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"Dude what's your problem?!" Ryan said as Colby grabbed his shirt and slammed him against the shelves. "Colby!" I yelped putting my hands to my mouth in shock. "Ohhhh you must be her boyfriend. Eh her sexy ass could do better." He said smugly and looked at me as Colby slammed him against the shelves again. "DON'T talk about her like that." Colby growled with aggression, causing a shiver to run down my spine. "Colby. Don't. Let's just go." I pleaded as he and Ryan stared at eachother. Ryan had a smug look on his face while Colby looked like he was contemplating whether it was worth the fight. "Colby..." I whispered hopefully, causing him to look at me, the anger radiating off his face softening slightly. "Please, let's just go..it's not worth it." I said and Colby aggressively let go of Ryan's shirt, and started to walk to me .

"Damn you're whipped..but I guess if I was with someone as sexy as her I would be too." Ryan said as Colby stopped. "If you want a real man, I can show you a good time. Right here right now. Your boyfriend can watch, then he will see what a real man looks like, when I bend you over an-" He was interrupted as Colby whipped around quickly and punched him in the jaw, not being able to contain himself anymore, "DON'T TALK TO HER LIKE THAT." He yelled as he tackled Ryan. "Colby!!" I yelled in shock, running over to their tumbling bodies, "please! Stop!" I pleaded and pulled at Colby's shoulder, trying to pull him away.

"HEY." An older man boomed, effectively getting them to both freeze. "You guys wanna tell me why you're fighting in my store?" He said and crossed his arms. He was wearing a blue button up shirt and khakis, and his name tag read, Doug. "This prick was harassing my girlfriend." Colby mumbled and stood up, flexing his now bleeding hand, "look, I'm gonna give you two options. Either separate, or get out of my store." Doug said and crossed his arms. "Colby, let's go. Please." I begged, tears brimming my eyes. Both of them got up and Colby shot Ryan a glare before walking to me, taking my hand in his. "I'm sorry about the fighting. Won't happen again." Colby said to Doug, who nodded and walked away. "Do I get an apology or...?" Ryan said in the most annoying tone ever, "he's sorry for punching you. Now let's go." I said and pulled Colby away before he could respond.

As soon as we were in another aisle I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding, "are you okay?" I asked and grabbed his hand, which was swelling now. "I'm fine." He mumbled as I started to pull each of his rings off. "I'm sorry." He said as I smiled slightly, "violence isn't always the answer Colby." I breathed out and stuck his rings in my purse. "I couldn't stand him talking to you like that, I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have hit him but he was being so gross to you I didn't know w-" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, "I know." I said softly and put my hand on his cheek, "I don't like seeing you get hurt though, especially over nasty comments. I'm a girl Colby, it's not a new thing for guys to say gross things to me like that." I said and brought his swollen hand to my lips, placing a gentle kiss on his knuckles.

"It shouldn't be like that though." He said lowly and looked into my eyes, "I know it shouldn't, but it's sadly how it is. It's okay though, I'm okay, you're okay. Let's just finish our shopping and forget about it alright?" I said and brushed his hair away from his forehead, fixing it. "Okay." He whispered and kissed my forehead before grabbing the cart from me.

We quickly finished our shopping and got out of there, after finally grabbing my animal cracker cookies. "Alright, we only have three hours before my dad is back from work so we have to hurry." I said as we unpacked the groceries. "Have you ever even made homemade pasta?" Colby said with a laugh as I looked through the kitchen for the cookbook. "Nope. Never." I said and looked up at him. He was watching me with a small smile on his face, "what?" I said and looked down, trying to see if something was on me that he could be smiling at,

"you're gonna be a great mom." He said causing me to smile, "what makes you say that?" I said and stepped closer to him, placing my hands on his hips. "You're ambitious enough to make homemade pasta for the first time in your life because it's your dads favorite meal, and you want him to be happy. You went out of your way to buy all these ingredients to make it homemade when we could have just bought a box of dried pasta and called it a day. You're going to be amazing. Also the way you tried to stop me from fighting because you didn't want me to get hurt, even though that prick was in the wrong, and was being absolutely disgusting with you. You wanted to protect me over yourself, which is what any great mother would do. You're just going to be amazing." He said and kissed my forehead. "You're too sweet to me." I said and burried my face in his chest, "you deserve every ounce of love I give you, you deserve so much more than I can give you." He said and swayed me back and forth as he wrapped his arms around me.

"We are never going to get this pasta done." I said with a laugh and pulled away from him, and turned of some music before pulling out the cookbook. "Can you grab the mixer for me? And the pasta attachment." I said pointing to where it was, "yeah, what else?" He said causing my heart to beat harder, he seemed genuinely interested in cooking with me and that warmed my heart. "Umm...flour, and oil from in there, and eggs from the fridge." I said reading the cookbook and pulling out ingredients closer to me.

We started reading the directions and following them as best as we could, as the pasta was resting we danced around the kitchen, Colby even sang a little for me as we swayed to the music together, both of us covered in flour.

Perfect by Ed Sheeren came on and we slow danced, listening to the lyrics. The way Colby was looking at me sent chills down my spine, making me forget about all the worries that were constantly swarming my brain. I hadn't thought about being so interior to his fans almost all day, My mind being occupied by Colby, "what's on your mind, love." He said as we swayed, "I haven't been unwraveling today. I don't feel the nagging feeling in my head, because you are here with me, holding me and protecting me from my thoughts." I said and smiled softly at him, he brushed my hair behind my ear and smiled, "I'll always be here to protect you. To hold you. And to love you." He said and kissed me. As soon as he pulled away he slid his finger on the counter, picking up flour with it and then he booped me in the nose with it.

"Oh it's on." I said and grabbed some flour from the bag.

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