Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Illusion is one of the oldest performing arts in the world in which people are entertained by seemingly impossible tricks.

Growing up with an illusionist father was something that every child admired and envied about me. During birthday parties, he was more the center of attention than I was, but it wasn't always a bad thing, because I loved all his tricks.

Sitting with my father, his fiancé, and my boyfriend, I listened to the tales of my father's career. I was thankful that they were getting along great. It was evident that my father saw the same amazing man, who captivated my heart, as someone important to me.

We laughed at my dad's latest joke before Brian stopped to ask him another question, "Mr. Montgomery..." he started before my dad cut him off.

"Please, son. Call me Robbie, just like my family does," he responded, making Brian smile and nod in acceptance. "Thank you. It really means a lot to me that you consider me part of the family," Brian responded, smiling.

"I can see that you two absolutely love each other. If my daughter is happy, then I am happy too."

"I am," I said, looking at Brian. He took the opportunity to give me a quick kiss, and then we both smiled.

"What was your question, son?" my father asked, wanting to know what Brian had to ask.

"What's the difference between magic and illusion?" Brian asked before he took a sip of his beer. It was a good question. My dad was used to that type of curiosity, and I enjoyed that my boyfriend seemed interested to understand more about his profession.

Dad interlocked his hands together and placed them on top of the table. With an intense stare and a smile on his face, he responded, "If you are referring to the supernatural type of magic, there is no such power. It only exists in myths passed down through the centuries or fictional stories like Harry Potter or The Hobbit, any belief in that is foolish, because the only power in the world that exists is that of God.

Developing skills makes things seem real, and when something seems natural, but is not, you have an illusion. No powers involved, and it's that simple." My father grabbed the bottle of wine he had in front of him, looking at Brian, who had a very distinctive expression on his face that showed he was definitely impressed by his answer.

"So, those who call themselves magicians are illusionists trying to pass as magical beings," Brian stated instead of asking. "I didn't see it that way," my boyfriend added, making my father smile. "I love listening to him as much; I love watching him perform. You will be witness to what he explained later tonight, Brian," Rosa spoke with a smile on her face.

"I can't wait," my boyfriend simply stated. For the rest of the dinner, we continued to talk about random things, including the upcoming wedding and honeymoon. The couple decided that they needed a vacation outside the state, which they opted to take a one-week cruise to the Caribbean. When we were done, we all went together back to the hotel, where my father worked as a performer. It was going to be his last show until he got back from his honeymoon, and we were all excited to be part of it.

Holding hands, Brian and I followed the security team who oversaw sitting us in the assigned area my father had reserved for us. Being a famous musician and the daughter of the man of the hour had its perks. It was a good thing that the media didn't know about Brian's little vacation, because we were enjoying our time away from the press and everything else related to the lack of privacy that came with being a member of Avenged Sevenfold.

Robert Montgomery was a sensation within the entertainment world of the Vegas Strip. His first illusion consisted of the basic tricks that involved rings, pigeons, and boxes.

The intensity of each act suppressed every minute my father performed. People chanted his stage name while others owed in surprise to see his work up close.

He has been a guest on many TV shows and other similar events. But Nevada was his home. It was the place where he had developed his outstanding skills, and there was nothing better than to watch him in it.

"This is actually great. I am glad I am here with you, baby," Brian whispered in my ear as he held my right hand in his left. He took my hands and kissed the top of it.

"I am glad too," I smiled. "I love you," I added, looking at Brian. He smiled and kissed my lips softly. "I love you too," he responded, caressing my cheeks after we both stopped the sweet and short kiss.

The rest of the night went by quickly. We had a fantastic time. When it was done, we made it back to our room. We needed to rest to participate in my father's wedding the next morning. Entering the suite, Brian grabbed me by the waist.

"How about a nice shower together before we make it to the bed?" he playfully suggested, making me giggle in return. I nodded my head in acceptance and followed him to the bathroom.

Connecting our bodies as we both felt the shower drops hit our backs, we made love to a perfect rhythm. Feeling his warm body against my soft curves always drove me to the edge. He knew what to touch and how to do it. It was evident that he was more experienced than I was, but being with Brian has allowed me to learn many things that we both enjoyed as I put them to action. Contrary to performing arts, our relationship was as real as it could be, because it was indeed no illusion at all.  

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