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We pulled up to Kat's place when I finally decided I would ask again, "what are we doing?" Devyn giggled, "we are having a sleepover, silly! No boys allowed." I smiled. I never had a solid group of friends and I never had sleepovers growing up. "That's fun" I said as we all went inside. Kat had set up for a fun night, there was a little spa area in her living room, and a big blowup mattress in the middle of the dining room. "I'm ordering pizza what do you guys like?" Kat said as she pulled her phone out, "I'm okay with anything." I said and Devyn agreed. We all changed into comfortable clothes and Devyn started to do my makeup. "So, you and Colby" She said with a smirk. "What about us?" I said giggling. "I have known him for years and he has never been this clingy with a girl, he really loves you." She said and applied my foundation with a beauty blender. "He's really special." I said as I felt my cheeks get hot, "how long have you and Corey been dating?" I said changing the subject, "a couple years." She said as she fully concentrated on my makeup. "Pizzas here!" Kat yelled and brought in 2 big boxes of pizza. "Oooo Devyn that looks GOOD" Kat said sitting next to her as she did my eyeshadow. "Thanks!" Devyn said sweetly.

Once she finished my makeup we did a small photo shoot, I felt really pretty. She did such a good job, with a maroon cut crease and a sharp cat eye in eyeliner. I changed my clothes and we continued to take pictures. I was really out of my element, I never really cared about Instagram or anything like that. Being Colby's girlfriend meant I had to start caring more, otherwise the fans would rip me to shreds. "Cora you look so good!" Kat said with an encouraging tone as Devyn snapped the pictures. She showed me them when we were done, I looked really pretty. I couldn't help but smile widely at the phone. Tears threatening to fall onto my cheeks. "You guys" I said and pulled them into a hug. "Thank you. For everything."

I washed off the makeup and we put on some face masks, snuggling into blankets. Devyn was looking for a movie to watch as Kat made some popcorn. I hugged my knees, "should we watch a scary movie?" Devyn said as she scrolled through Netflix. "All the ones on Netflix are dumb." I said and scrolled through my phone. "Oh except the conjuring. We should watch that one." I said as I posted one of the pictures we took onto my Instagram. "Kat are you okay with that?" Devyn called out to her, "yeah!" Kat yelled with a handful of popcorn in her mouth. She walked over and sat between Devyn and I. As the movie went on the heavier my eyes got. I fell asleep.

I didn't dream anything. I woke up hours later, Devyn and Katrina sleeping soundly next to me. I checked the time, it read 5:30am. Surprisingly I got a lot more sleep than I usually get. I checked my phone and saw a text from Colby, my heart immediately skipped a beat.

Colby 🖤: hey baby I hope you're having fun, just wanted to let you know that pizza night is tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 7

I couldn't help but smile. These people accepted me so easily. I knew the good times I was having right now would eventually turn sour. I couldn't help but have that thought in the back of my mind. What was going to ruin this? When was it all going to be taken away from me? I shrugged the thoughts off and got up. I had work in an hour, so I started to get ready. I stayed at Kat's place enough times to have an extra work uniform here, and a toothbrush. Kat lived close so to work that I could just walk. So once I was ready I made my way outside and started to walk to work.

The walk was peaceful. The sun was just about to rise as the birds chirped happily. I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that was lingering over my body. Something didn't feel right. It felt like a piece of me was missing. Maybe working would fill the void, since I hadn't worked in a couple days.

As I clocked in I was greeted by my coworker, Jordan. "Hey girl! Long time no see" she said and gave me a quick hug. I loved working with Jordan but I would rather be here with Kat. Jordan just didn't know me as well, and since I was feeling very weird this morning I didn't know how to deal with her. "I know we haven't worked together in forever" I said with a smile as I poured a latte.

My shift went by really fast, as it was already 4. I gave Kat a call and asked if she could pick me up and take me home. I wanted to nap before Colby picked me up at 7. She answered on the second ring, "hey girl how was work?" She said happily on the other end of the phone. "It was good, I was wondering if you could take me home. I'm too tired to walk." She laughed, "of course I'll be there in 5" she hung up and I sat on the curb outside. I knew something was wrong, since the feeling in my stomach wouldn't go away. Something was wrong. And only time would be able to tell what it was.

Kat's car pulled up and I got in, "Hey you look stressed" she said and pulled away from the curb. "I feel like somethings wrong. I can't put my finger on it.." I said staring out of the window. "Maybe you just need some rest. To reset" she said and pulled into my apartment complex. "I'm gonna try. Will I see you at pizza night?" I said as I got out of the car. "Yep! I'll see you then" she said and drove off as I walked to my apartment, unlocking the door and going in.

I flopped on the bed and curled up in a ball. Why couldn't I shake this feeling? I groaned in frustration and got under the covers. I forced my eyes closed until I finally drifted off into sleep.

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