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Colby's POV

"What are we gonna do?" Sam whispered next to me. We were shut into a small closet for what felt like forever. "We have to be quiet right now." I said to him and he nodded in agreement. This wasn't the first time we hid from the police. Why were they even here?? Were Jake, Corey, and Cora about to get arrested for no reason? I checked my phone for the time, it read 4:30am. I decided in my head that when it was 5 it would be safe to get out of this closet. "Dude they got arrested." I mouthed to Sam. He furrowed his brows, "what makes you think that?" He mouthed back. I sighed silently, "they haven't come to get us yet." I bit my lip. We had to get them out of this situation.

I checked my phone, it was now 5. "Alright, it's probably safe now." I said and opened the closet door. We ran down the stairs. The house was empty and there weren't any cops outside anymore. "Fuck." I said and combed my fingers through my hair. "Alright, we need to get some sleep before we can sort any of this out." Sam said, it seemed ridiculous because our friends were in trouble but he was right, we couldn't do anything until sunrise anyways.

We woke up a couple hours later, I immediately checked my phone to no new messages. "Do you think they bailed out? Or if they are just in jail for no reason." Sam said as we jogged to the car. "I don't know..I think we should call Jennifer. Ask her if something happened last night to cause this." He nodded and pulled out his phone.

Just as he went to dial the number, Jake called. Sam put it on speaker, "Hello?" he said into the phone. "Hey man. Where are you guys." He said on the other end.

"We are on our way to the jail." Sam said as I sped down the mountain. "Alright, well Corey and I paid our bail, we are just waiting for you guys." I furrowed my brow, "what about Cora?" I said causing Jake to sigh, "dude they separated us immediately, She was basically being taken to the back by the time we got there." His voice sounded a little scared, "we tried to pay her bail but they wouldn't let us, it has to be someone in her family or we have to talk to some bonds person or something like that." He continued.


"What were you guys even in there for?? We didn't do anything." Sam said as I pulled onto the highway. "They said the neighbors called Jennifer's grandpa asking if there were supposed to be people in there, he didn't know we were supposed to be there apparently so he called the police to go check it out. When we opened the door they thought we were trespassing" Jake explained, "But we had permission from Jennifer..did you tell them that?" Jake laughed a little, "dude they wouldn't listen to us..we told them multiple times that we were allowed to be there." I shook my head, "alright we will be there soon. We are gonna call Jennifer and see if she can get Cora out of there..." I was honestly scared for her. I knew what kind of people were in that prison and they would do some horrible things to a girl like her.

Sam immediately called Jennifer, "hey!" He said frantically right when she picked up, "what's up...?" She said cautiously. "Jennifer, our friends were arrested because your grandpa called the cops saying there were intruders in the house." I pulled into the parking lot of the jail. "Oh my god, I told him about you guys going!" She said with an annoyed tone, "Okay I'll meet you guys at the jail, I'm in the area so I'll be there in 5 minutes. I'll set them straight. Don't worry." She said then hung up the phone.

"This is so messed up." I said hitting the steering wheel with rage. "It's so bad.." Sam muttered, "I can't believe she's in there right now..if she has one scratch on her I swea-" Sam interrupted me, "I know. She's tough though, she can hold her own. She has only been in there for a couple hours." He spoke gently as we saw Jennifer pulling in. We got out of our cars, "guys I'm so sorry" she said as we walked quickly to the entrance. In the waiting room Corey and Jake were sitting, they bolted up when they saw us. "Are you guys okay?" I said as I hugged Corey, "yeah, we didn't even go to the back." Jake said as he hugged me. "Okay we have to get Cora out." I said and walked to the front desk with Sam and Jennifer, "hi, I think there's been a misunderstanding, is there someone I can talk to about the three people that were arrested last night for trespassing. It was these two, and a girl named Cora Williams." Jennifer said sweetly but also sternly.

"Yeah, I'll get the sheriff for you." He said and picked up his walkie talkie, "officer Suarez to the front please" he nodded for us to go stand to the side.

Eventually a man walked through the door, he walked over to us. "Hi I'm officer Suarez. what can I help you with?" Jennifer smiled, "Hello, my name is Jennifer Callaway, you arrested three innocent people last night, including those two over there and a girl named Cora Williams. I am the granddaughter of the owner of the cabin, his name is Sullivan Callaway. I have my ID to prove we are related. I gave them permission to the house, they even have a key." She spoke stirnly, getting to the point. He furrowed his brows. "I can call him if you would like." She said when he didn't respond. "Call him." He said causing Jennifer to whip her phone out to call her grandpa. The two of them walked off to another corner to have the conversation, since it was loud where we were.

I watched as they talked. Officer Suarez went white after a couple minutes. They walked back to us, summoning Jake and Corey to come to the group now, "I'm incredibly sorry, we will take all of this off your record and give you your $3,000 back..this has never happened before." He spoke slowly. I didn't even know they did that. "I'm going to go work things out in the back, then I will bring the girl up." He said and turned away, walking through the double doors.

"Thank you Jennifer" I breathed a sigh of relief and gave her a hug. "I'm so sorry again, I told him about you guys being there..he's kind of losing it..I'm sorry." She said and hugged the rest of them, "I have to go now, but I hope everything else goes smoothly, call me if there's any problem." She said and then left the building.

Another hour went by of us sitting in this room, we stood waiting for Cora to come through the doors, "did you see her at all??" I asked Corey and Jake. "She was getting taken to the back when we were waiting in the room." I nodded, "did she look scared?" I asked quietly. Corey bit his lip, "she looked scared. This guy grabbed her butt as they were going in. I was about to kill him, but she said it was fine, then we haven't seen her since." I tried to control the anger that was coursing through my body. If he touched her out in a waiting room I don't even want to know what happened in the actual jail cells.

The doors finally opened, revealing Cora. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she walked slowly towards us. The corner of her mouth turned up slightly as I ran to her, tightly wrapping my arms around her. "You okay?" I whispered in her ear as she hummed lightly and melted into my body. She fell limp, passing out from exhaustion in my arms. I couldn't help but chuckle slightly. I scooped her up in my arms, letting her sleep. "Let's go." I said once everything was sorted.

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