Why are You Here?!

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Dinnea's POV: As soon as Kiyo walked out of the room, Naki and I both knew that he wasn't just going out to get some air...he was going to talk to Diona. Naki sighed sitting back against the couch resuming to look through the song book, as if nothing happened. "So you can rap..."Naki said bringing my attention away from the door. Looking over at him he was eyeing me thoughtfully. "Y-yea. I try not to reveal everything at once, I like to keep the people guessing." I said jokingly. "You're just full of surprises." Naki said while quietly laughing to himself. "You're telling me, I thought Kiyo and you were going to morph into the vocaloids in a second." I said cracking up. Naki abruptly closed to song book bringing me to a jerk. Suddenly looking over at me with a serious look on his face he said, "I can take a lot of things Dinnea, but I refuse to be called a vocaloid..."

Even though his whole demeanor was totally serious, I busted out laughing. "So that's the straw that breaks the camel back, being called a vocaloid?!" I said looking at him incredulously. "Listen I have no idea what you're even saying right now, but no I refuse to be called a vocaloid. I doesn't exactly help my reputation with the lady's if you know what I mean." He said winking at me. Shaking my head at him I said, "I don't know...some girls might actually like that. You gotta open your options man, or you'll forever be alone." Patting him on the shoulder I reach over to take the song book from his lap, but before I could pull it away he gently grabbed my wrist. "Do you like them? ...vocaloids I mean." He said quietly. I couldn't tell if he was being serious, or just joking around. Pulling the book towards me I replied, "They're ok, but I prefer actually people singing. Just gives it more of a genuine feel, ya know?" He nodded. "So speaking of actually singers...who's your favorite band?" He asked me curiously. "Oh that's easy, Asian Kung-Fu Generation!" I said happily. He looked at me with a shocked expression on his face. "Heh really? Not an American band?" "Don't get me wrong America has some pretty iconic bands, but what attracted me to them was the meaning of their lyrics. I don't know this might sound sappy and I'm not trying to anger by saying this, but now a days you can't get any good music like the greats anymore. It's all about money, girls, and fame. Where's the story?!" I said slightly raising my voice.

"It sounds like you're pretty passionate about music." Naki said thoughtfully. "Yeah, other than Diona music is pretty much my best friend, in a figurative way of speaking. It's been there for me through the ups and downs of my life." I said looking directly at him. "I totally understand what you mean. The best thing about being a musician is that I can say exactly what I want to say, and play just about anything that pops up in my head and call it mine... There's no better felling in the world than listening to something that you've worked hard on." Naki said. As we sat there and talked I was beginning to see the real Naki sitting in front of me. When he talked about music his demeanor changed, and he seemed so passionate about the whole conversation. It was rare to see him like this, not cracking jokes to carry on a conversation, but just simply speaking to me.

"So I've been working on this new song..." He said bringing my attention back towards the conversation. "Really? What's it about?" I asked intrigued. "Moments..." He stated simply. "Ok. What kind of moments." I said pushing him for more information. He sat there for a while thinking of the right way to put his next words. "Mmm.. It's kind of hard to explain, you see everyone in the world has moments which they remember clear as day. Some good and some bad." He looked over at me, making sure I was following along. I nodded motioning for him to continue. "I believe what makes a person unique is based upon the moments that individual has had from their past to their present. What I'm simply trying to say is that moments are precious. They're happening all around the world at every hour and every second of each day, and if you're not careful...you might just miss one." He said looking right at me.

Something inside me tugged for a split second from his words. His words were so simple, but something about them seemed so familiar. Clearing my throat I quickly looked away. "...Oh man I wonder what's taking Kiyo and Diona so long." I said while looking at the time on my phone. Almost sensing the change in conversation he said, "Hmm, it's been about ten minutes I wonder what could be taking them so long. You think we should go look for them?" I stood up almost too quickly. "I can! Ahem...I mean, I can go look for them." I said offering. "You sure? I could go with you, this place is kinda big and you could get los_" "No, no it's fine. They're probably up front somewhere, and forgot which room we're in." I said headed for the door. "Ok.." I heard him say as I was closing the door.

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