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"Okay...Cora you have to calm down." Devyn said and pushed me gently onto the bed as I started to panic. I couldn't be pregnant..I just met his parents and they liked me. I was about to singlehandedly ruin Colby's life. Could I even be pregnant? Did the dates line up? My mind was moving a million miles a minute before I felt a stinging on my cheek, "CORA!"  Tara yelled as she leaned into my face. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "Breathe with me." Devyn said and we all took in slow deep breaths together. "Okay. Does the timeline add up? You could be late because of traveling. Let's not jump to conclusions just yet." Devyn said and held my hands reassuringly. "I'm texting Kat. She's going to bring a pregnancy test after work. It's gonna be okay." Tara said and rubbed my back. "Can I see a calendar." I whispered and Devyn pulled her phone out.

I looked at the calendar and started to calculate everything. It was perfect timing. I was most likely pregnant. "I can't do this." I whispered and stood up pacing the room. "You can. We are all going to be behind you with this. It gonna be okay." Devyn said and got up, running to hug me. "He's gonna hate me.." I whispered into her shoulder. "That man could never hate you Cora, he might be scared but he would never hate you for this. You have to trust that. He loves you more than anything." I nodded and pulled away from her so I could look at her, "I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be comforting you." I said with a watery laugh. "Honestly this is the biggest distraction I could ever think of." She said and laughed wiping away my tears quickly. Tara came around and we all group hugged. "Let's go watch a movie and try to relax until Kat gets off. We can't panic right now, especially if you do have a baby in there." Devyn said and I nodded, already feeling a little bit calmer about the situation.

We watched a movie and ate snacks until there was a frantic knock on the door. Tara opened the door and Kat scurried in, "which one of you is it?!" She said and looked at all of us. I raised my hand shakily and she gasped, "oh my god! Okay take it. We need to know." I held back tears as I grabbed it. "Take a deep breath..we will be out here. We will look at it together if you want." Devyn said as I turned to walk to the bathroom.

I stared at myself in the mirror for a minute, holding back a panic attack. I couldn't let myself freak out yet. I took the test and sat on the toilet letting tears fall down my cheeks. I couldn't believe this was happening. We were always so careful. This should have never happened. What was Colby going to say if this test came out as positive?

"Cora??" Kat's voice said as she softly knocked. "Kat." I cried out causing her to open the door. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." She said and pulled me into a hug. "Kat I can't do this." I whimpered out and hugged her tightly. "You can. We are all here for you." I let out a shaky sigh, "what if he hates me." I tightened my grip on her, shaking against her. "Cora he won't hate you. You know him, we also don't even know if you're for real pregnant." I nodded, "we will know in a minute....oh god I'm going to throw up." I whimpered and pulled away from her, holding the test in my hand.

"Come on, let's go out to the living room before you look at the test." Kat said and pulled me up, pulling me gently out into the living room. I held the test in my hand as we walked. It felt like it was burning a hole in my hand. Devyn and Tara watched as we sat on the couch.

"I guess it's time to look...." I whispered and looked up at them. "We are here for you." Tara said and they all watched as I flipped the test over.

"It's positive." I whispered and brought my hand my mouth.

"Holy shit...." Kat said and pulled me into a hug, "I know it's scary right now but congratulations Cora! You're going to be a mom." Devyn said and hugged me. "I have to tell Colby....I have to tell him." I mumbled and pulled my phone out calling him.

"Hey baby what's up?" He answered after a couple rings. "Um...can I come over?" I said quietly into the phone. "Yeah? Is everything okay?" He said with a serious tone. "I'll be over in ten minutes." I said and hung up before he could question anything else. "I'm driving you. Come on, we are all coming." Kat said and got up, pulling me along.

We all piled into the car, the test was still glued to my hand, those 2 pink lines staring at me. I really had a baby growing inside of me right now. In 9 short months I would be bringing a child into the world with Colby. He was the love of my life and I knew I wouldn't want to be doing this with anyone else, but were we ready? No. We weren't. This was going to ruin his career. The fans would hate me so much if they knew, I couldn't do this...

"Cora." Kat's voice broke through my thoughts, "I'm sorry....what?" I said and looked at her, "we are here.." she said and pulled into the driveway. "You ready?" Tara said and rubbed my shoulder. "I don't know." I whispered but put my hand on the handle, getting out of the car. I slipped the test in my pocket as I slowly made my way to the front door.

Colby was pacing in the dining room, "Cora? Baby are you okay?" He said causing my heart to race again. "Come here.." I whispered and grabbed his hand, leading him up the stairs and to his room. "Baby please talk to me you're scaring me." He said as I closed the door. "I-I'm so sorry...please don't hate me." I whispered as tears streamed down my face. "I could never hate you Cora...what is happening?" He said and rushed to me, holding both sides of my face. I looked into his eyes for a second then looked down and pulled the test out of my pocket.

He looked down and furrowed his brows, "what is that?" He said quietly.

"Colby...I'm pregnant."

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