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We spent hours at the arcade, Colby won me a stuffed giraffe and was super proud of himself for it. We eventually had to say goodbye to Sam, Nate, and Alex, because Colby and I were going to dinner with his parents.

"Did you have fun?" Colby asked as he grabbed my hand. We were a few minutes away from the restaurant we were meeting his parents at, "yeah, I really like Alex and Nate, they seem like great guys." He smiled, "yeah, they have stuck with us through it all. They really liked you too." I giggled as he brought my hand to his lips, then placed our intertwined hands on his lap. "Colby?" I said and looked over to him, "what's up babe?" He said as we pulled into the parking lot. "Thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for everything." He chuckled "baby, I want you to be a part of my life, I want you to meet all of my family and friends, because you're going to be a part of my life for a long time. I love you." I smiled as he brought his hand to his lips again, "I love you too, I'm just so grateful for you..and I really want you to meet my dad. For the same reason, I want the two most important men in my life to know eachother." He parked the car then turned to me, "I would love to meet your dad." I smiled "he's coming to LA for Thanksgiving." I said softly as he caressed my cheek. "I can't wait to meet him Cora." I smiled as he leaned in and pressed his lips softly to mine. "Come on, let's go inside." I whispered as he smiled and opened his door, sliding out.

We made our way inside, meeting Colby's parents in the waiting area. "Hey guys! How was the arcade?" Mr. Brock said and waved to us, "it was really fun, Nate and Alex say hi." Colby said as he hugged his mom. "I love those boys, I'm so glad you stayed close with them even after moving." Colby smiled, "yeah, me too."

We ate dinner and talked about everything and anything. I learned that Colby's dad used to be in a band and his mom is a nurse. I assumed she had some sort of medical background since she saved my life last night.

"Maybe when we get home we can watch some old videos from when Cole was a kid." Mr. Brock said as we left the restaurant. "Honestly I would love that." I said and grabbed Colby's hand, as he gave his dad a pointed look. "No you wouldn't." He said and pulled me to him, causing me to giggle, "what you don't want me to see your cute little face?" I mocked causing him to scrunch his nose,
"I was so embarrassing." He mumbled as we reached our car, "we will see you guys at home!" Colby yelled to his parents then opened my door for me. "Thanks babe." I said sliding into the car. As I slid in Colby smacked my ass causing me to yelp. "Colby!" I laughed out and turned to him, "sorry, I couldn't help it." He smirked then walked to his side of the car as I fully got in.

As soon as Colby got in the car he grabbed my hand, his eyes went wide as he reached for it, "what?" I said and looked down, seeing blood soak through my pants, where my stitches were, "shit." I hissed and looked over at him, "you weren't even being rough with it." He mumbled, still staring at my leg. "It's in a weird spot..walking could have made it open...let's just get back so your mom can yell at me." He chucked, "she's not going to yell at you, I won't let her." He said and started the car.

"What time is our flight tomorrow?" I said quietly as he held my hand tightly. "8am, so we have to get up pretty early." I nodded, "have you talked to Dev since we were at the arcade?" I frowned, "no, I should probably check on her." I pulled my phone out and dialed Devyn's number.

"Hey." She said and sniffled, making my heart break, "hey, how are you doing?" I said softly as she sniffled again, "um...I'm okay...Kat is here and Tara is on her way...we are making brownies." She said as her voice cracked. I clutched onto my chest feeling her heartbreak through the phone. "That's good, they are going to take care of you. I'll be home tomorrow, we will spend the day together. That sound good?" I said and she hummed in agreement. "Can I talk to Kat for a second?" I said as I heard her start to cry harder. "Hey." Kat's voice rang through the phone, "hey, you're staying over there tonight right?" I heard her console Devyn, then responded, "yeah, I work 6-2 though, but Tara is going to stay over also, when are you getting back?" I sighed, "we land at 10 I think, so I'll be back at my place by 11?" Colby squeezed my hand and nodded, "yeah by 11." I confirmed, "okay, sounds good, I'm gonna go, we are going to target to get some face masks." I nodded, "okay, I'm sending all my love, and I'll see you tomorrow." Kat said goodbye then hung up.

"How is she?" Colby said and pulled into the driveway. "She's so heartbroken Colby...I just...I don't know what to do.." I said as my voice went thick, "hey, it's okay baby..." he said and parked the car. "I just...I feel so helpless." I said as he wiped the tears off my cheek. "I know baby, but you're letting her stay at your place when you aren't there. You have the biggest heart, and I know she is appreciative of you right now. We will be back tomorrow and you'll be able to be by her side. She's gonna be okay, they both are..it's just hard because they have dated for so long. It will be okay though." Colby said and pulled me to him, "I know..." I sniffled and pulled back looking into his concerned eyes. "You're right...she will be fine. Both of them will be." He smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear.

We eventually made our way inside, hands intertwined. We walked to the living room, "hey mom, we think Cora's stitches ripped open." Colby said and gestured to my leg. "Yeah, I expected that. Cora honey, go ahead and get changed, if you have shorts that would be best." I nodded and starting walking up to Colby's room. I changed into some shorts and one of Colby's T-shirts, my leg had ripped open but it didn't look that bad. I started to walk downstairs when I noticed a picture on the wall of Colby with a bunch of his friends, he looked so happy, but there was also a sadness in his eyes that I could see.

I pressed my fingers on the picture examining it more. "That was a long time ago." I heard Colby mumble behind me. I turned to him and held my arms out for him, he smiled slightly and wrapped his arms tightly around me, placing his chin on my head. "Why do you look so sad in it?" I whispered. "I had my heart broken right before that picture was taken. I was in high school and the girl I asked to prom called me a freak because Sam and I were just getting into social media. It wasn't normal to do stuff like that back then. I really liked her and it hurt when she said it. This picture was taken the day after it happened because the guys wanted to cheer me up." He squeezed me slightly as I pushed myself into him more. "Babe..you aren't a freak..you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." I said quietly as his chest vibrated with a chuckle, "it was a long time ago Cora, I haven't even thought about that story in years. I agree though, that you're the best thing to ever happen to me...other than Sam." I laughed. "Sam is totally above me, but that's okay because if you never met Sam then you would have never met me." I pulled away and looked at him as he brought his hand to my cheek.

"That's very true. Now come on, let's go watch some of my baby videos and stitch up your leg." He said and kissed me quick before grabbing my hand and leading me back downstairs.

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