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Colby's alarm blared through the room causing both of us to flinch slightly, "babe." I whispered and looked up at him as he sleepily rubbed his eyes. "Good morning." He said and cracked his eyes open. "Come on, you can sleep on the plane." I said and kissed his jawline, before attempting to wiggle out of his arms. He tightened his grip causing me to laugh, "Colby we have to goooo" I laughed out but laid my head on his chest again anyways. "We can lay here for a minute. It's okay." He mumbled groggily. "Sam is going to kill us if we are late." I said and patted his bare chest with my hand, then attempted to get out of the bed again. "Baaaaaabe!" Colby whined and stretched his arms out. "We can cuddle on the plane!" I said and snatched the blankets off his body. "Fine." He grumbled and got up, sorting through his bag.

We were ready to go within 15 minutes and went downstairs to meet Colby's dad. We were going to pick up Sam on the way so we really had to hurry. "Morning, kids." Mr. Brock said and waved to us as we walked into the kitchen, "good morning." I said and smiled as Colby groggily messed with his hair. "Let's get you to the airport." Colby's dad said and grabbed my bag, leading us to the car. "Wait! One more hug!" Mrs. Brock said and ran into the kitchen attacking Colby with a hug, and a couple kisses on his face. "I love you mom." Colby said and wrapped his arms around her. "Call me when you get home." She said then turned to me, "it was so nice to meet you Cora, I'm serious, come back anytime." She said and pulled me into a hug, "thank you for everything Mrs. Brock." She chuckled, "Cora, please call me mom." When she said that tears instantly formed in my eyes. The thought of having a loving mother like her seemed unreal, it seemed so unattainable. "Okay. Mom it is." I said quietly as I held my tears back. "Alright you kids go ahead...come back to visit soon...please." She said and pulled away from me and looked at both of us, "I'll be back for Christmas mom." Colby said and picked his bag up off the floor again. "Okay Lesa, they have to go." Mr. Brock said as he started to walk out to the car. "Okay, I love you both, safe flight, and call me when you land." She said as we all walked outside. Colby opened my door for me as his dad put my stuff in the trunk. Chivalry certainly wasn't dead in the Brock household.

We eventually made our way to Sam's house, Colby was talking to his dad in the front about them possibly coming for thanksgiving as I leaned my head on the window, letting my eyes close. I knew I couldn't fall asleep yet but I was honestly starting to feel a little sick. It wasn't bad, but I definitely wasn't feeling my best.

I opened my eyes when the car parked and Sam got in, when I opened my eyes the nausea hit a little more, causing me to breathe out. "Hey guys." Sam said then looked at me, "you good?" He whispered and I nodded, "yeah I think I just need to eat something." I said and smiled. That's exactly what it felt like. When you wake up and you're so hungry that you almost feel sick. "Oh here, my mom shoved like six granola bars in my hand as I was leaving, you can have a couple." He said and handed them to me. "Thank you" I said and opened one up. As soon as I started eating I felt better. "That really helped thank you." I said quietly to Sam as we pulled into the terminal at the airport.

"Alright, this is your stop." Mr. Brock said and parked the car. Cold air hit my skin as soon as I opened the door. I bundled up the sleeves of my sweatshirt and hugged myself, trying to stay as warm as possible. "You cold baby?" Colby said and rubbed my arms with his hands as his dad and Sam came walking around the car. "Just a little." I said softly and looked up at him. He smiled and kissed my head then turned to his dad, "have a safe flight son, come visit soon." Mr. Brock said as they shared a hug. Sam handed me my bag, and pulled Colby's out of the trunk. "Bye Cora, it was so good to meet you, make sure you keep him in check." Colby's dad said and gave me a hug, "always." I said and smiled as he pulled away. Colby grabbed my hand with one hand and grabbed his bag from Sam with the other.


The flight went by quickly, all of us slept for most of it. I woke up before the boys. Colby had his head leaned against the window and Sam had his head rested on my shoulder. I took a picture of both of them then shook Colby's shoulder, "baby." I whispered as his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning." He mumbled as I shook Sam's arm, "Saaaam." I sung out as he sat up glancing at us sleepily. "Good morning boys, we are landing." I said quietly. Colby put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it gently. "Good morning." He whispered as I laid my head on his shoulder.

We landed about 20 minutes later and got to Colby's car in record time. It felt great to be back in LA, and I was ready to be back home with Devyn. We got in the car and drove to my place, we didn't talk, instead we just listened to music. Colby kept his hand on my thigh as he rubbed circles on it with his thumb.

When we got to my place I got out of the car and took my bag, "okay, I'll see you guys later. Thanks for bringing me with you." I said and waved to Sam, before leaning back into the car and kissing Colby once. "Bye babe, love you." He said and Sam waved.

I turned and walked to my apartment, unlocking the door to reveal Tara and Devyn singing and dancing around my kitchen. "CORAAAA!" Tara yelled and ran to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Hi guys!!" I said and hugged them both. "How are feeling Dev?" I said as she smiled softly, "I'm okay I think..Tara and Kat have helped a lot, I'm so glad you're back. Come on, let's get you unpacked." Devyn said and pulled me to my room.

We spent the next thirty minutes giggling and unpacking my clothes. "Jake told me the other day.." Tara started saying as I realized something. Something that caused my heart to drop to my ass. I brought tampons on the trip. I was supposed to get my period 3 days ago. I was late.

"Cora...are you okay?" Tara said as I looked up with wide eyes, holding the box of tampons in my hand.

"I...." I choked out and started to hyperventilate, "woah woah...calm down girl what's wrong?" Devyn said and grabbed both my arms. Looking me in the eyes.

"I'm late." I whispered.

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