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We went to my favorite restaurant in my home town, it was my first job. My dad was good friends with the owner so we came here all the time. "Is that who I think it is?" Vince said to me. He was your typical Italian man, he even had a jersey accent. "In the flesh" I said and held my arms out for a hug. He hugged me, "it's been forever!! I heard about your dad. I'm so sorry sweetie" he said and I nodded sadly, "thank you." I spoke quietly but shook my head trying to keep the happy feeling I had felt before. "These are friends from LA, this is Sam and Kat," I gestured to them and they both waved happily. "And this is my boyfriend Colby." He smiled and shook Vince's hand. "Nice to meet you guys." He said and laughed a little, "well enough chit chat, you guys look like skeletons! Let's get you some food" I smiled as Colby grabbed my hand. "He's really nice" he said as we walked to the table. "He's like my second father at this point." I said and slid in the booth, Colby slid in next to me.

"This place is so cute, why did you ever move away?" Kat said with a giggle as she looked around. It was a cute mom and pop kind of place, but they had the best meatballs known to man.

We all ordered our food and talked the whole time. I almost forgot the reason we were here and not in LA. I preferred it that way though. "So Colby and I might have to go back to LA sooner than we thought." Sam said and I furrowed my brow. "Our manager just messaged me." He said as he looked at his phone. "We have a big meeting we have to go to...it's possibily for an XPLR hot topic line but they can only meet with us tomorrow." He said looking up from his phone. "That's great!" I said, since they had always shopped there and this was essentially a dream come true. "I can't leave you." Colby said softly as he put his hand on my leg. "No! I will not let you blow an opportunity like this for me. I'll be okay. I want you to go, plus I'll have Kat here with me." He squeezed my leg gently. "Are you sure? We can see if-" I shook my head, "no. I'm sure." I interrupted and pulled my phone out. I looked up flights that could leave late tonight. In reality I didn't want him to go. I wanted him to be here to comfort me, but what kind of girlfriend would I be if I held him back from his dreams. "There." I said and they looked at me quizzically. "I booked you guys a flight. It leaves at midnight, so you guys will be back in LA by 8:30 tomorrow morning." Colby sighed next to me. He looked torn, but I gave him a reassuring smile.

We finished up our food and rushed back to my place so that they could get ready to go to the airport. I sat on the bed as Colby closed the door. "Cora...are you sure." He said and sat next to me, pulling me into his lap. "Im sure. Colby I can't keep you here when your dream could come true in LA. I can't hold you back from this." He sighed and held my face with one hand looking in my eyes, "how did I get so lucky." He mumbled and admired my features. I smirked and pulled him into a kiss, he held my waist as I pulled away. "I'm the lucky one." I said and got off his lap, started to gather his stuff. "I just don't want you to face this alone...they are probably waking your dad up tomorrow..I don't want to leave you." He spoke softly as we sat next to me on the floor. "I have dealt with some crazy stuff by myself, as much as I want you here, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I held you back from this meeting. And plus I won't be alone, I have my aunt and Kat will be here." He nodded slowly, "okay but the second you feel overwhelmed, you call me okay?" He grabbed my face, turning it gently so I was looking in his eyes. "Okay." I said sweetly and kissed him. I knew he was struggling to believe I would be okay, but in reality I didn't want him to have to see the aftermath of what was going to happen. I was sick of looking weak in front of him.

Colby had finished packing and we had to leave for the airport in order for them to catch their flight. Colby held my hand as I drove, the car was silent. Once we pulled into the parking lot I got out, Sam and Kat walked to the entrance of the building to say goodbye as Colby grabbed his stuff out of my car. I silently leaned against the door, keeping a small smile on my face and watching him. "What are you smiling about?" He said with a chuckle. "I don't know. You're just really cute." I said and smirked a little more. "Come here" he said quietly and held his arms out. I stepped away from the car and he wrapped his arms around me. He took a deep breath as his cheek rested on my head. "I'll only be gone a couple more days." I said and felt his chest vibrate as he hummed in agreement, "take all the time you need. I'll come back here if you need me to." He spoke quietly as we just held each other. I took in his scent and his warmth, knowing I wouldn't be feeling it for a while. "Maybe. I don't want to take you away from your work." I mumbled into his chest before he leaned away, he pushed my chin up with his fingers so I was looking at him, "you are always going to be more important to me than my work." He stared into my eyes. "I will stay here with you, and lose the hot topic deal, because you mean that much to me." I shook my head "no, I would never let you do that. You have worked so hard to be where you are now, please don't let my horrible situation ever hold you back." He took a deep breath. "Cora-" he started but I shook my head, "I'll be okay." I smiled slightly and rubbed his arm. "I love you." He said and grabbed my face. My heart was beating out of my chest, he had said it once before, but it was more of an in the moment, sex induced lust. "I love you too." I said as he kissed my forehead.

We joined the others at the door and said our last goodbyes. I hugged Sam, "thanks for being here, even if was for only a short amount of time." He laughed a bit, "yeah I wasn't expecting to be here for such a little amount of time." I nodded, "duty calls though, and you guys will knock 'em dead." I said and smiled. Kat and Colby were done conversing and the boys finally went through the door leaving us alone.

"Wanna get some icecream and watch movies?" Kat said causing me to shrug, "sounds good to me" I could instantly feel myself getting sad that he wasn't here. "I may not be Colby, but I'll help you get your mind off of things okay?" She patted my back as we walked to the car. She was truly the best best friend I could ask for.

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