We Meet Again...

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Dinnea's POV: Waking up to a stream of light coming through Diona's window, it seemed like the storm had finally stopped. Birds were chirping bringing in the early morning, making everything seem normal for a change. Stretching I looked at Diona rousing from her sleep. "Psst. Pssssst…." I whispered. Diona groaned with annoyance as she glanced up at me with sleepy eyes. "What?" "We survived the night." I said. Letting it set in I got up to get ready for school that morning. "I did, but you almost didn't trying to sneak into my room last night." She said as I was leaving the room.

            After we were ready for the morning, we set out for the school. The sun was shining brightly, with the slight chill from the morning breeze. As we were walking a motorcycle rolled by, catching my attention. Thinking back to yesterday, I thought about my intense conversation with Takashi, and the decision I still had to make. "…. I know deep down inside, you feel the same way too, but you keep denying the truth." His words seemed to echo inside my head over and over again. I was starting to think that my thoughts were revolving around Takashi a little more than i liked. Sighing I started to pick up the pace. "Hey wait up girl." I heard Diona call from behind me. I stopped mid-step for her to catch up. "You ok there?" "Huh, yeah I'm fine." I said giving her a reassuring smile. She stared at me suspiciously, as if she was trying to figure out the truth, but before she got the chance commotion from down the street caught our attention. "What was that?" I said quickly trying to change the subject. "I don't know, but it sounds like it's coming from the school… Let's go check it out." Grabbing my hand she directed us towards all the noise.

            When we arrived to the school's gates nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary until we got inside. Students were rushing every which way, as if they were trying to figure out where to go. Everything seemed chaotic and out of place, making my morning seem less normal by the second. "What do you think is going on Diona?" I asked. She looked just as lost as me. "I'm not sure, maybe something happened." Looking around I managed to catch a glimpse of red hair coming down the stairs. "Hey Naki!" I said while trying to yell over all the commotion. Catching his attention he waved as he started to move towards us. "Hey how's it going?" "Fine. What's up with all the craziness in the hallway?" Naki suddenly gives Diona and me a weird look. "What?" Diona asked. "You mean you guys don't know?" "Know what?" "Last night's storm blew over that giant tree that was behind the school. It collapsed, and a section of the school was damaged." Diona gasped in shock. "Oh my gosh…no one was hurt were they?" "No, thankfully no one was here when it happened."

            I suddenly remembered when Takashi and I were on our way out of the school, hearing a loud crash. "That must have been it…" I thought. A loud speaker sounds overhead, chiming in the principals voice. "..Ahem..attention students, if you all would please proceed to the auditorium for an assembly in an orderly fashion. The assembly will take place in ten minutes thank you." Well if we didn't know what was going on already, we would have found out eventually. "Let's go before it starts to get crowded soon." Naki said while heading in the direction towards the auditorium. Shrugging my shoulders I followed behind him.

            The meeting in the auditorium was fairly quick, if you took out the news of the incident and safety issues. Other than that the only new information was the new class assignments. Since there weren't enough classrooms for all the classes, the school decided to combine some of them. Mainly just homeroom, to keep the flow of things going. Diona and I weren't sure if our classrooms got switched but we were soon going to find out. Principal Mazamaki announced that our new schedules for homerooms that were down the damaged hallway should be posted downstairs as of right now. The thought of most of my classes being changed kind of made me a little unhappy. I had just started to get used to most of my classes and now this happens. I wonder who else had to get their classes changed.

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