Chapter One

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Mondays was one of my favorite days of the week. Even though I had to work, Mondays were very easy going at the country club. Looking at my watch, I finished prepping the meal for table five. Living the kitchen in charge of my number two chef, Kristine, I finally took my break.

I grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, before I walked outside the kitchen. It was always nice to be known around work. Some guests greeted me as they entered while others said their goodbye's and thanks as they left.

It made me happy that everyone was thrill with the food. I walked to the back of the club where most of the guests spent their time. It was summertime so most of the guests were enjoying their break vacation.

There were two big adult pools and one that belonged to children. The resting area had nice and long chairs that were very comfortable to lay or sit. Tennis, volleyball and basketball courts were visible from a far and not to mention the golf park that many local celebrities loved.

I sat in the balcony as I drank my water. My break consisted in just relaxing and breathing the fresh air of California. It was always a beautiful sight to enjoy anyways.

Taking another sip of water, I felt my cellphone go off. I've always carried it with me in case I was needed in the kitchen before my break was over.

Knowing that it was my friend's number, I smiled as I went to answer.

"Hey girl!" I greeted.

"Hey, how is your Monday going?" Anna asked.

"So far so good, how about yours?" I questioned.

"Boring, I hate Mondays. The shop is pretty much empty, so I started making some calls," she responded.

Anna was a book shop owner. She loved books. She loved reading them. She loved selling them.

"Calls?" I asked with curiosity. I knew Anna was up to something.

"Well, I called some of the numbers that were on the invitation to get the full scoop of the reunion. They told me they have the tickets just for the event and there is a full package if we want to stay over the night at the hotel. They will be having not only the reunion event but also some extracurricular activities for our bunch," she explained.

She sounded very motivated and excited about it. I still doubted if I wanted to go.

"Lilly, we have to go! It will only be one day that you can take from work and it's going to be fun!" she exclaimed.

I closed my eyes for a second as I massaged my temple. I hated being the party pooper and I knew Anna was looking forward on going. She didn't like to go to these things alone, so she was very eager to convince me.

"Alright, I'll go to the reunion, but I have to check my schedule and see if I can stay over the night. I'm not promising anything, but I will go to the reunion. I'm not thrill about it though," I responded, hearing Anna's giggles from the other line.

"You will not regret it! Yes!" she exclaimed, making me laugh at her crazy motivation.

"OK, I'll call you later," I stated before I hung up the phone. Checking the time, I noticed that I had fifteen minutes left of my break. I was already regretting accepting to go to the reunion but I Anna was right; I needed a break like this.

I walked to the kitchen and entered the small office that was giving to me as head chef of the club. I grabbed my notebook and checked my schedule for the week. I saw that there were no special events such as weddings this upcoming weekend, so I was free to stay the night at the hotel. I had an important meeting meal for some VIP guests on Saturday afternoon, but it was going to be early.

I knew I was going to have time to spare to get ready and make the reunion Saturday night.

I walked to Mr. Jones office. I knocked on the door twice before his voice filled the hall.

I peek inside and when he noticed it was me, he smiled. He ordered me to enter and I walked inside.

"I'm sorry to have bothered you without any beforehand notice but I wanted to ask you something," I explained, trying to get the attention of the man that sat behind a chair, while reading a stack of papers in front of him. It was evident that being the manager of a well known country club had its perks, but also its long list of responsibilities.

He nodded his head and motioned me to sit down in the empty chair that was in front of his desk.

"Mr. Jones is it possible if I can have Sunday free instead of Thursday. I have an important event to attend to and knowing that there is no wedding or other major event pending, I could leave Kristine in charge for the day," I explained.

Mr. Jones checked his schedule and nodded his head.

"You are one of our greatest assets and you work harder than any other employee of the club, so it won't hurt to do this for you. Make sure you leave Kristine the menu and everything for Sunday. I trust you and your judgment to leave her in charge. You have before, so there it's not a problem," he responded with a smile.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed and he chuckled.

"No worries," he responded before I stood up and walked outside his office.

I checked the time on my phone and my break was over. I texted Anna, letting her know what I spoke with my boss. This weekend was going to be a challenge for me. I was both nervous and just a bit excited about it. I indeed wanted to know how all those people turned out to be, but I wasn't looking forward seeing the people that were horrible to me.

I was going to look at this weekend as some sort of therapy in which, I was going to forget and try to forgive. We were adults now and mature, so I couldn't pass the opportunity to at least try and have a good time.

Anna was going to owe me big time, but I needed to do this. Going to the reunion was going to be either a good idea or bad. There was only one way to find out, and that was attending. 

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