Chapter Twenty-Five

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Life is a roller-coaster ride, because the same has its ups and downs. When the pressures of daily life become too much to handle, people tend to break down. Even so, life is full of surprises. A spontaneous sizzle is just what life needs to be half set-in balance and exhilaration.

I've always hated surprises. I still found them frustrating because not knowing what to expect made me nervous. But one of the wonders that I never thought I would love was the one having Brian in my life. Ever since I started dating him, I have been shocked by how much we have grown together. Knowing that in a short time, we managed to be so close was both exciting and terrifying. I wanted our relationship to work out, and feeling uneasy was something I didn't want to go through again.

I was thankful that we managed to speak after his mood changed the other night, and everything between us was like before. It was Monday. Two days passed since Anna and I went clubbing with Jeff. We were able to have a fantastic time, even though my best friend and I missed our beloved boyfriends. It wasn't the same, but having the opportunity to spend time with old friends was never a bad idea.

Brian was still out of town with the rest of the band. They had to extend their visit, since some things with the label did not go according to plan.

Parking the car in my usual spot, I observed the surroundings of my neighborhood. The quiet environment was one of the things I loved about the place. Once I got out of the car, I was able to feel the breeze that made my skin shiver. I grabbed my purse and the bottle of wine I bought on the way. Tomorrow was my day off, and I was sure going to have a few glasses of it tonight while talking to Brian on the phone.

Walking inside the lobby of my apartment complex, I greeted Bob. Smiling, I went upstairs. As soon as I entered my home, my eyes opened widely, and my expression transformed into one of confusion and excitement.

"Surprise, baby," Brian expressed, holding a bottle of wine, and wearing one of my cooking aprons.

"What? What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming until a few more days," I responded, smiling.

"I wanted to surprise you. I said I was going to make you a meal, so I could make it up to you after the way I acted last Friday over the phone. The guys and I got back this morning, and the first thing I did was come here. It was a good thing we exchanged keys from our places a week ago. That sure came in handy," he explained, smirking.

It was one of the things we were both excited about. Our relationship was going so well that we even made the next step to give each other's house keys. For some, the gesture might seem rushed, but for us, it was perfect. We trusted each other enough to know this is what we both wanted.

"I'm so glad you are back. I missed you like crazy!" I exclaimed, hugging him. After placing the bottle of wine on the counter, Brian enveloped me in an embrace, pushing my body against his.

His kiss was warm, and his taste was that of smokes and beer. Losing the handle of my purse, I put my arms around his neck. Moaning, Brian smiled against my lips. After we kissed for what felt like ages, we both stopped, making me release the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"You didn't have to do this, you know? You could have told me you were coming. I would have gotten some take out, or I could have brought something from the restaurant," I explained, grabbing the purse from the floor. Brian took the accessory and put it inside the closet that was located near the living room. I loved that he already knew his way around my place.

He spent more time in LA than I did in Huntington since my job depended on it. Either way, we were both happy to spend time together.

"What are you making?" I asked, walking towards the kitchen. Brian grabbed my arm playfully and spun me around.

"That's another surprise," he said, kissing my lips once again, but that time, it didn't last long.

"I want you to go take a nice bath while I finish here. I'll bring you a cup of wine in a few minutes. A bubble bad is already set, waiting for you," he stated, smiling. I nodded my head in agreement and complied with his demand.

I gave him a peck on the lips before I headed towards my room. Life was indeed full of surprises, but Brian was the best of them all. I removed the clothes I wore and got inside the bath. It smelled like strawberries, and it was apparent he had used the bubbles I had lying around the bathroom's cabinet.

Relaxing inside the tub made me close my eyes and think of the man who stood in my kitchen, making dinner. Any woman could get used to such treatment. I couldn't hold it anymore. Brian needed to know tonight that I was in love with him. I loved him with every fiber of my body.

A little fear stroke, thinking about what I wanted to express.

What if he didn't feel the same? Thinking for a moment, I shook my head in denial. A man who went to precise lengths, like Brian has done, was a man who cared. I knew he cared for me, and that was enough for me to tell him I loved him.

I was nervous, because the same insecurity that always got back in my life when situations like this happened wanted to come out. I didn't let it. Nothing was going to ruin the moments I had with him, because I wanted them to last.

"Hey, baby. Here is your wine," Brian said, snapping me from my thoughts. I grabbed the glass and took a sip of it.

"Thank you," I responded, looking at him.

"You know. I think this bubble bath would be so much better if I shared it with you," I suggested, smiling. He smirked from ear to ear and nodded his head. Watching Brian removed his shirt and showing his tattooed and gorgeous body, my body quivered in excitement.

He stripped the rest of his clothes until he was completely naked. Brian got inside the bath with me, making me rest my back against his. I felt amazing. His touch and the softness were a mix of pleasurable torture I didn't want to end.

Then, Brian touched the tip of my chin with his calloused fingers, making me stare at his brown eyes. This was it! I thought. He kissed my lips softly, roaming his other hand all over my stomach. Then, he stopped. I opened my eyes to say those three beautiful words. But then, something more amazing happened.

"I love you, Lilian. I love you with all my heart," he expressed, not taking his eyes off mine. I smiled as my heart raced in an abnormal rhythm.

"I love you too, Brian." We kissed once again, concealing each other's confession.

I was indeed surprised. From that moment on, it was something that I stopped hating because being surprised by Brian was the best feeling in the world. 

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