as I removed each of the tops, unraveling each plate. It went on until I was done showing off the two types of menus with their side complements.

As soon as I was done, everyone started to eat and taste a little bit of everything.

"Enjoy!" I said, smiling. I walked back to the kitchen. I wanted to wait for them to enjoy their meal. I started cleaning up the things that I used. After I was done, I cleaned the kitchen until everything was how I received it earlier in the afternoon.

Not long after, the whole family walked towards the kitchen. Everyone held smiles on their faces, and everyone seemed happy with the outcome of my cooking which I felt excited about.

"Everything was delicious and you need to be our chef for the anniversary party," Suzy expressed, making me blush a bit as I smiled from ear to ear.

"I'll be happy to. Thank you and I am glad that you all liked it," I responded.

"Liked it seems far from it. I think I speak on everyone's behalf here and say that we all loved it!" Brian Sr. said. I laughed at how exaggerated he sounded, but that hint of sincerity was still shown.

"You've done so much already. I see that you even cleaned in here. Let me do the rest please while you and my husband go to his office and talk about the business part of the deal," Suzy said.

I agreed and followed Brian Sr. We talked about prices, the date, and everything else related to the work I was going to do for them.

I was excited to cook for their party. I was happy that they loved my cooking. I always loved what I did but making people happy and joyful for the food I created made me more than simply happy. It made me at ease that I had accomplished something I always wanted.

I grabbed my bags from the kitchen. I said goodbye to Brian Sr. I also said goodbye to Suzy and McKenna. Brian helped me carried the bags to my car after I was ready to go. "Thanks," I said, closing the back door of the car.

"Is there somewhere you need to be?" Brian asked, surprising me with his question. I shook my head without literary responding.

"How about some drinks before you leave back to LA? I would hate it if you go like that without me thank you properly for what you've done today for my family," he explained.

"You don't need to thank me, Brian. I wanted to do it as for the interview."

"Yes, I have to thank you. My family did and I want to do my part. You didn't have to come here and do it. Nobody does that. People usually expect us to go to their meeting place. You didn't have to clean either and you did. I'm meeting some of the guys at a local bar we always went since we were teenagers. Come along for a while so you can enjoy some time for yourself," he explained, trying to convince me to go.

Deep inside I wanted to go. It sounded like a good opportunity to have some fun. I was never used to going out because I am always working. I only had one friend over the years and that was Anna and being friends with Brian felt strange. It was good but strange.

Not hesitating any longer, I decided to accept his invitation. Nervous as I was, I decided to go have a few drinks with the hottest man alive. 

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