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The next couple days we did the same thing, we would all wake up and have breakfast together, then sit by the pool, I would go take a nap, then we would watch movies in the movie room until we either ordered or cooked food for dinner. Colby called me everyday and updated me on his trip. I was so excited that they were supposed to come back tomorrow.

Kat and I were on our way to my doctors appointment. I was a little nervous to go since it was my first appointment without Colby but I knew it would be okay, Katrina was going to be with me so I wouldn't be alone.

"Hey sweetie! How are you feeling? Where's Colby?" Claire said and gave me a hug. "I have been so tired, and Colby is sadly out of town, but this is my friend Katrina." I said and gestured to Kat, "it's nice to meet you!" She chirped and held her hand out for Claire to shake, "it's nice to actually meet you! I know you were the one who knew the gender." Claire said as she set up the ultrasound, "oh yeah! Haha that's me!" Kat said and held my hand which was outstretched. I was always nervous something wouldn't be right when she would ultrasound me, but the baby was kicking so that has to be a good sign.

"Alrighty, let's take a look here, you know the gender now right?" She said and put the wand to my belly, "yes, I'm so excited to meet her." I said and watched the screen. "Got any names picked out yet?" Claire said trying to calm me down with conversation. "We haven't really talked about it, no. We really should soon though." I said with a giggle. "Alright, well there she is!" She said and pointed to the baby, her features were becoming more and more prominent every time. "Woah." Kat said in amazement as she sat forward in her chair to get a better look.

"Everything is looking great! Have you had any concerns?" Claire said and stared at the screen, "actually yeah, I have been really really tired and when I stand up sometimes I get super dizzy. Is that normal?" I said and chewed my lip nervously, "yeah, it could be low iron, it gets tricky because you can't really eat red meat, but I suggest lots of veggies that have a lot of iron in them, that should be helpful. It's totally normal for that to happen though." She said with a small smile. I nodded, feeling a little better.

"It was good to see you, I'll see you in 2 weeks, okay?" Claire said and I nodded, "see you then!" I said as she dropped us off in the waiting room. "Well? What did you think?" I said to Kat who smiled at me, "that was SO cool. She's so cute already!" She gushed as we made our way to the car.

We drove for about 10 minutes into the drive when I decided to call Colby, he answered almost immediately, "hey babe!" He yelled, as if it was kind of loud where he was, "hey where are you?" I asked causing him to chuckled, "I'm outside waiting for an Uber, the guys are being super loud, sorry." He said quickly then changed the subject, "How did the appointment go?" I smiled, "everything went well, she's so cute already Colby. I wish you could have seen her." I said and felt my eyes fill with tears, "I know, I wish I could have too, listen I have to run, but I love you so much." I nodded, scrunching my brows in confusion, "oh...uh okay I love you too." I said and he hung up "that was so strange.." I said to Kat. "What happened?" She said as she drove down the highway. "He just ended the conversation super fast, I don't know. I guess they are busy." I shrugged, "yeah I wouldn't worry too much about it, Sam does that stuff all the time when they go on trips. I think they get really into work mode or something." I nodded, "I guess you're right." I said and looked out the window.

We drove down the highway for another 30 minutes after we stopped and got some milkshakes, we were singing along to the radio and having a great time. It didn't last long though.

We were driving down the highway when a car in front of us spun out of control, hitting us, "holy shit!!" Kat yelled and stomped on the breaks, causing our car to spin out too, "are you okay?!" Kat said and looked over at me. Before I could respond we were getting hit again. They hit us in the corner of the car, meaning we were sent into a tumble. Both of us let out horrific screams as our car tumbled out of control.

Everything moved in slow motion, but the only thing I could think about was protecting the baby inside of me. I hugged my stomach and made sure the seatbelt wasn't going to cause damage to her as we finally slammed into the guard rail. "SHIT SHIT SHIT" Kat yelled as the car stopped, we were now upside down. "KAT. THE BABY." I sobbed out trying to find my seatbelt so I could be released from the ceiling. "CORA." Kat yelled in a panic as she looked for her seatbelt. We were trapped in the car now. "I-it's gonna explode Kat. We are going to die." I sobbed out and finally released myself, falling to the ground, which was actually the ceiling of the car. Kat managed to get lose and was able to stand up, "it's okay...it's gonna be okay." She said but my vision was already spotting, the adrenaline now fading away. "I'm in so much pain." I wimpered as Kat tried to find something to bust the window open completely. "Me too, but we have to get out of this car. Right now." She said sternly as I tried to get up. My arms were still tightly holding onto my belly, I couldn't let go out of fear. I needed to protect her with my life in this moment,

"Are you guys alive in there? Please be alive.." a mans voice said from outside the door, "we are alive! Please help us...she's pregnant!" Kat yelled as I cried, "oh shit...GUYS. ONE OF THEM IS PREGNANT." He yelled as my vision blacked out slightly.

The biggest opening in the windshield was closer to Kat so they helped her out of the car first, then walked around trying to guide me out of the car. As they were looking I heard a car horn blare, "SHIT STOP!" The man who was helping me out yelled, but it was too late, another car slammed into the car I was in.

My vision went black.

End of book one.

A/N: I know I know you're going to hate me! But look out for the second book, It will be up either tonight or tomorrow! It's going to be called Fearless. Thanks for reading my book y'all. I love you. 🖤🖤🖤

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