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"Wasnt he just the cutest little thing?" Mrs. Brock cooed as little Colby was singing at an elementary school concert. "He is." I said quietly as I leaned into Colby's chest. I was really taking in this moment, sitting here with the love of my life and his parents, watching childhood videos and just enjoying each other's company. Colby turned his head and planted a kiss on my temple, tracing circles onto my arm. "I miss those days sometimes" he said as a video of him and his brother played on the tv. They were running around the yard, pretending to be ninjas as Colby's dad barbecued in the background. Colby's mom was asking them questions from behind the camera.

"I do too...I miss my boys." Mrs. Brock said and started to tear up a little bit. "Mooom." Colby's said and got up, as I leaned away from him. He walked to his mom and gave her a big hug, "do you have to go back so soon?" She mumbled into his shoulder. "Yeah, we have so much work to do and a meeting to go to in the morning, which reminds me..we should probably head to bed soon, it's late." His mom nodded but continued to hug him, I couldn't help but smile. She loved him so much, it caused my heart to clench for a second, remembering that my mother would never love me in that way.

Colby's mom pulled away from the hug as I stood from my seat on the couch, she turned to me. "Oh, Cora." She breathed out and walked to me, enveloping me into a hug, "you're always welcome here. We love you" she said quietly into my ear, causing tears to form in my eyes, "I love you guys too...thank you for everything." I whispered, my voice cracking. She chuckled as Mr. Brock put his hand on my back, "she's right, even if you don't bring Cole with you, you're welcome here." I smiled and turned, hugging Colby's dad. I could see Colby standing a couple feet away, he had a look of admiration on his face. It's possibly the happiest I have ever seen him.

We eventually made our way upstairs, after another couple hugs from his parents of course. "Thanks for coming with me babe." Colby said as he pulled me to him by my waist. I was pulling my pajamas out of my suitcase as he kissed my neck. "I'm glad I came. It sucks we have to leave so soon." I said and turned so now I was facing him, "I know..leaving always breaks my heart. My mom takes it personally and that hurts to see."

I nodded and brought my hand to his cheek, "I know. They should come to LA for Thanksgiving. They could meet my dad." He smirked, "maybe. My mom has a demanding schedule, but I'll ask them about it. We should really go to bed though. It's already super late." He pulled me to him a little more and kissed me, making me instantly melt into him. "Okay." I whispered as soon as we pulled away. He smiled and kissed my forehead before turning away to get ready for bed. I watched him intently, still holding my pajamas in my hands, I admired him as he pulled his shirt off, then folded it nicely, still not noticing I was looking at him. It never failed to amaze me how in love with him I was, or how easy it was to be in a relationship with him. We hardly fought, and he was always so patient with me. We have only been together for a couple months but so much has happened and he stuck with me through it all.

He finally saw me staring at him and gave me a smirk, "what?" He said and smiled wider. "Colby....I-" a strangled sob fell from my lips before I could even hold it back. His smile fell and was replaced by a concerned gaze, "what's wrong? hey hey...don't cry." He said softly and gathered me in his arms. "No....nothing's wrong." I laughed a watery laugh. "I just...I'm so in love with you!" I said earning me a deep chuckle. "I'm in love with you too, Cora." He said and kissed the top of my head. "You're just..so nice and patient and I..I don't deserve you." I mumbled into his chest. "Baby, you deserve the world, I'm just glad I can be a part of it. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, you know that?" He said and pulled away from me, keeping his hands on my upper arms. I nodded as I choked back another sob. He smiled and admired my face, gently wiping the tears away,

"I wouldn't have taken you with me here if I didn't think you would be in my life for a long long time. You know that?" He spoke softly as I nodded and sniffled,

"I wouldn't introduce you to my fans if I didn't think you were the one, you know that?" He brushed my hair away from my face.

"I know." I whispered. "It's because I'm so madly in love with you Cora. Every morning when the sun comes up, you're the first thing I think about, and when the moon comes out at the end of the night, and I'm drifting off to sleep, you're the last thing on my mind before I drift off. I always want to be hugging and kissing you and telling you how goddamn beautiful you are. I want to scream from the top of a mountain, telling the world that you're mine because I'm so proud of you and I'm so proud to call you my girlfriend. I want everyone to know how strong and brave and breathtaking you are. I want fall asleep next to you every night, and wake up seeing your face every single day, because you are the love of my life. There's no one else. There will never be anyone else." His speech took my breath away as he admired every inch of my face. He looked like he was trying to memorize every single thing on my face, etching every detail into his memory. "Colby." I whispered and his eyes darted to my own. "I feel the exact same way." I said causing him to smirk and pull me in for a kiss.

This kiss was different than any other kiss we had shared, this was filled with such passion and lust, like we were telling eachother how much we loved eachother in this one kiss. He pulled me closer by my hips as I laced my fingers through his hair. We kissed for a while, spilling out all the love we had for eachother.

When he pulled away he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, hugging me tightly to him. We held eachother silently for a minute, then decided we needed to go to bed. We laid in his bed together, silently cuddling. He played with my hair as I rested my head on his chest. I listened to his heart beat as he stopped playing with my hair and drifted off to sleep.

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